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Everything posted by Sweeny

  1. ...but then who will be left to tell him how stupid he is?
  2. gawd yellowdog, just give it up. You sound like a nerdy immature high-schooler running for his class presidency who can't handle mudslinging and starts tossing out incoherent generalities in response ["sioux fans" - as if we are all one group of solidarity ]. so please - just leave or be quiet, you aren't making yourself look any better.
  3. Sweeny


    If they can manage to get us a good deal then it may be the way to go - though if you end up looking for another to drive with Dunker - keep in touch/PM me!
  4. Sweeny


    When you split it between 4+ people its alot cheaper than airfare. Of course it just all depends on how much you are willing to pay and how much time you have available - for some it makes sense to fly, for others driving is best.
  5. Sweeny


    Now you are talkin!! Seriously, I am all for it - bus or a roadtrip all the way! Over spring break this year I did a New Orleans roadtrip with 2 other buddies - we drove over 3500 miles, great times
  6. Sweeny


    airfare for a charter? I thought the charter was going to be bus - seems like a bus would be alot cheaper, which is important for a poor college guy like me
  7. similar USCHO article here: http://www.uscho.com/news/2005/03/28_010513.php basically talking about the wcha domination - while people from the east try to put the best spin as possible on it
  8. I don't know why goofer fans are so confident. They might claim that their team just "didn't care" about the game v. UND in the final five but it appears that even Lucia was able to recognize the significance of that game and did not just shrug it off: [Lucia]
  9. http://www.uscho.com/news/2005/03/26_010499.php Funny quote: "A one-liner overheard in the press room from one media relations person: After North Dakota defeated Boston University and Boston College in one weekend, "It's North Dakota's first Beanpot."
  10. JP has been incredibly clutch. Man, I feel so warm and rosy inside...if I wasn't so happy already I could just go back to my post history and look at all the times I defended JP and Hakstol -> look where they have taken us. (Not to mention me totally calling the UND 2nd goal v. BC tonight like 30 seconds before it happened!!!) Its good to be right, but even better to be right when you are defending the sioux! /basking in victory
  11. I said coaching. Hakstol has really been underrated and I felt pretty bad when he was taking heat since I have worked with him some and he is a very very solid guy. I think he deserves a TON of credit for keeping his head up and just working hard even while bandwagoners were calling for his head. Its easy to say now that "the team just came together" but the fact is, you can bet that it was Hakstol leading the charge - keeping the guys motivated and believing in themselves while at the same time teaching them and making the changes needed to turn our beloved sioux into the dominant force that we saw this weekend!!! North Dakota > "Hub of hockey"
  12. quote from BC boards: "Anyway, we had to play perfect tonight. And we weren't. I don't really think that we played too poorly (not that we played that well either). But North Dakota just beat us up. We were boys playing among men. Even after the first 10 minutes, they were relentless. They never give the power play a chance. Honestly, they look like the best team I have seen in quite some time" heheh. heheh. GO SIOUX!
  14. I AM PSYCHIC!!!
  15. BC has been playing a bit nervous, if they don't settle down look for more good UND chances...
  16. dang, their guy was hitting marvin in the face but we get the retaliation call...
  17. From the article: "...Parker has played both teams and gives the edge to his Hockey East counterparts. 'I'm not trying to give BC the kiss of death, but I've said all along I think they're the best team in the nation,' he said. 'And North Dakota is just losing guys out of the lineup to injury and BC is just getting guys back. 'North Dakota will have their hands full tomorrow night,' he said. Just like BU did with Jordan Parise." -ESPN I believe Parker just got owned by ESPN [and JP!!]
  18. Anyone know where/how I could get my hands on tapes of the NCAA championship games v. BU/BC in 1997/2000? All this playoff goodness is making me nostalgic
  19. quote from BC fan from their boards: "It was enjoyable watching BU get pimp-slapped like a cheap hooker tonight by the Sioux. The Sioux dominated in every way managable and looked like a formidable foe for BC tomorrow. But they don't look like the Russian Red Army team either. We can take them. They cycled all over BU like it was nobody's business. They have good skill guys and other than their cycling (which was so good they had numerous shifts that they cycled so badly BU never touched the puck until they had to change lines... and they just stopped cycling, gave the puck to BU, and changed lines because they were so tired from cycling for a minute and a half.) was their positioning. They were almost always in position all night long. We're going to have to generate offense by beating someone one on one or fast transition game." It appears that although they are still confident (as are we incidentally) that we proved v. BU tonight that BC won't be able to slip by us like they did against MH...and they know it too. Its gonna be a good game and I am looking forward to it!
  20. Lee and Vandevelde both got assists on that one
  21. Vandevelde scores! 4-2 now
  22. Vandevelde sets up SH goal 2-1
  23. Championship game starting - Moorhead v. Holy Angels Anyone know what numbers Lee and Vandevelde are?
  24. This wasn't Fuhrer's fault, it was Porter's. First off, Porter had a chance to support his d-man in the high corner during a fight from the puck. Instead he backed off and Wisconson gained control. The player who got it ended up taking it back around the net and getting the assist. This was Porter mistake #1. Porter mistake number #2: this is less forgivable. after not helping in the high corner, Porter backs off towards the blue line - presumably to help cover the point/slot. Now, when the Wisconsin player moved the puck around the net and Porter became the weakside wing, he should have moved closer the slot from the left point- AND ESPECIALLY WATCH FOR THE D-MAN CREEPING IN TO PICK HIM UP. He didn't. Wisconson's D-man jumped into the slot and buried the puck unhindered. Its the *wing's* job to pick up a defence crashing the net, Fuhrer had no angle, and no chance to help but try a last-ditch pokecheck. Sorry, but blames on Porter for this one. imho.
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