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Posts posted by keikla

  1. Back on topic, I would love to see Gwoz take on a school like Maine or Alaska-Anchorage (or Lake Superior State, even better) and put them back on the NCAA map.

    I can see Gwoz going ECAC, Hockey East, NCHC, or Big Ten, but I just can't see him choosing a 'new WCHA' school.

  2. Any word on ausmus? Does he wait for gwoz and follow if that happens quick or does he make decide?

    I'm not up on the all legal mumbo-jumbo of who can talk to whom while they are or are not committed. Is there anything that prohibits Gwoz from talking to Ausmus right now? It's not a completely unheard of notion for recruits/players to follow a coach who leaves. Maybe Ausmus knows more about Gwoz's prospective plans and is waiting on that.

  3. The it factor has merit - the question is - can it be created or is it totally random. After watching the Conneticut women go 8-0 in championship games, I think that there is some amount of self determination - not as random as some here claim. I dont buy the argument that some teams are consistantly off the charts lucky.

    I know the parity card gets used a lot, but that's the huge difference between your UConn example and men's hockey. Though I do think it's a valid question as to whether or not the 'it factor' is totally random.

  4. I'd trade summers in Denver for summers in Bar Harbor in a heartbeat, and that's when you have some down time. Maine is plenty attractive as a place to live. And their fan base is much more passionate than Denver's, the eastern version of UND. It's a very desirable job.

    I know (though I prefer the Camden harbor). I agree it's a very desirable job; I was just being a little facetious. He's spent 20 years in a metro area near mountains. A small town without much more than hockey, trees, and moose (meese? moosen?) to its name might be a bit of a culture shock. :)

    Maybe Gwoz takes a year off and waits for Red to retire? That'd be a big time program.

  5. I'm sure there are creative ways that Maine could compensate Gwoz outside of just the straight yearly salary. A lucrative annuity of some sort is certainly one way.

    Exactly. And they could seduce him with the fine shopping, decadent restaurants, and cultural excitement. Oh, wait...

    Maybe he really likes potatoes? ???

  6. The big question to me is does Maine have the money to hire Gwozdecky?

    In all honesty, probably not. The BDN article from early March that first told of the program review had quotes from Whitehead about how much fundraising he had to do because of recent budget cuts. That being said, they might get a lot more boosters for a coach with a winning reputation. That same article noted that Whitehead's salary was 190K. That's 30k under what Gwoz made at DU, though the price of living is also significantly lower.

  7. The word I heard is Jim Montgomery is who is on the top of the Maine coaching list.

    of course administrators are invovled so George could move ahead of Montgomery.

    What? You mean the administration had someone else in mind when they fired the current head coach? What a novel idea! (*cough Denver cough*)

  8. CHN also had an interesting commentary on the firing...suggesting that perhaps there are legal issues being dealt with behind closed doors, which is playing a role in why Peg has kept her mouth shut thus far.

  9. I'd love for us to land Ausmus too and as some have said now that he has been away for a couple years maybe the whole getting out of GF thing won't matter to him anymore.

    I wouldn't hold your breath on that one. Granted, everyone is different, but I've been gone a decade and still don't have the 'get out of MN' thing out of me yet.

  10. Normally, I am wholly opposed to players opting out of commitments, whether written or verbal. You gave your word, so make that word mean something. But in situations with coaching changes, specifically head coach changes, I have a lot more sympathy and understanding when a kid withdraws a commitment. I'm sure he'll have no problem finding a new home quickly, wherever that may be.

    As for DU, per Merrium-Webster:

    Implode verb 2. to collapse inward as if from external pressure, 3. to break down or fall apart from within

  11. He then said this though, "@CEvers97: Can't wait to be apart of UND in a few years. That's what I mean when I said "Can't wait for things to play out." #SorryForTheConfusion"

    Haha I totally missed that part! That makes me feel a lot better.

  12. Does the news about Evers mean he is not coming to UND?

    Not necessarily; but with their recent track record with commits, it probably doesn't bode well that he's headed for NTDP next year.

    After being drafted, Evers said, "Thanks for all of the congratulations and the support. I can't wait to see how things play out in the next couple of years," which also doesn't bode well. It just sounds a little too non-committal for my taste.

  13. I agree, some feminine talk going on around here! Must be time to stop coming to SS website for about five months! Complaining about Haks suits and how much he makes! Watchmaker must be a chick?

    Hey! Don't insult the rest of us chicks who couldn't care less about his suits and ties! :p

  14. I predict a good turn-out next March at the inaugural NCHC Final Four Hoggsbreath Brunch!

    Maybe I should come back for that, just so we can convince Cratter that we're not all a bunch of old farts around here (no offense intended to those of you who are :) ).

    I've always wanted to attend, but the hogger is a long way from south Minneapolis ( where I live)...

    "A long way" is a very relative phrase. For example, I have to travel two and a half hours to get to the nearest mexican restaurant not named Taco Bell. 20-30min to the Hogg = not so bad.

  15. I would kind of like SCSU to win it, solely because it gives a little legitimacy to the WCHA in a year when 4 of the other 5 teams who made it lost the opening game (several of whom lost very, very badly).

  16. With the year he had......Olkinuora was probably leaving anyway.

    True; but it's a much more manageable situation when you aren't simultaneously searching for a head coach.

  17. What current/recently former NHL coaches would come to UND? Andy Murray went to Western Mich, so it's not unheard of. A coach who is tired of the business of the NHL and wants to enjoy the college atmosphere, albeit in North Dakota, could be a good replacement hire for Hak once he moves on (likely of his own choice and not because he is fired.)

    But the pro to college transition isn't always a successful one...also a lesson learned from Callahan during his Nebraska football days.

  18. That sounds pathetic putting all that pressure on their kids. Who would do that? :p

    That was pressure? I thought it was supposed to be incentive. As cute as those clothes may be, I'll forfeit them to someone else (paging Morley...).

  19. Just an fyi, the Sioux Shop had some really cute cheerleader unis on their website the other day! Congrats on the new little one!

    Yeah; I know some people who have purchased Sioux baby clothes for the grandkids they don't even have yet...

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  20. They announced a couple of weeks ago that they were going to undergo a comprehensive review of the program. What that means, I don't know.

    Interesting. I guess I had missed that. Below is the link to the Bangor Daily News story on it. If he only has one more year on his contract, maybe they wait it out. But if they're dropping 190K for him to coach a rather pathetic program, I'm sure they can scrounge up another 30k to have Gwoz turn it around.


  21. We've discussed this one before...I'm actually stunned that a move hasn't been made there yet.

    Yep, same here. Unless they've given up hope of being a top-tier program ever again. I'd like them to get a new coach and turn the program around solely because they're my only option for live college hockey viewing that doesn't involve taking an extensive trip. But, if I'm going to drive 2.5h each way to see a game or two, I'd prefer to not sit there and watch them get spanked at the hands of BC, BU, UNH, Vermont...well, I'm pretty sure they got killed by just about everyone this year.

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