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Everything posted by Handyman
I would never come here to rub it in. I may say it in private or with my friends but why kick a group of fans when their down? It would just give sprig more ammo to criticize everything Gopher fans say and we need less of that guy I understand frustration at losing, it sucks! I dont think that excuses a lot of what I see here in this thread, but who am I to judge? I also dont care whether you respect me, my team, my friends or fellow fans. I would hope you do since in reality KBG, GE, WPOS and bert are all good guys as am I despite what some may say. Arrogant? SURE! Any more arrogant than many other fans...HELL NO! Does it matter? Not a bit thankfully! I don't like when the biotchfests started on POI (along with the influx of NEWBIE fans who start flames both for and against the Gophers and their rivals) because it took what was once a peaceful and fun board and turned it into USCHO jr. While most of the time the UND fans like dagies and jk are respectful they are quick to stand up for Blais and the Sioux and their fellow fans just like WPOS is here. I dont have a problem with it there and dont think it should ever be a problem. I had a similar problem on this board last year when I fought back against what a few of the posters said about Gopher fans. If you dont want us here say so. But if we are welcome to post we should be able to defend our fellow fans from stupid sterotypes that are so lame and stupid they border on the fantastic! I dont begrudge you that on POI and I dont agree with those who do. (I honestly hate when people use the "This is a Gopher Board" excuse cause it implies segregation which seems dumb on a public message board IMO) Now I know I will chances are get a bevy of responses to this post saying "well you are pathetic" or calling me "handjob man" or whatever clever name is in style. That is cool, my life hardly hinges on it. I am just trying to say that good fans dont judge by what team you cheer for, but by the way you cheer and how. In both cases I suck so that point is moot for me but in general I think most posters with any sort of history on here, or POI, or USCHO know enough about each other to truly respect them despite their allegiances or stray dumb comment. Since I am probably nothing like you all expect (ask Murph he has met me) me to be I assume none of you are as you post. I dont judge you by words on a web site since they are as worthless as Canadian money That is my 2 cents...I hope it made some sense cause I dont think I can type this much again without taking a pot shot at someone other than myself. I hope I didnt upset any of you since I didnt intend to, but if I did I guess you will just have to deal. I respect the UND Sioux program, dont like it but respect it. Having met Dean Blais I must say he was a nice guy and he is a helluva coach. Hard to argue with the tradition or the rivalry. And while I may not be able to cheer for you (I cant cheer for rivals most of the time...I am very stubborn) most of the time, I would never be angry if you ended up on top. Believe me that is my ultimate sign of respect.
Man sounds like last year when people talked about Hauser...I wonder how that one turned out I watched Cornell play BC today and I am sorry but they dont strike me as world beaters. Mankato is a one line team with decent goaltending that tied their way to a Top 3 finish. Cornell dominating them was no surprise. But Cornell needed 2OT to beat BC and that is far from impressive. While the goalies stats are unbelievable, but he only faces 20 shots a game. As for the Gopher goalies, their numbers are weak that is for sure, but they find ways to win you have to admit. JJ was awesome in the CC game and Web has been pretty solid all year. The expectations arent high, make the first save and dont give up more than 3 goals. IF the Gophs cant score 4 they dont deserve to win it would seem. I dont care what happens, I am just glad the team is playing its best hockey now
Aww did I hurt your widdle feewings? I am so sorry that I dare say how Sioux fans are repititious with their cheers in response to some good natured ribbing from you guys! I didnt realize your skin was so thin...my bad!
I would just like to say that I dont ever want to hear Sioux fans talk about Gopher cheers again. The ONLY cheer I heard from the Sioux today was "Let's Go Sioux". It was borderline SCCC the way you said that to EVERYTHING! I laughed though when Ferris countered with F-S-U Oh and as for spelling Minnesota...I could have swore I heard the Sioux spell a few words today as well...very interesting As for the game, I felt it seemed your players felt that at anytime they could score. It almost seemed like they were just waiting for that one big goal or thundering check to get going. It never quite happened and when Siembida gave up the goal in the 3rd it all but killed your squad. Congrats on a fine season, next year can only be better
Hey Shawn, stop kissing everyones butt over here and get back to POI...the way you kiss UND and Sconnie butt makes me sick!!!! I do like Bullwinkle though
Whats sad is that Mike Eaves said that same story about the BADgers at the Blue Line luncheon earlier this year...you guys are ripping off their material
Much like Thomas Vanek Parise may be forced for all intents and purposes to stay until his Jr. year. If neither leave after this season, it would make no sense for them to leave after next since no team will sign them until after the lockout/new CBA meaning they will miss out on big money chances are. I aint complaining, the more years of Vanek and Parise the better the games
Yeah all the chicks get lightheaded around us sexy biotches AKA the Gopher Fans
Oh its true...ITS DAMN TRUE!! I mean you forgot "The Minnesota March" that song that says "Win the Big Ten", "Eat Babies", "The Penalty Cheer", "The Funnel Chant", "Brandt is a great big sieve"...see that is like more than 2 I think
Plus every Gopher fan I know jumped all over yellowdog for his thread...you see you have to read posts past the initial one sometimes
Whatever crybaby...want some cheese with your whine
I had a point...that is 2 weeks in a row!! That has to be the 7th sign BTW the Dino quote is AWESOME!
Wowzers...bitter much son? Don't worry it will all be over for you soon As for the rest of your drivel...it is too funny to respond too. You are right, the Gophs own the WCHA and the Hobey Baker Award...I wont deny it we are just that awesome and powerful Actually to be serious, Vanek was higher than Parise in WCHA awards cause it is ONLY based on WCHA stats. The mad numbers Zach scored against the CHA dont count in those awards...sorry kid. THE GREAT WCHA CONSPIRACY IS ALIVE AND WELL...and if you dont like it KISS MY ARROGANT ARSE!!! (for those who's opinions I actually care about, you should know my whole post was tongue in cheek)
(note: No flame intended) sprig, The SOGs had little to do with our 4th line. They weren't out there for every shift in the defensive zone. Too be honest only 2 lines were playing well all game the 4th and 2nd. All 4 goals came from these lines. The PP goals we gave up were when the 2nd unit (Riddle and Koalska I do believe) was out there I think but am not exactly sure. If you want to know how well the 4th line has played the last 2 months just watch Jupiter's highlights from the MSUM game. Fleming's play SH in that game is what he and Waibel have been doing all year. Plus at the end of regulation in that game the 4th line had 2-3 quality chances to win the game. They didnt obviously, but they were all over MSUM. I am not saying Waibel is a great forward, or Jake is all WCHA or anything. But if you ask anyone "The Crash Line" is what gets the team going. They always find a way to get that big check, a nice flurry, a strong forechecking shift to get the rest of the team to wake up. They also find ways to score here and there. Smaagaard had 2 goals in the Duluth series, Fleming had GWGs at CC and vs. UND (SH) and the tying goal in the Saturday game against MSUM. Waibel has assisted on some big goals, had the goal last night, the Hat Trick against a weak UAH team and a goal (for a change ) against UND. Fleming and Waibel have combined for almost 30 points, not too bad for the 4th line. (The 3rd player is always changing...has been Anthony, MacKinnon and Joey Martin besides Smaagaard) Oh well that is just my opinion...but I am more than a bit biased
Good luck with Ferris...they aint no Niagara Falls or Canicus Skating Wookies
Wow I cant believe I am going to post about this: Waibel is a 4th liner...how many goals should he have? He isnt a scoring forward his job is to shut down other teams forwards. That is what is meant by dominating. His goal scoring production has nothing to do with it. His scoring against UND aside, it is more about the goals he prevents on the PK and his production on arguably the best 4th line in the country (with Fleming and Smaagaard) shutting down other lines (and solid forechecking) that makes him a quality player. I am going to assume though that you know that and are just trying to get me to post about it, cause if you honestly dont get it you know nothing about hockey. As for the past winners of the Final Five it was different. Without byes and without having to go to Michigan the situations are not the same. But hey look past Ferris State and focus on playing the Gophs...that is sound strategy
Geez whine much...you are actually shocked that the Gopher announcers wondered how Zach Parise is a Hobey Finalist when he isnt even the best candidate from his own team let alone the conference? Vanek doesnt deserve it, but how Parise did over Bochenski or Stevenson is beyond me. I aint complaining about cupcakes here, or trying to flame, but you are whining for the sake of whining. Plus, like any Sioux fan should complain about classless announcers. Lets not forget Tim and Tim ranting about the great WCHA conspiracy last year and everything. (note: In my post I never said Zach was a bad player, was worse than Vanek, is a traitor or played a weak schedule. All I said was he is not who I would consider one of the top 3 players in the WCHA with Sejna and Preissing.)
Congrats guys...one helluva game! Cya in St. Paul. Murph, I will not be at the POI game as I have to work til 4. I just made my arrangements for Buffalo though Congrats again!
I will set you on fire if you dont mind
I have had a few problems with the feed but not many. How many chances will Notermann get???
If only I was there...I could smite GOD with my "Anti-Parise" powers! From here even my power would be weak against such an almighty force
Well I have been told I have a face for radio
Since when is the rink announcer part of the press?