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Taz Boy

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Posts posted by Taz Boy

  1. Thanks for posting.

    So ... UND gets to keep hanging the historical banners.

    But will the banner hung after October 1, 2009 for winning last season's WCHA be a UND Fighting Sioux banner? or otherwise [insert name here].

    I couldn't tell from reading the settlement.

    REA, Inc., was not a party in that settlement.

  2. I haven't posted much on this board this year; busy and all.

    I'm disappointed of course, but not mad. I was 1000X more p!ssed last year, when they lucked out against Wisco and didn't even show up against BC.

    Today, the Sioux looked very good; with some lapses towards the end. Even Melrose was highly complimentary throughout the game. UNH had puck luck and took advantage of every miscue. I doubt they'll go much further either-- as they've probably used up all their magic.

    Bottom line: I'm happy with the McNaughton Cup. I think that is a big step forward for the Hakstol program. But, an early exit in the NCAA tourney seemed inevitable based on the WCHA FF performance. As with previous years, you cannot start your playoff run in January. No way. The team was absolutely gassed last weekend, and it showed again today late in the third.

    If Hak's boys maintain the home ice excellence into the start of next season, they will be in much better shape towards the end of the season. I'm hopeful they'll successfully defend the Cup, from a more balanced effort, and then take a rested/healthy group into post season for another go at it.

    Finally, go Dog's!

    taz wishes all the best to those along the Red

  3. Ugh! Now we have the players themselves b!tching about how the fans deserved better just because they paid money for the game! Somebody, please shut this thread down now!


    (joke, people, joke)

    I will definitely miss Lammy. He was just plain outstanding this year, and the Goofer Nation hated him, which is another big plus for me. Thursday was not his best game, but had he been in Hobey mode, maybe BC has 4 instead of 6.


  4. Yes, Jim, the "blind eye of justice," I hope it works out for you man. What I don't understand is the fact that he allows people to bash Hak and players, and certain individuals to harass others like yourself. But, when people like me go to their defense by bashing someone, then the axe starts swing. There is just no consistency to the enforcement of the loosley termed "rules" here. It all depends on who you are.

    Jim does an excellent job, in my opinion. Plus, it's HIS forum, he can do as he pleases. If he want's to write a 4 page essay on why he thinks Taz Boy posts contribute to Global Warming, force format all my text in lavender and change "Taz" to "Sissy" he is more than welcome to do it. In fact, I'm surprised this hasn't happened, but I suspect it has something to do with time and better things to do and such.

    Hakstol is a public figure and criticism goes along with the territory. I don't think he needs your defense.

    taz sissy, hey, what's happening here???

  5. triouxper, how are you right? its ur opinion. everyone has one and not everyones is right. My friend PCM left this baord cuz of u and i can now see y. i also can see why you were suspended to. I think one will probably be in the future for you also. go ahead bash me idc. ur prolly jsut some little kid out there.

    IMHO the txt msg vers of ur posts is TFF! I recommend switching to !_337 $[]D3/-\|<...

    \/\/ !-! /-\ "|" []_[][]D []D []_ /-\ Y /-\ ? Y kno\/\/ wher3 | is. []800 - Y /-\ !!

  6. Constructive criticism is one thing...calling for a coach's head is another. I'm sure Dave Hakstol, along with the players, assistant coaches, etc... will all learn a lesson from last night's debacle.

    Say what you want about the team, I'm proud of this: With the outcome of this game decided relatively early, the Sioux did not resort to cheap-shot penalties or penalties out of frustration. The players kept their cool and didn't go out and goon it up over the last period of the game just to let off some steam. They got smoked and they handled it without being foolish.

    Interesting point. After three beers, I was calling for it! :)

    It's unfortunate that this season also included an extremely rare episode of Hak losing his cool as well as some other post-game player shenanigans on/off ice. Glad this didn't bubble up on national TV during an incredibly frustrating game.

  7. I was in the camp that thought und would beat BC. Nobody, and I mean nobody, saw that coming. If you did you are a flat out liar. I was alarmed at a number of observations yesterday:

    1) BC manhandled und in physical play. Forever and a day und has been a physically brusing team and bc has been more "finesse" but yesterday bc pounded und into submission.

    2) und basically gave up after the 1st period. I can't remember a time when und was blown out in the 1st and basically called it a day. I saw absolutely ZERO sustained effort in the 2nd and 3rd period. To me that was very very alarming. It was almost as if they thought well we made it here again and that is good enough.

    3) Did Lamaroux think they were playing in the late game becasue he didn't show up. Spectacular season no doubt about that. Without him und is not a #1 seed and I doubt they even appear in the Frozen 4.

    4) No sense of urgency or inspiration what so ever. like I said before, it seemed as if the boys were content just to be there.

    5) Jerry York took the pedal off the gas. You could clearly see that. If bc wanted to they could have put up 10 on und. While I am not a fan of Hockey East, York earned a ton of respect in my book and handled it with a lot of class.

    6) Hakstol and the coaching staff deserve some heat. Sorry to say he is quickly going down as und's version of Doug Woog. Do you fire him? Hell No (what nimrod actually thinks that?). However, the team was woefully unprepared yesterday. The coaching staff had 10 days to scout bc to find their tendencies, strengths, weaknessess etc etc etc. It was evident that bc was fully prepared to handle und but und was not preparred to handle BC. Sorry to say that goes on the coaching staff.

    Careful, this kind of talk around here will get you the ire of the Triouxper. Good thing you are a Gopher Fan! :D

    I agree with your points in general, with some comments:

    #1) UND lost that physical edge this year after the 'incidents' with UW, UMN and DU. They quit hitting.

    #2) True dat.

    #3) Lammy didn't play his Hobey self, but isn't to blame for the artistic stylings of Gerbe and Co.

    #4) True dat.

    #5) Absolutely! You see in his post game comments almost apologetic for the rout. I'm sure he was very happy with the win, but I also get the sense he didn't enjoy what he was seeing as an experienced collegiate coach. Very impressed with him after this.

    #6) Not sure what happened here, but I think it's fair to question the preparation. If folks here think the forum rants are unacceptable, then they need to avoid the press coverage because it is brutal today.


  8. It's a well know fact that PCM and myself disagree on many things. Yet I respect his opinion. I was pointing out that he doesn't post here because of crap like this.

    I thought he left because of you? :D

    Seriously, it's all good. Let folks rag on Hak and the boys and then love 'em again tomorrow. It is the way of the fan.

  9. There's no bashing that needs to be done. MafiaMan is right, so am I. Still no moderators to mop up this mess. I bet if I started throwing down personal attacks on those who are deserving of it I would have the moderators all over me like stink on !@#$. How ironic that they allow it to go on as long as it is a player or a coach. Like has been stated before, this is why good people like PCM and others don't come here anymore.

    This is not a mess, yet. When I get to complaining about the temperature of dippin dots at the REA, then we'll have ourselves a mess. If a "good person" is one who only purports opinions in lockstep with your own, then I think it is you, Triouxper, that is taking all this too seriously.


  10. It may not be 2009 or even 2010, but someday soon, the Sioux will win a national title again and fans, coaches, players, and former players will all stop thinking about what-could-have-been and be thankful for the chance at immortality.

    It is for this very reason that I think heat from the fans is warranted, and can actually help rebuilding. Losing to BC this year was always a very real possibility, not giving them the respect of an honest game is the issue. It's hard to imagine this team left it all on the ice last night. Maybe they did and BC is untouchable. But, we can't assume that based on the evidence provided by ESPN2 and eye-witness accounts. Regardless, I celebrate the high expectations of Fighting Sioux Fans, and their passion for success. I fear the day UND becomes satisfied with anything less than a regular season title and a national championship.

    Whenever I feel down about 2008 or any other season that hasn't gone my way, I think back to sitting in the stands at the Bradley Center watching the empty-netter make the score 6-4 Sioux over BU and you knew that an unbelievable cinderella season would have a magical ending. I sat with a dozen of my college friends along with my then-roommate and his girlfriend and the dancing and hugs we shared when the clock hit 0:00 is a memory I'll never ever forget. Don't lose heart...it will happen again.

    That '97 game was quite sweet, I must say. Post-game with the players was very special. Then off to one of the local pubs to watch Clem's Gophers in the BB Final Four, which now technically didn't happen according to the NCAA.

    One final point:

    Did anyone notice BC pull up on at least one (two?) breakaways in the third? This was more than just defensive shell, I think York sent a message once the game was beyond repair to keep the rout in check. I have to believe this is sign of respect he has for the Sioux program. I also believe that Red's boys would have gone to town in the third to make a statement.

    I think I like the BC program a little more today for the dominate, but controlled beating they gave our beloved team.


  11. Last time I checked, BC had some NHL caliber players too.

    Finley wasn't pointed out directly at you, Taz Boy. That was a general statement thanks to another thread started by someone else.

    No wonder so many long-time posters have left this board to the newbies and people with no insight at all. As I left Joe Senser's last night, got home and sat down at my computer, I told myself, "don't do it, don't do it...all you're going to see is 'FIRE HAKSTOL' and 'JOE FINLEY IS THE WORST DEFENSEMAN SINCE BRIAN LEE.' And, stunningly enough, I was right.

    Understood. But, I'm more open to folks venting as long as it's directed at the performance and not malicious personal crap. Some of that here qualifies, most not. The archival nature of the web forums is unfortunate, because stuff gets written that may have more drama than it would after a few days or weeks, but hey, that's what it is. I'm certainly not going to fault someone for openly lamenting dropping $1K to watch their favorite team take a dump, a generous analogy to be sure.

    I'm concerned with any notion that the Sioux players and coaches cannot be criticized. While I agree that firing Hakstol is over the top, as he is 1000 times more "Fighting Sioux" than most fans could hope to be, I also think that position comes with brutal expectations and is rightly held to a high standard. Many programs are. That's what makes the job so fantastic. Hakstol has repeatedly stated that the Fighting Sioux nation is incredibly demanding, success oriented, banner driven. He seems perfectly comfortable with that responsibility. I think he can take the heat.

    As to BC, I think they as a whole are on another level. If they tank the title game again, then no doubt Eagles folks will look to York-- probably the most storied coach out there-- for answers as well. It's a tough business.


  12. Watch the post-game press conference if you want a personal explanation, Taz Boy. Maybe you can write Dave Hakstol an e-mail and demand an answer.

    NHL caliber talent doesn't guarantee anything.

    Those of you with the balls to say that Joe Finley sucks, I dare you to meet him at the airport and tell him that in person and explain what he was doing on the first goal. What a bunch of keyboard muscleheads some of the folks on this board are. Get a grip!

    And again with the "guarantee" thing. What's up with that? How did Joe Finley enter into this? I didn't say he sucked specifically, but I'm open to a debate on the subject.

  13. Sorry, but just because fans buy tickets and travel to games does not guarantee the team performs to their expectations or even wins. That's the chance you take. If you don't want to invest the time and money because you feel you might be disappointed, then don't. It's as simple as that. Blaming the team for your travel time and investment is very, very lame at best. Someone please close all of these stupid threads before !@#$ gets out of hand.

    Heh, heh. Nice try, triouxper. You are spinning my point. Of course there are no "guarantees". Sheesh. Then, you proceed to instruct me to take action that I already stated I did. What can I learn from that?

    Bottom line, if you are happy with what you saw yesterday, good for you. Some folks aren't. Some folks spend a ton of dough on regular season and post season Fighting Sioux events and may wish to express displeasure when they believe the product on the ice is not commensurate with the ticket price (TJ Oshie excepted of course). That's all. Why is this such a crime? Taboo? Most of us are tougher on our kids. Heck, I've even heard folks complain about the sermons/homilies at church and then drop their donations accordingly. We're talking God here! This is just sports.


    taz says: bitch all you want, doesn't mean you don't love 'em

  14. Good call, Gopherguy33. Some of these posts are jaw-dropping.

    MafiaMan, who or what are you trying to protect here? Is the UND coaching staff so fragile that any criticism is devastating? I heard much worse from my junior high basketball coach for cripes sake. I'm sure Hakstol could care less what's written here, or if he did he'd probably be in agreement. The Sioux, with NHL caliber talent, stunk up the joint yesterday and lots of fans want to know why. I don't see this as being anything other than passionate fans expressing viewpoints. Isn't that what sports is all about?

  15. Can we finally now retire the Holy Cross jerseys? Please? My Gopher friends are salivating right now. :D

    Without question, that BC team is fantastic. I love their offensive explosiveness and intensity. If they don't win the title this year, it will be a damn shame.

    The Sioux faithful who sat at home and continue to excuse the poor play or celebrate the FF "appearance" should listen to those who paid the big bucks and went to Denver to experience that stinker in real time. I would like to hear from those who went to all the post season venues this year: REA, Xcel, Kohl, and Poopsi, er, Pepsi. Overall, were you pleased with the effort you paid time and money for? I have to say that after going to the X for the DU-UND game in which the Sioux equaled the level of apathy on display yesterday, I decided to make no further travel plans. The escape out of Madison was only a stay of execution for a team that played barely two periods of quality hockey in two games. Bandwagon fan? OK, whatever you need to help you sleep at night, I guess. I love the Sioux, and always will. Doesn't mean I can't get disgusted with what I see.

    I'm hopeful that this embarrassment, and yes, it was an embarrassment far eclipsing the Gopher loss to HC, is a teachable moment for the Sioux. I support a critical look at all aspects of the program, because being satisfied with "appearances" is NOT what the Fighting Sioux are all about. I'm convinced Dave Hakstol would agree with that statement. He is old school Sioux, tough as nails, and no doubt ready to face the music head on, take accountability rather than defending the "appearences" record. If the program cannot withstand strong criticism for uninspired play, then it is doomed to mediocrity.


  16. I know this isnt about the Sioux but is anyone else surprised that ND is up 2 already against Michigan? As long as Michigan does not win the FF I will be happy!

    Oddly enough, my absolute loathing of all things Boston College has not kept me from wishing them another title. They played UND beautifully this evening. BC fans should be proud of their teams performance. Hockey fans should be impressed.

    Good luck to a team I hate: BC.


  17. DING! You win!

    On this note: CLOSE THIS THREAD.

    egf, take a walk for a while.

    It would be a mistake to close this thread. Just because you don't like what you read doesn't mean you need to squelch it. I say, let's have it out... all opinions. That's the beauty and the beast of the internet.

    taz not very happy right now.

  18. The Arrogant Ones are about to start the 3rd Period vs. The Arrogant Ones.

    2-1 Arrogance leads.

    This is my favorite post of the evening. Well, at least up until I posted this. :ohmy:

    Gophers look gassed late in this game. Darn, just when it took all day for me to prepare to cheer dispassionately for them.

    Go Miami.


  19. I just wanted everyone to know that I will continue to post on siouxsports.com with the same infrequency, randomness, and off-topic nonsense that have been a staple of Taz Boy rantings for many years. I hope that this announcement puts your minds at ease so you can focus on the regionals this weekend.


  20. Denver played strong on the puck, very physical, and made it impossible to gain control into the zone. Nice win for them.

    This was as even a Final Five as I've seen in a long time. Any team could have won this one, save for a bounce here or there. I'll be interested in seeing how well the WCHA does in the dance.

    Go Sioux!

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