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Everything posted by Diggler

  1. I'm pretty sure he's implemented that face a number of times as the Wolves G.M.
  2. I'm going with Niagara-UND after the Sioux beat Air Force.
  3. I pre-ordered tickets in November through Ticketmaster and was assigned seats in January, I believe. XCel sent me my tickets (along with that stupid DVD ) not Ticketmaster. Will I get a renewal form?
  4. I'm sad I totally missed these guys. I would've loved making fun of them like I did the drunk Gopher dopes on Saturday.
  5. And I got nothing from it. Booo!!!
  6. It worked for Komisarek and it will likely work for Finley, so hey why not?
  7. Best WCHA Ref: Randy Schmidt
  8. Hachey was a Senior this year.
  9. Diggler


    Since I bid at the very end, I doubt it.
  10. Diggler


    I know. But the jersey you are looking for is exactly the same as the one I got last week. I get all Sioux jerseys I bid on.
  11. Diggler


    That is the exact jersey I got last week on Ebay. Does this mean I outbid your friend? ;)
  12. And neither does sticking your thumb up your arse. If at times people would put half the effort into cheering that they put into complaining about the students, it would be a helluva atmosphere too. Students stood up last night and cheered and REA acts like the students are clubbing baby dolphins. I think many of the problems with atmosphere at REA can be traced to the fact that students don't feel like they'll be allowed to do things. They have been so stifled the last few years, that they don't do much of anything anymore and that is unfortunate.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrNvhePs3Do
  14. There is no reason to apologize to this midget. She is most likely the biggest poser in the history of college hockey. She wouldn't know a puck if it hit her in the face and is just a Geoff Kinrade/Casey Borer/Charlie Kronscehable/Chris Conner/Dan Kronick/Drew Stafford/Drew Akins/Joe Finley/Matt Greene/Chris Clark jersey chaser. She is everything that is wrong with college hockey. She acts like she owns the world because she goes to hockey games. Sadly, she is just short little twerp who will never get to ride on a roller coaster because the safety bar would go over her head, much like everything goes over her head.
  15. I'm pretty sure he stole it from a can of Pringles.
  16. You could always leave right now and not get caramel rolls. Sioux in Two cause Huskies eat Pooh
  17. Diggler


    I've gotten my older jerseys off EBay. They are rare though. Like one a month, if that.
  18. Diggler


    This is so true. I got me a black geometric jersey today. Only two more to go until I have them all! Make that three. I can't count.
  19. Diggler


    Forney has played in less than 20% of UND's games so he could still qualify.
  20. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the tickets don't arrive in time. It'd just be par for the course when it comes to the soap opera that is student hockey tickets at the University of North Dakota.
  21. I want that goalie from Lakeville South with the awesome name, Hakan Yumusaklar.
  22. It's a four year rotation. One year of two games at home. One year of two games on the road. Two years of two games at home and two games on the road.
  23. 4+6=12!!!
  24. Where the hell did this team come from? :D
  25. I think it was 12 players that went on to play DI hockey from that Jefferson team.
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