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sioux rube

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Everything posted by sioux rube

  1. They are still looking into it and now with what has happened with the WCHA they are even more interested in it.
  2. Happy Independence Day to all the great Fighting Sioux fans out there.
  3. Read this morning where 9 police officers were bit during the riots in Vancouver. The biters must all be related to Burrows.
  4. Hate to see people put a blanket over an entire country when maybe 1% of the fans are idiots. This crap has happened in the states also unfortunately.
  5. The classy fans of Vancouver are coming through. http://seattle.sbnation.com/vancouver-canucks/2011/6/15/2226393/vancouver-riots-canucks-bruins-stanley-cup-finals-burning-car
  6. Lovin this so far. Bruins up 3-0 after 2. Gotta think that should be enough for Thomas and the Bruins.
  7. Totally agree. Kind of like back in 97' when Michigan was suppose to win it all. Could happen this year ya just never know.
  8. Sandbag and flood jokes just aren't necassary at this time of year in my opinion. Just my 2 cents.
  9. What a cheapshot by Lucic in the last minute of the game tonite. Lost alot of respect for him after that uncalled for move. Tampa Bay dominates with a 5-2 win in game 1.
  10. Buy em for them now and you won't have to hear about it all summer.
  11. He will be missed by many. Sure he didn't have alot of skill besides being an enforcer but he did do his job the right way. He was never cheap and met his opponent face to face. RIP Boogieman.
  12. Not looking good as far as Gregs staying. Just talked to my source and he said he more than likely is leaving. For once I hope he is wrong. The Sioux need him back to make another run.
  13. I was at that game and I looked at my daughter after the play and said I am really going to like this kid and he was a pleasure to watch for 4 years. The things he could do with a puck were nothing short of amazing.
  14. I don't care how much talent Grimaldi has but it will take him a full season to fill Trupps skates. Sorry but not to often an 18 year old comes in and simply takes over where a 4 year player like Trupp left off. It will take time but it will be fun to watch him develop.
  15. For a team that was down 2 games to none the Caps did not show any desperation in the 3rd period until the last minute and a half. Pathetic effort. They deserve to be down 3-0.
  16. Sweet. Were they there for any other reason besides signing autographs?
  17. I don't really recall an opening round being this nuts.I love it. Go Hawks,Sabres,and Lightning.
  18. Looked like Schneider pulled his groin on the penalty shot that Frolick scored. Luongo in and I hope he blows it again.
  19. And alot of you doubted me when I said he was going to sign. Shame on you.
  20. My source just told me the same thing. I'm sure it will come out tomorrow.
  21. Since Malone is now a former player I figured I would put this here. Hard to believe a writer would put this on a headline of an article welcoming a new player to Colorado. http://www.denverpost.com/avalanche/ci_17837586
  22. We are talking rubechat and I frequent there more than here. My source is right 9 out of 10 times. Just sayin.
  23. Where the heck ya hear that from?Oh that would be me.
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