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Everything posted by Diggler

  1. I would guess it would be either however many Parise scored his Senior season or Crosby in his one season at SSM.
  2. So you're saying he'll walk it off?
  3. It's all on Sioux_Yeah_Yeah and whether she wants to do it. So I'm gonna pressure her into it cause that's what I do.
  4. We already got our hotel. Unless we can cancel without penalty, we're stuck. Sucks.
  5. ++ = This thread
  6. I agree. Umm, huh? How could you get a room at the Radisson for $55/night?
  7. It's actually because of the first round of the WCHA women's playoffs. Obviously they getting 100-300 fans for the Women's WCHA playoffs is better than getting 5000+ for the mens games, so they men's games are moved.
  8. Diggler


    I don't have a picture of the 87 team, but there is a picture of Archibald in the Fight on Sioux book from the 84-85 season. There is no name on the back. I'm also nearly certain you are correct about there being no name on the back of the greens in 86-87.
  9. So wait, when he says UND isn't that great, people complain. When he says UND is going to be a #1 seed, people complain. Ummm.....what?
  10. When is Snider getting his chance? ;)
  11. The problem is it's always Ticketmaster's "fault" or the online provider's "fault". That's fine when it's an isolated incident, but this has happened numerous times. At some point it becomes UND's fault due to these numerous failures. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
  12. I'll hit him between the eyes with a rock. I don't think the net will be in the way so I should have a clear shot at him.
  13. lol! <-----That's what I'm going to have to deal with all weekend. Oh Diggler! lol. These nachos are good, lol. The DECC sure is a dump, lol. Why does the maroon loon look like a chicken? lol. GRANDMA'S IS AWESOME!!! LOL. I did what on the what at where last night? lol.
  14. The problem is that UND/REA doesn't plan these things well. It's like they don't see things like this occurring and I don't understand why given the number of times it's already happened. It happened last year for season tickets and this year too I believe. Now it happens for the playoff tickets. What is the deal exactly? There is obviously a problem somewhere. Hockey tickets are the big thing for students and there really should be a better system for it. Perhaps these things always happening is partially the student government's fault because they don't demand a good system. I don't know. But it's just stupid. I know a bunch of people who waited in line for tickets, why shouldn't they have first opportunity to get them? Why do students have to plan and scheme about every possible outcome just because you know something will go wrong? It's silly. I think a simple solution would be to have online tickets to go on sale 1 hour after they go on sale at the ticket office.
  15. None of the people at the ticket office got lower bowl tickets.
  16. It's wonderful how this seems to happen every time tickets go on sale for students and great how it's always someone else's fault. Never UND's. It has no bearing on me, but still it's a complete joke.
  17. So in my original post, I said or made it sound like I designed the shirt. Not really true. I redesigned the original shirt with a couple things. I borrowed most of the design though cause I suck at stuff like this.I didn't mean to make it sound like I did all the work myself, but that is what it sounds like from my original post.
  18. Diggler

    White Out

    All that is being requested is that you wear a damn white shirt to a hockey. It's not like the Egyptians are coming around to drown your newborn son in the Nile. It's really not that big of a sacrifice. I don't see what the big deal is with this.
  19. This is becoming way too complicated like I feared. Someone else can organize this whole thing.
  20. Blah. This is what I was worried about. 10 different ideas and nothing really being agreed upon.
  21. Here it is without the bars - http://www.customink.com/designs/reaper/74...p;cm_ite=design I understand what Sicatoka is saying. I see the situations being separate though and in no way is this meant to make light of what happened to Joel.
  22. Bemidji better watch out this weekend!
  23. I like a combination of the two. Big A HG's design on a white shirt. And you gotta have the grim reaper on there. Would anyone want to take the lead on organizing things? What design we'd go with, when they'll be ordered, collecting money. etc. I'm not sure how good I would be at it.
  24. Would anyone else be interested in getting shirts? Here is the link to the ones I made. You can edit the colors on them rather easily, so the front to be red or green instead for example. Everyone would have to agree on a design to be able to order them in bulk and therefore get the shirts for less. If we ordered: 6 shirts - 26.36/shirt 12 shirts - 16.41/shirt 24 shirts - 11.89/shirt 50 shirts - 9.34/shirt Etc. I think this is just for Adult shirt sizes through XL. I think it would cost a bit more for shirts larger than that. If enough people are interested, I think this would be an awesome thing to have for the first round of the playoffs. I think we'd have to order them within a week for them to arrive in time.
  25. Diggler

    White Out

    Ask and you shall receive. Depending on if people would actually buy this, or another shirt, could order them in bulk and therefore get them for around $15 I think. If people all order them individually, it's $21. The shirt can be edited such as having the front color changed from green to red.
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