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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. If the NCAA presidents were so against the NCAA micromanaging their institutions, where is the outcry over what the NCAA is doing to UND? What the Executive Committee is doing right now is "micromanaging institutions" and exercising "unlimited authority" and the membership as a whole doesn't seem to care one bit. I've heard no public comments from any school that has not been directly affected by the policy. The hypothetical proposed legislation before the entire membership that might follow a UND court victory on procedural grounds would not give the NCAA "unlimited authority" to do whatever it wanted. In fact, a membership vote would do the exact opposite, which is to keep the NCAA a "bottom-up" member-controlled association. So even if the college presidents cared about the Executive Committee micromanaging their institutions, they wouldn't have a big problem voting for legislation specifically relating to some sort of Indian nickname ban.
  2. Yes, but my point was that the victory may be short-lived.
  3. A good idea, but unfortunately I don't think they'd be able to sell enough advertising to break even if it was not going to be televised in Grand Forks.
  4. It's just a dang shame we couldn't host Omaha in the 2nd round as was expected. That would have generated some excitement and the attendance would have been at least decent. I expect the attendance for the Winona to be dismal - around 5,500. It also solidifies the decision to move up to DI-AA. A few more years of this general lack of interest might have killed the program for good.
  5. As much as I'd like to watch this game on satellite, I hate to think of the poor attendance televising it would cause. The attendance will not be great even if it isn't televised. Casual Sioux fans are tired of playing the likes of Winona State, playoffs or not. Assuming UND beats Winona, I think the game at Omaha is certainly going to be televised on FSSN.
  6. I believe the reason is because the NCAA wanted to establish the authority of the Executive Committee for future "social justice" battles that perhaps would be too controversial to pass the entire membership. The key is to establish the precedent on agreeable issues and use the precedent on more controversial issues. I believe we've only touched on the social engineering the NCAA has in store. After all, you don't establish a Subcommittee on "Gender and Diversity Issues" if you don't intend to use it.
  7. Newberry will drop the nickname. This wasn't some stunt to pull a fast one by the NCAA to host games for one more year. As a Jimdahl said, the soft wording in their public letter was probably for the benefit of the stakeholders in favor of keeping the name. There will be a process that gives them a "voice" even though the outcome is predetermined.
  8. Agree to disagree then. I have absolutely no faith in America's colleges and universities. If given the chance to vote on some PC "social justice" legislation, I believe the vast majority of institutions will vote for it despite whatever skeletons they may have in their closet. In fact, I believe it's especially true for those institutions that have skeletons in their closet (like SCSU) because it deflects attention from them and allows them to effectively say "see, we really do care..." And if the member institutions are worried about the "floodgates" opening, they'd be more concerned about the transfer of seemingly unlimited power from the members to an unaccountable committee. All I've heard from schools unaffected by this policy is crickets.
  9. NCAA won't appeal ruling in UND nickname case
  10. I understand your point. PCM has wondered the same thing. My opinion is that they didn't take it to the membership originally because they wanted to establish precedent for the Executive Committee to have this type of authority (not necessarily because they thought the members would vote it down). So they will fight this lawsuit for that reason. If they are unsuccessful, they will send it to the members. Although the policy/legislation may be different, I think that ultimately the membership would approve some sort of legislation that punishes certain schools for their Indian nicknames.
  11. I read the order and the Judge ruled that UND was likely to prevail on Counts I and II of its Complaint (breach of contract and breach of implied duty of good faith), but was not likely to prevail on Count III (anti-trust). That is what I expected. Count III is going to awfully tough for UND. Unfortunately, Counts I and II are only procedural violations. UND will certainly face a membership vote if it prevails on only those counts. But I suppose that is better than being the victim of an arbitrary policy by an unaccountable committee. At least UND would have an opportunity to present its case and make an argument to its fellow members.
  12. http://www.ag.state.nd.us/NCAA/MemorandumD...yInjunction.pdf
  13. Here is the Injunction Order: http://www.ag.state.nd.us/NCAA/MemorandumD...yInjunction.pdf
  14. Here is the story on the selection by the Herald. As expected, it's PC cliches from Lennon. There is no suggestion by Lennon or the reporter that dropping to #3 was retribution for the lawsuit/injunction. I suppose it doesn't do any good for Lennon to dwell on it, but I hoped the reporter might have at least raised the possibility and maybe tried to get an explanation from a committee member.
  15. There's no need to wait until trial. UND could immediately subpoena them for a deposition as a regular part of the discovery process.
  16. I expect a much closer game than last time. UND has to guard against going into "We really have to play this game?" mode. And I doubt attendance will be very good. My sense amongst the fanbase is that they're tired of Winona State games.
  17. There's a way to make your point without insulting everyone else in this forum. How about this - "I hope they put the Sioux game on FSSN and leave ABC open for the Ohio State-Michigan game." Bush league D2 playoff game? UND football "fans"? Go away troll.
  18. Agree. But my point was that beating Grand Valley on the road might have been a little easier with a week off and a home game prior to it. While it was always a tall task, it seems nearly impossible now. I'm not giving up...just lamenting a little.
  19. Perhaps. But on the other hand, UND will have to go on the road and beat Omaha and Grand Valley on back to back weekends to make it to the semifinals. That seems like almost an insurmountable task.
  20. UND was #2 going into this weekend. UND played and beat a tougher team and should have only improved its S.O.S. I know UNO beat UND head-to-head and that's probably what the selection committee will hang its hat on, but this just seems way too coincidental. If I were UND's attorneys, I'd subpoena every member of the selection committee to see if there was any pressure to punish UND for its lawsuit/injunction. I smell contempt of court.
  21. Yep. It will be a great weekend. I'll get to catch Sioux-CC in hockey and the Sioux football playoff game all in the same weekend!
  22. I must say that was a great win by UND. I thought that South Dakota was a very good football team. I will be up in Grand Forks in two weeks to watch the Sioux host their first playoff game. And, yes, I'm confident there will be a playoff game in Grand Forks!
  23. Wow, this South Dakota team looks REALLY good. Everyone was talking about Logan, but their QB is putting on a clinic right now -- passing and running the ball.
  24. Yep, [url="http://www.grandforksherald.com/articles/index.cfm?id=16312
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