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Posts posted by GeauxSioux

  1. Religious experience when North Dakota takes the ice

    "It's a religion," was the first thing that came to Johnson's mind when asked about a tradition that includes three straight Frozen Four appearances and five in the last eight years. "In Grand Forks, with the beautiful facility they have and the support the city gives that team. It's unbelievable.

    "There's not many other colleges in college hockey that have the tradition and history this program has."

  2. 1. Hrkac Circus, hands down. I wish everyone could have a chance to see their highlight reel because they were incredible. Hrkac alone had 114 points in 1986-87. DOT line just broke 100 points for the year several weeks ago. I know it is a different game today but the Hrkac line stands alone. I seem to recall a weekend at Michigan Tech where this line had 30 points in the two games.

    2. Taylor, Smail, and Sykes - This was when Sykes was a freshman I believe and as a group they had over 200 points. IIRC Taylor and Smail had at least 8 short-handed goals that year. Tayor and Smail both had 80+ points.

    3. DOT

    Let's face it, the Sioux have been blessed with many fine players and we are spoiled to the point where we expect it.

    Thanks, I couldn't remember if it was Smail or Taylor on that line. I remember all of the shorties Smail used to get. Amazing.

    Edit: Sorry, I misread your response. Weren't Sykes and Eades on a line together or was that after Smail and Taylor left?

  3. Elimination is official in loss to Penguins

    Bochenski, the lone ex-North Dakota player, is outnumbered by the Boston College contingent (Kobasew, Bobby Allen, and Andrew Alberts) in the Boston dressing room. But that's not making him worry about Thursday's Frozen Four semifinal that pits his Fighting Sioux against the Eagles in St. Louis. Bochenski is wagering $300 against the $100 offered by each of the BC boys on the outcome of the game.
  4. Hrkac Circus gets my vote with second going to DOT. Does anyone remember the BC Connection from the mid 70's? I think Rick Zaparniuk was the center, but I'll be darned if I can remember who else was on the line with him. They were all from British Columbia, hence the name. They were pretty good and the moniker made some headlines.

    Edit: And who was on the line with Eades and Sykes. That was a pretty darn good line. tnt, you should know this one. ???

  5. UND Research Foundation names REAC park director

    The UND Research Foundation today named the first director of its Research Enterprise and Commercialization Park.

    Director Kevin Cooper will be responsible for marketing the research park to prospective tenants and connecting private businesses with intellectual property created by UND faculty and students.

    Petell said all space in the Center of Excellence building has been taken, about 70 percent of it by six private companies and the remaining 30 percent by UND researchers. He said the park could hold as many as six buildings and construction on another building may begin within the next year or two.
  6. It's already been stated that the purchase AND remodeling of the buildings will still be $3.5 million less than if NDSU had just built on campus. I'm sure they'll make them "green" buildings, so they won't be energy hogs, as I'm sure they are now.

    I can see where you think notifying the state on the matter would have been of utmost importance, but if they approved raising funds for new construction, that already implies there will be additional costs associated with a new building no matter where or whatever is built. I'm pretty positive in the end, these purchases will cost the state less than a new business building would have, though.

    In particular I'm sticking to my guns when I say that I still think the Legislature has TOO MUCH power when it comes to dealing with how the Universities are run. Especially when a majority of individuals in the legislature probably have no clue on how the inner workings of each of the institutions function. It's just like the bickering with travel budgets that's being argued about. $40 million over two years for 11 institutions (~44,000 students) doesn't seem outrageous to me, yet everyone thinks it's out of control. Just give them the money and get out of their way. It's as ridiculous as NDSU having to goto the Legislature and ask permission to goto DI.

    I know in some cases many wise people would use the anecdote here of "don't slap the hand that feeds you", however, when you look at the bigger picture and the fact that every dollar given to NDSU and UND in the last couple years has generated 7-9 dollars in return for the State, perhaps that thinking should be reversed... as in the legislature should keep feeding these economic engines (esp. NDSU and UND) and quit trying to micromanage them.

    There's too many individuals in the legislature with a God complex that need to be addressed, because they basically are not looking out for the best intentions of North Dakota.

    Sorry, I missed the part where it says that the savings included the cost of renovation. Did it also include code upgrades? You mention that they will probably make them "green" buildings to save on energy costs. Is this also included in the cost you are stating?

    Once again, the State has to look at the long term consequences of decisions made, not the short term fixes.

  7. I'll play the semi middle-of-the-road here. NDSU tried for 8 years to raise the money to build a new School of Business building and couldn't come up with the necessary money to build it and took the next best thing, a used building. That being said, wouldn't the right thing to do would inform the state what you're plans are? Whether it is private money or not the state has to live the long term ramifications of the decision of people who are thinking short term.

    Sica has some very good points regarding the additional costs associated with an existing building, not on campus. I'm sure these buildings are not in such a state that the school can just move in. Add the cost of renovation and probable code upgrades to the additional costs Sica already mentioned and it may not be any cheaper in the long run.

    Okay, maybe I'm come down a little closer on the side of the state. :lol:

  8. Mens is a Lock......Womens is not confirmed yet

    Sioux land D-I game against Iowa State

    UND won't become a full-fledged NCAA Division I basketball school until the 2008-09 season, but the Sioux will get a taste of big-time basketball next season - their last as a Division II program.

    UND will play at Big 12 member Iowa State in Ames on Jan. 5. The Sioux have a direct connection with the Iowa State program as former UND assistant Greg McDermott is the Cyclones' coach.

  9. yeah, want to keep my ss membersip going as we have 2 weeks left of hockey if you didnt know that and respect jim here and dont mean that, really dont, just go to bed

    AZSioux, you need to update your signature line. 3 to go. :silly:

  10. I heard Ed Schultz say on the radio this week the donors don't want their names public, "because they know they are wrong."

    Would you give money to something that you know is wrong? Does that make any sense? Consider the source. :glare:


    NASA via BBSNews - 2007-03-22 -- NASA has assigned the crew for space shuttle mission STS-124, targeted for launch in February 2008. The flight will deliver the Pressurized Module and robotic arm of the Japanese Experiment Module, known as "Kibo" (hope), to the International Space Station.

    Navy Cmdr. Mark E. Kelly will command the space shuttle Atlantis during the mission. Navy Cmdr. Kenneth T. Ham will serve as the pilot. Mission specialists will include NASA astronauts Karen L. Nyberg; Air Force Col. Ronald J. Garan, Jr.; Air Force Reserve Col. Michael E. Fossum; and Navy Cmdr. Stephen G. Bowen. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Akihiko Hoshide also will serve as a mission specialist.

    Nyberg also was selected as an astronaut in 2000. She considers her hometown to be Vining, Minn. She has a bachelor's degree from the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, and a master's degree and doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin.

    Congratulations Karen.

  12. There is no reason IMO that both NDSU and UND should duplicate engineering programs.

    I'd like to see an Aerospace engineering program started at UND since they obviously have a big aerosapce program up there. Also, since UND has the med school I think everything relating to human biology should be at UND. So the biomedical engineering option at NDSU should be made into a full fledged program at UND.

    Chemical engineering should be at NDSU since we have the Polymers/Coatings program with the ME/Chem departments.

    The classical engineering programs (civil, industrial/manufacturing, electrical/computer, and mechanical) and agriculture engineering should be at NDSU since we're the land grant argirculture/mechnical arts school.

    No idea what to do with geological engineering since I have no idea which school's mission that department relates closest with.

    I saw this posted somewhere and reminded me of this thread. I'm probably going to be banned for even opening this thread again, but I like to live dangerously.

    About SEM

    The University charter, in compliance with the Federal Enabling Act of February 22, 1889, which provided a land grant of 40,000 acres for the School of Mines in harmony with the Constitution of North Dakota, located the School of Mines at Grand Forks and made the School of Mines the Engineering College of the University of North Dakota. The School of Engineering and Mines offers programs in Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Geological Engineering, Geology, and Mechanical Engineering. All programs are supported by well-designed and well-equipped laboratories.

    Well Mpls, you'd have to change the constitution to move the engineering out of UND. :glare:

  13. Fat Catfish

    Tom Brosseau counts five albums to his name. Chances are you've never heard of this North Dakota native or his quiet, acoustic songs. Last year esteemed British imprint Fat Cat picked up Empty Houses Are Lonely. This year sees Loveless issuing Grand Forks, an ode to his quirky hometown. We threw him a few questions.
  14. I, personally, can't think of any compromise that would not involve getting rid of the name and logo. I see that as the only 'compromise' that the NC$$ would find acceptable. And, IMHO, that option is NOT acceptable.

    I agree with Sioux-cia. The only "compromise" that the NCAA is going to allow is the one that removes the name and logo. In the words of Yoda, agree with that I will not.

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