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Posts posted by keikla

  1. Seriously...WCHA conference tourney winner, WCHA regular season winner, and CCHA conference tourney winner all as #4 seeds if Michigan wins.

    That's brutal...I'm pretty sure Quinnipiac is the only #1 seed sitting comfy at this point.

  2. With 6 teams from the WCHA, I'm not sure how much effort they'll put into avoiding intra-conference match-ups. At least they're broken up fairly evenly, so it's not like there's 3 2-seeds and 3 3-seeds from the same conference.

    I'm still rooting for the Sioux getting sent to Providence. Not only does that mean that I can drive to the regional, but it also means that BC is getting sent west...which they historically have not survived.

  3. I'm not entirely sure why everyone keeps ragging on OD and Mitch.

    Each player routinely on the 4th line (Pattyn, St Clair, Jim, Rodwell) have a point per game production of <0.2. Since scoring isn't their primary role, this makes sense.

    Kristo, Knight, Grimaldi, Mark MacMillan, and Rowney all have PTS/G of 0.65 or above. We expect them to score more often than not, and they're guaranteed line-up spots.

    So it's the remaining 4 forward spots that are debatable. Chyzyk is the outlier of the group on the low end (0.25). The rest (Mitch, Caggiula, Gaarder, Parks, and OD) all have PTS/G between 0.32-0.4. That's not that big of a difference.

    Now, I realize that there is a lot more to contributing than just points on the scoresheet. I just don't think it makes a ton of sense to sit one player for 'not doing anything out there' when the replacement option hasn't done anything more. At that point, I would think it becomes more of an issue of chemistry and how they've looked in practice that week.

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  4. We had nearly 5,000 people -- a record 4,833 to be exact -- on the live chat Saturday night. We receive literally dozens of comments per minute on a slow night. We cannot accept all of them, let alone read all of them. You're reading into something that's not there.

    I wonder how many times the number of people on the live chat for away games exceeds the number of people in the actual arena. Any chance one of your intern minions has time to figure it out?

  5. Crazy that our scoring lines are still a guess...playoff hockey is different with all of the TV timeouts and flow stoppages.

    In the playoff format, with a short bench, I like resurrecting some old line combos:

    Knight with Kristo and Mark Mac

    Rowney with Parks and Grimaldi

    Gaarder with St Clair and Caggiula

    Pattyn with Rodwell and Mitch Mac

    This really makes a top 6 and bottom 6

    Mark Mac had some chemistry with Kristo and Knight, and it puts two solid faceoff men on the top line (draws will be huge)- I do like Mark Mac at center, but we need two highly potent lines over depth IMO

    Grimaldi brings explosiveness to the second line for Carter and Michael to cycle

    Third line will be hard to play against.

    Fourth line is energy.

    I liked Mark with Kristo and Knight, but that was before that third line started clicking as well as it has been. They haven't produced a ton of points, but they've been pretty reliable with cycling the puck and generating chances. I don't think you split that up now.

    My guess is the bottom two lines are fairly set. And I'd consider the Kristo-Knight and Rowney-Parks combos to be set. So, the only things left in the air are

    1) which line does Rocco play on, and

    2) which winger do you throw on the opposite line.

    Obviously, there's a big difference between seeing a game and hearing the game called, but I sure heard O'Donnell's name a ton listening to TH on Saturday night. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets another shot on that top line.

  6. Pretty surprised by the line-up change. I'm not so surprised about Caggiula sitting, cause even though I like him, I'm pretty sure he hasn't had a goal since his OT goal out at CC. But I'm surprised about putting OD on the top line. I'm not convinced he doesn't have something to offer (maybe he can create more space for the other two), but because it seems strange to go from the bench to top line winger. But I guess when you finally get production from your other 3 lines, I can see Hak's hesitancy to break those lines up the very next night.

  7. The games I have watched on America One haven't been great. That being said I will be paying to watch it this weekend. Listened to Hennessy and watched once as the radio and TV were in sync. usually they're not. If you have a DVR you can sync them up somehow. Alot depends on who is doing the teleecast. Student productions are usually pretty bad. CC was terrible,terrible I tell ya.

    Ha I don't have a TV, yet alone a DVR! But I'll probably just plan on radio unless someone in the live chat notes how amazing the webcast is.

  8. Brock Nelson would make this a much better team than it is now. I think Dean Blais said he thinks we would have won the 2001 title if Mike Commodore had come back for his senior year. One player, even in a team sport like this, can put you over the top in certain situations. And don't forget, we had a couple of kids bail on us for the CHL (Jones, Miller). That is another problem with top draft picks: even if you don't lose them to the NHL, you can lose them to the CHL.

    There is some truth to the point that we have kept more of our players in recent years. That is probably why the 2011 team was so good thru out the season (I don't think that team had a first-half slump). Last year's team had too many injuries to have a realistic chance to win it all. We'll have to wait and see if this year's crop of younger players sticks around or leaves early. If they do, we'll have another 2011-caliber team in one or two years.

    I think you're missing my point. Miller doesn't apply, because he never actually came here. The complaint was that the team has to start over every year and adjust to no longer having players who left early. The team never adjusted to having Miller in the lineup, so they certainly didn't have to 'start over' because he wasn't. They brought in different, 4 year players (which is what you prefer). And Jones certainly doesn't apply, because he never 'bailed' on UND. He never committed here in the first place...he was very upfront about deciding between UND and the CHL.

    You said you wanted a team full of players who stay for 3 or 4 years so that the team doesn't have to 'restart' every year. And I'm saying that, apart from one player, you got your wish. This is a team full of 3 or 4 year players, but it's clearly not meeting the expectations that you think that will bring.

    I should probably note that I don't expect Grimaldi (or possibly Schmaltz) to stay for 4 years, but that doesn't affect the team's chances of winning the title this year. It most likely affects the teams chances of winning the title in 2015 or 2016.

    • Upvote 2
  9. I think part of the problem is that we don't have enough 3-4 year players in our program anymore. We had those from 1997-2000 and, not coincidentally, that was one of the most successful periods in the history of the program in terms of both wins and championships. It is good to have a few 1st round draft picks on the team to add that extra level of firepower, but if your team is dominated by them, you run the risk of starting over with a new team every year. That is tough to overcome.

    If we get back to having a core of players that are talented and skilled, but not loved by the NHL scouts, I think we'll have more success in March and April. And I will close by saying this: I will gladly give up the "UND in the NHL" status we have had since the new REA opened in 2001 if it means hanging more NCAA title banners in that beautiful arena. Agree or disagree, but that is my position on the subject.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but Brock Nelson is the only person who would be on this team and isn't. Aaron Dell left after 3, which you noted is acceptable. Anyone else who has left the team early (that affects this year's team - I'm not talking about Toews, Oshie, etc) has done so because they weren't consistently cracking the line-up, not because they were loved by the NHL scouts. So, we have 3 or 4 year players playing right now, and they are being lambasted for not being good or consistent enough.

    • Upvote 2
  10. that's true. If you want to get on that, go to msumavericks.com and navigate through to either the hockey page or the Multimedia tab.

    Can anyone comment on the quality of AmericaOne webcasts from previous uses? I'd like to have an idea of it's worth before I decide if I'm going to spend the money.

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