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Everything posted by DamStrait

  1. Anything yet (on satellite)?
  2. I'll go further: To suggest that all of Fargo (by far the state's largest city) is exclusively NDSU's territory is complete and total BS. For Chapman to say that this was a decision that was in the best interests of North Dakota shows what a two-faced, mealy-mouthed crap sack he is. The principle reason UND is looking to expand into Fargo is because THAT'S WHERE THE PEOPLE ARE (especially part-time students), not to put the King-of-Hubris' (Chapman) nose out of joint. A tragic mistake was made when the state decided to create the Ag College in the first place. UND at that time should have become the land-grant institution in the state (like UW); if so, then we wouldn't have this nonsense about program duplication being discussed.
  3. Just win, baby! Other than that, I don't care if Hak benches the whole senior class.
  4. I hate to interject with logic, but how about this? Don't televise locally until the game is sold out. If and when it sells out, televise in GF (& Fargo?). If I lived in GF or Fargo, I'd definitely be there, but since I don't, I'd really like to be able to see this game on TV (FSSN).
  5. Yeah right, and I own the Brooklyn bridge, but I'm willing to sell cheap.
  6. I calls 'em as I sees 'em. Nobody need guess where I stand. Does it ruffle feathers at times? You're damn straight.
  7. Win or lose I love my Sioux. For that I refuse to apologize. All I know is that if the boys go on to get #8 this season, you're going to look damn foolish for your recent comments. Step back, take the long view, they're not where either of us would like them to be, but at least they're moving in the right direction.
  8. You didn't like Blais last year, you don't like Hak this year, who the ^#$& do you like? What a pitiful excuse of a Sioux fan you are.
  9. BOO !%$#^$^#%$ HOO!
  10. Didn't mean to imply it was the official's fault, but when things are going against you, you certainly don't need to have to overcome them as well. More like frustration for thinking that finally after having the boys mugged left-and-right for years, that the new "standard" would finally work to their advantage. To see that it is the same as it ever was is extremely disappointing.
  11. I'm not impressed with the new officiating standard. Somehow the Sioux, a skating, non clutch and grab, non-diving team ALWAYS ends up on the short end of the penalties. JUST LIKE IT'S ALWAYS BEEN!! BE $#^&^&$Q#^% CONSISTENT! IF IT'S PENALTY IN THE 1ST, IT'S A PENALTY IN OT. IF IT'S A PENALTY FOR A 6'5" 230 LB. PLAYER ON A 5'8" 150 LB. PLAYER, IT'S A PENALTY FOR A 5'8" 150 LB. PLAYER ON A 6'5" 230 LB. PLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. It's friggin' October people. Pull it together.
  13. 3-2.
  14. 5x3 for 9 s. TO NE. Sounds like it was a weak one.
  15. Now 4x3 for 50 s.
  16. Let's go guys, need to have the killer instict.
  17. Sioux PK.
  18. It's a real pleasure to hear TH do play-by-play and TO do color. These guys are good.
  19. Sioux have 19 SOG through 2, but probably 100 attempted.
  20. ....and he fired it wide!
  21. Need to get Canady going too.
  22. No. 17-27
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