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sioux rube

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Everything posted by sioux rube

  1. That would just put more egg on his face in my opinion.
  2. I agree with your Rocky comment. Bohls reputation has taken a huge hit and it's because of his own doing or lack of. My nephew is the backup QB for the Bison and he thinks the world of Bohl and I thought he was a pretty upstanding guy too but this whole situation has made me step back and obviously take a second look. Like you said this could of been nipped in the bud 2 weeks ago.
  3. Yeah but first Big Sky game ever and basically nothing else going on in town. That place should of been packed.
  4. I agree. Bohl should of suspended all involved for the CSU game and this thing would of cooled down and he would of been ahead of the situation.. Now like you said it will haunt them for some time.
  5. So 6000 fans make it all the way to Colorado and the Sioux can only muster up 9000 at home? What is wrong with this picture?
  6. Can't believe how much time some of you have wasted about this. Page 18 and still going strong. Wow.
  7. I think Bohl should of suspended them for saturdays game just to cool things down. Get ahead of this thing before it can possibly snowball. Just my 2 cents.
  8. I could of swore he said in his interview that all 8 will sit out. At the 1:45 mark in the interview it sounds like he is asked "so they won't play saturday"? Listened to it again and it sure sounds like that is what he asked.
  9. All 8 players are out for saturdays game. Here is coach Bohls news conference. http://740thefan.com/common/more.php?m=49&action=blog&r=6
  10. Damn glad we will be getting all football and hockey games here in Jamestown.
  11. His skating could use a little work too in my opinion. A bit choppy not smooth at all. Love his size though.
  12. Gleason proved last year that he should be in the lineup all the time too. I have no problem with Danny with the A just a little surprised.
  13. I would of thought Gleason before Kristo but what do I know.
  14. I understand that but had he scored like Hrkac no one would care.
  15. Ah Dickin had 2 goals in 32 games. Far far from Hrkac even if Tony didn't like to muck it up.
  16. Dickin never seemed to fit in. Good move on his part as I'm sure he will get a regular spot for the Bison. Wish him the best.
  17. And alot of it has to do with between the ears. The goalie that can forget about a goal he thought he should of saved and move on in an instant obviously has an edge too. I'm sure like any other sport that mental toughness goes a long way especially at the goalie position when a weak goal can cost your team a game or worse yet a championship.
  18. The Red Pepper getting some national recognition. http://www.wdaz.com/event/article/id/14779/group/News/
  19. Didn't Duncan play there also? That would be a pretty sweet part of the world to make a living playing puck.
  20. So you are saying that Phil was much better than Dell who holds the team record for 30 wins in a season? To each their own I suppose.Right now Phil is without a team I believe. Be interesting to see how far Dell goes up the pro ladder or if stays where he is at. They are both former Sioux so all is good.
  21. Phil better than Dell? I beg to differ. The Floppin Frenchman scared the hell out of me when he was inthe net. Good goalie but I wouldn't give him the edge over Dell.
  22. Didn't the Colorado teams coach go off last year on the reffs and threw sticks and other crap on the ice?
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