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good points dagies..... and they/he definitely said "worst" 'cause that's what made me take notice of what they were saying. my only disclaimer is that since I'm not a listener and I came into the radio broadcast in the middle it could've "possibly" been a caller who said "worst" but from the conversation and listening to them talk I honestly believe it was a host/PA/Dubay who said the word "worst" ...........
I thought that Lucia's post-mullet look reduced the number of pictures the author has taken lately..........
Today while driving I happened across the PA and Dubay show on 1440 (they're the hosts of a Mpls sports talk show), I've "known" of them but I've never "listened" to them. They had a statement or two which were interesting to say the least. I'll preface this by saying that I did not hear the lead in to this but the gist of the statement was: Josh Siembida was the worst goalie last year (in the WCHA), he (I think it was Dubay talking??) couldn't grade Travis Weber or Justin Johnson as he didn't see them enough to judge 'em. I don't think anyone would dispute that Josh "fought" the puck a few times last year, however, the "worst comment" made me look up Glenn Mitzels's Part II: Return of the Netminders: Games played: (UND)JS 10; JB 7; (MN)JJohnson 5; TWeber 7 Save %: JS .897; JB .889; JJ .855; TW .840 Win %: JS .450; JB .200; JJ 1.00; TW .600 Out of all those stats, the most important, I thought, to the overall picture was wins, a category in which last year UND was definitely lacking in comparsion to MN. Why worry about how we compare to MN? Brian Canaday, in today's paper indicated that there is a feeling that UND can be/is a strong team that can compete with the MN and Denver, arguably the 2 strongest teams in the WCHA. (for the sake of this post/argument I'm only addressing defense/goal tending not offense or special teams) Barring an incredible turn of events/fortunes UND's goalies won't exceed what the Denver goalies accomplish in terms of save percentages. However, that thought can't be stated in regards to a comparsion of UND and MN goalies. And since PA and Dubay felt free to mention JS I thought that the MN goalies are open for debate. I think the most significant stat which Glenn complied is the shots faced by each goalie. JS 31.5/game; JB 36/game; JJ 28.6/game; TW 26.6/game. With UND's bigger defense (clogging up the front of the net) I'm hoping that the number of shots JS and JB face a game goes down significantly. If that happens I believe that the winning percentages for both JS and JB will go up quite a bit. Then I can call in to PA and Dubay and ask who's the worst goalie in the WCHA. (note: All the stats used were from the conference section of Glenn's work as the PA and Dubay comment was in regard to WCHA.)
Swyg stated this morning that Tim's pre-game will start at 3pm and the game coverage begins at 3:30pm.
Anyone out there planning to listen in on the coaches' show tonight at 6:30?
Tickets in mailbox this morning - now in the file cabinent for safe keeping! wohoo!!! First home game Tuesday, Oct 22 at 7:05pm vs. Manitoba. (these are the men's hockey tickets - I didn't receive the women's tickets as of yet)
While surfing the web I came across an ode penned by a CC Tiger fan (Clay) - it pretty much sums up the anticipation of the coming week/season. Good job Clay, my nomination for "Bard of the WCHA" : The dog days gone, September fading fast It's time to check the mail--are tickets here? To wonder how much longer can we last 'Til our first game--will this year be THE year? The captains' practice thread (almost a book) Just whets our appetites. What thrills to come These first few games? Don't know yet where to look For that performance sure to leave us numb. A fresh new face--he scores!--will be the name On all our lips. "A great shot--did you see?" The goalie--"Sieve!"--will hear our echoed blame And vanish into anonymity. Who'll bring us joy this year, or dark despair? We'll all know soon--October's in the air! Drop the Puck!!
I have not heard anyone say that the game(s) were NOT going to be shown, however, you would think that if there was TV coverage we would've heard of it before now. Maybe someone who goes to meet the Sioux could ask around. So far the only games I've heard mentioned having TV coverage are Minnesota (for sure on 641 dish) and possibly the Wisconsin game (if on probably 642 dish channel).
The announcers and Coach Blais also talked a bit about Meet the Sioux. Doors open at 5pm tonight (Tuesday) at the REA. A scrimmage around 6pm for the men - I believe the women's team will scrimmage later in the evening.
I edited my post above - but for those who didn't read it - the game will be broadcast on 96.1 fm this coming Friday.
jbb - I believe Kelby was named NCC offensive player of the week based on his results from this past weekend - so I don't care what the stats are, rather let's ask "what have you done for me lately?" - this weekend Kelby was "the guy" - it is a shame he can't play this coming weekend - hopefully he'll heal quickly.
jbb, since I don't know how much exposure you've had to NPR, I'll assume you don't listen too much to NPR or maybe that you're unable to form your own opinion(s). I've been a listener/member of NPR for years (I'm old) and I've learned a lot from that organization, but I've also learned that MANY of the programs they air seem to have an "agenda" which they are promoting. I did not hear the actual program you're referring to, however if it's like much of the programing it was produced/developed around a theme. I challenge you to name one institution of higher learning which doesn't have some form/degree of "ism" be it racism, sexism, ageism - I don't think that last one is a word, but since we're talking NPR I'm not going to let some silly facts get in the way of my argument!!! Every institution could be subjected to such an expose. Did the program say why it was targeting UND? Was UND the only institution under investigation in the program? And pleezzzeeee stop talking about denial ---- your inability to type UND and/or Grand Forks smacks of denial of proper rules of "capitalization" and/or respect!!!
SCSU's operation "respect" just got pinged - on insidecollegehockey.com they list 16 teams on a power ranking scheme - 1 - Denver 3 - MN 11 - ND 16 - Wisc on the bubble CC and UAA ...... I didn't see SCSU listed. What's up with that?
Maybe we could use code words!!!!! You know: if Coach Blais has a really good zinger we could post that it was a "stellar" interview given by CB - and if out-of-area people want more "details" could e-mail us!!!!! Just call me James Bond, Jr. (I am joking - as no one is able to hear my "inflection/tone" I thought I better add this disclaimer.)
I just finished my daily perusal of POI. Wohoo! After a successful season and a promising upcoming year a large number of posters over there are uptight about Coach Blais' comments from his recent interview. I heard the interview that's being discussed - I'd hazard that not one of the complainers actually heard it, they just read a synopsis posted by PCM and/or me. Here's a clue: Blais is blunt. He was not complaining/whining. "That's the fact(s) Jack." I've LISTENED (actually heard HIS voice speak the words/ give the answers) to Blais' comments (pre-game, post-game, coaches' shows, weekday interviews, and during one memorable face to face conversation) for seven years. Coach Blais doesn't sugar coat his words, he doesn't dance around what he's thinking. The fact is that last season a majority of the Gopher's games during the postseason were played in front of a crowd comprised mainly of Gopher fans, the players were able to stay at home (not live out of suitcase), a situation any team would want. The bottom line was that the Gophers won the games they needed to win. Congrats to them. If posters chose to put they're own uninformed spin on it so be it. Actually I'm sure that most of the lurkers understand that, however, at present there are no games to talk about so "let's trash Coach Blais' comments" is the favorite game on-line now. Yah, I was fished in, responding to what they posted - I probably should've just ignored those comments as you all did, but I was cranky today, so........ Here's my question - How much of the interviews should a person post on here? Truthfully, there is probably much more that could be posted, but I'd rather not have some tattletales run amock with/distort what I post. However, for posters like Speez, Sockeye, Mr. Notterman, others outside the listening area.... I would think they'd like to have some information regarding interviews with the coaches. Yes, the interviews are given in a public forum (radio in this case) so it is "public", however, this forum is generally limited to/intended for the GF area and UND hockey fans, not to be broadcast "nationwide"; that being the case the discussions on the radio can be rather blunt/open.
Dagies - maybe you could call in during the coaches' show on Wednesday night and offer your services!!!!!
I'm pretty sure 1440 (actually sister station 96.1 fm) is covering it. They (Tim and Swyg) have been talking about trying the buffalo wings - (side note in their discussion: the Buffalo Sabres will be playing that weekend at home and James Patrick should be suited up, he (Tim) didn't think he'd get over to see that game). It sounds like Tim will be going there alone. Last week I believe they were talking about who'll be Tim's radio color guy - it'll be Craig Perry for the season, however, there were certain trips which he wouldn't be able to travel to. (Dan Hammer was initially talked about as Tim's potential partner, but that fell through.)
Travis R. and Brad B. were the starting d-men combination. Brad B. seemed to have quite a bit more time on the ice during the middle of the game as it seemed like the Thrashers were on a continuous power play (as PCM said Travis R. did do penalty kill time, however it did not seem that he had as much as Brad B.. Travis R. had a nice hit at center ice (they replayed it a couple times on the big screen). Brad B. is so stable/consistent. Travis R. had a good game, some nice hits, went strong into the corners, as PCM mentioned he broke up the 2 on 1 on a real sweet move, his break out passes seemed to connect o.k.., had a penalty, and notched an assist on the gwg. It was fun to watch him play again, he's soooooo smooth (yes most of the professionals skate smoothly but I'm biased!). Speaking of smooth skating, Dany Heatly had some really nice moves - early in the first period he had a nice dipsy-doddle. Big thumbs down to the Thrasher organization - I realize this was NOT a WCHA alumni game, however, to not bring Tony H., what is up with that??? It was a hard game to get into. I'm not a big fan of penalty shots, however, the one near the beginning of the 2nd period was fun to watch and the crowd "got into it". The last 10 minutes of the 3rd and overtime had a much more crowd noise. What was up with the #1 star of the game? They announced star #3, star #2, then when they said "#1 star" and Manny R. skated out, then the announcer said "Brad B." and Manny quickly skated to the bench and Brad came scooting out onto the ice? When do they tell the players if they are a "star" of the game? Manny played well so I wasn't surprised when he skated out, but then they said Brad's name...... It felt so good to be at a hockey game! Drop the Puck!!!
1440 am interview this morning (Friday)..... Tim and Swyg interviewed Coach Dave Hakstol....... 2 years ago during practices not a lot of teaching went on ..... 1 year ago during practice the flow would be stopped so that teaching could be done ..... this year is get out there and go during practice. There are only a few new faces. Priorities are to get into game shape and get into combinations. Senior class learned how to win as freshman as they all stepped up and played major roles in the 2000 championship. The junior class is battle tested (overtime loss in championship 2001 game). There are 3 captains that set the tone, but there are more leaders on this team than just those 3. Mentioned 2 d-men that more than likely will be the main power play contributors: Nick F. (good hands) and Andy S. (not afraid to make a mistake, confident, agressive). Swyg asked what do you look for in determining your d-men combinations? The blueprint would be pairing a "big guy" (like David Hale) with a "puck wizard" (like Travis Roche). There isn't a TR on the team, and probably not in the league. The team d needs to gain consistency - last year partners never really were set. So far this year David H. and Andy S. have been together and Matt Greene (ton of potential/some ups some downs) with Matt Jones (rock solid 2 way d-man). Little bit of talk about Coach Hakstol's (during his varsity time at UND) d partners Russ Parent and Brad Bombardir. Goalie talk: Josh S. and Jake B.: very happy with Josh's practice yesterday, but it is still early. They (JS and JB) are fighting for that spot, both seemed to have earned the right to play. One week until game time, the coaches are anxious to get out on the road with this group to see how they gel. When this interview ended the radio station played an interview by Tim with Andy S. from earlier this week. There are some big guys out on the ice, and Andy isn't the biggest. As a defensive unit they are not going to lead the nation in points scored but we can clear out the area arount the net. The guys are working on figuring out when is a good time and when is a bad time for a penalty. Last year was a disappointment - the excuse that we are a young team only goes so long - only 1 year of rebuilding - last year was a fluke and they have something to prove. They want teams to dread coming to REA and Grand Forks. The pace of the game is much "speedier". Sorry for the disjointed notes...there was a much better flow in the interviews but I missed parts of the interview(s).
With Chris F. going back to Lincoln (that's what I've heard, can anyone else verify this?) - is there a chance he could be back at UND next year? As a fan I'd like to see a healthy and motivated CF back in the Sioux's line-up, however, my wishes mean "diddly squat" - more important is would the team welcome him back.
Those darn little four letter words - "this" as opposed to "next" - whoops. With hockey at the REA "this" weekend I forget that it's not "our" team playing.
Thanks PCM - also when talking about the tourney this weekend at Buffalo it was stated that they, the organizers, wanted Michigan and North Dakota as these two are the teams with the most national titles and the organizers felt it would give the tourney more prestige - the ticket sales were good for this coming weekend. Like PCM stated, CB commented on how important wins are for a young team (this was in regards to the difficulty of this year's schedule compared to say last year's) - sometimes a young teams needs a team you can beat - then the Vikings example came up - he talked about Randy Moss saying "it's not my fault" (regarding the terrible start) - he said that everyone, players and coaches need to take ownership of "0-4" start. CB stated that he was glad to see UMN win as it was a win for the league. It was a good interview - if the team plays with the intensity CB had during the interview it'll be a fun year. There was no "sugar" in this interview.
Tim asked Coach Blais (CB hereafter) why do you think you weren't picked to win the league? CB: probably 'cause we tied into 6th place last year. (the question and answer were tongue in cheek) As for the team: Probably the largest blue line at UND in recent memory, there is no one skilled ala Travis Roche/Jordan Leopold/Curtis Murphy, but they are agressive. The big concern honestly will be penalties, while that is sort of humorous, it could very well be a problem (think of Mike Commodore's last season, every time he stepped on the ice the officials knew exactly where he was and what he was doing). The league has stated that this year they will crack down on the stick penalties - in the hopes of allowing more free-wheeling and open space play. Matt Greene is here to fill a role like MC - we want the other teams to appreciate the size of the D - won't allow other teams forwards in to the net - goalie has to make the initial save, if they do that the d-men will make sure no one is around for any rebounds. There is more but I have to run an errand.... more installments later today (I'm taking a page out of Glenn's book!!!!!)
When I posted my guesstimate as to WCHA end of season my thoughts were on where they'd finish in the league, not as to what type of post-season the team would have. Minnesota (as returning NCAA champion) gets a vote of of respect (to borrow a SCSU term) for a top 3 finish as does Denver (the goalie tandem is so important in this league). SCSU and CC have some very good talent. Playing so many games on the road in the second half of the season, I believe, really limits the team's chance of being a 1-2-3 WCHA team when you look at the talent/ability of those 4 teams. HOWEVER, that many road games against solid oppoents can and will more than likely be a huge boost to team-building and self confidence. Other than (possibly) the first playoff series, every playoff game is on the road. By the time playoffs start we may not be a "1-2-3" WCHA team but, I think, we'll be one of the "scariest" teams in the nation, the team other teams don't want to meet in a playoff situation. And that's the situation in which Coach Blais' teams shine. If, however, JS or JB pulls a "KG" this season, top 3 is where they'll be found!!
The fourth goalie mentioned in the interview was not "identified". I'm assuming that the unnamed goalie will only see playing time in practice. It didn't sound like he'd be competing with JB, JS or RS for ice time.