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Everything posted by UND-1

  1. Looks like another really good day.
  2. One player per year. So yah, they basically don't recruit middle to northern Minnesota.
  3. Another FCS school offered. He must be really good.
  4. This past year I saw multiple OL get camp invites, IIRC. I didn't say they were first ballot HOF. I don't think UND has put an OL in the NFL since Chris Kuper.
  5. Would call that a good weekend. Added some good local talent. For the record, I have no problem at all taking lineman that the NSIC schools wanted. Those school's turn out All-American/NFL lineman all the time. Skill positions I would like to win battles over FCS schools.
  6. The fact is that UND's recruiting over the past 5 years has always been at the same level if you look at the entire class. Maybe a few slight fluctuations but never one class way better than another. 2015 - 7-4 2016 - 9-3 2017 - 3-8 Last year's 3-8 record had very little to do with 'overall recruiting' based on my previous paragraph. It showed their depth wasn't great, yes, but it also proved that they have never had that many injuries to expose that lack of depth...correct? There are very few programs that are 3 deep across the board. Most are 2 if they are lucky. Guys that started last year will never start again or if they do it's down the road when they are seniors.
  7. For me it depends on the recruit. I wish they would get some more high-end MN and WI kids, yes. The reality is they are not going to pull the high-end Illinois/Iowa kids until they win more and get better facilities, etc. The other reality is that there isn't a program in the country who is going to out-recruit NDSU right now. We just happen to be the lucky ones that are in the same state as them and 75 miles away. So, UND needs to develop the diamonds in the rough, then win consistently, and keep fighting for top talent with a better resume.
  8. NDSU thought the slightly slower, less athletic TE's in Fargo were better. Or they didn't want to get beat out publically so they didn't offer due to his name. Or both.
  9. Slim to none. She would have to regress for her to drop to this level, which isn't what we want anyway. She has a lot of work to do but is very athletic, huge upside.
  10. Too bad cause you only get one chance to play college football. 5 years. To throw one away is tragic. Especially when it's the last one.
  11. Yes, he could have returned. But he was damn near checked out by the time the USD game came around and he played like it. So, he had an awful final year, poor off season cause he was hurt, then had surgery in February and is now sitting at home. Poorly handled by everyone involved.
  12. Great game to watch!
  13. #simpledan
  14. How much did Bubba offer?
  15. No offer but it may have happened in next month or so depending on others. Brazile and Luke Lennon are the big targets at TE (or DE if need be). Kolpack needs to stop trusting what he is told. The best college prospect in the Fargo area and the entire state is in West Fargo.
  16. Why is the State of ND funding that difference? I honestly don't know.
  17. Why are you worried about it?
  18. Now this is some good soccer....
  19. No they didn't.
  20. You sure love the losses and negative stuff. We do have three commits in case you didn't notice.
  21. UND-1

    2018 Season

    The opposite. They have 3-4 options at the line for each play and they must check to the right one. As they do that the OL/TE must check immediately as well. Too many variables in a short time to play fast, IMO. Audibles are a part of football but when they change every week it has to bog down the players eventually.
  22. UND-1

    2018 Season

    It's too complicated, which in football is bad. Really bad. Way too many variables built in.
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