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Taz Boy

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Posts posted by Taz Boy

  1. No team has demonstrated both the best and the worst of NHL hockey like the Anaheim Ducks. At times, they are amazing and a joy to watch. But, they have also shown a disgusting nature of targeting players and taking them out. I very much enjoy the physical, hard hitting game. I also support fighting. But, these guys have become a joke; and with the 1-0 trap-fests, have helped take the Cup playoffs into a ratings abyss.

    You may like this sort of thing, but just know that hockey's got nothing on UFC for blood or skeet shooting for skill. Only a matter of time before Vs. goes that route in the spring. Not many sports can celebrate one of their playoff games being dropped for a horse-race warm up show. Rest assured, non-hockey fans are laughing, and NHL devotees will have to be satisfied with getting the playoffs via intermittent streaming video from servers sharing MySpace or YouTube bandwidth.

  2. Pronger suspended, again. Watching/listening to the Ducks general manager Brian Burke is entertaining. Poor Ducks, they're getting unfairly judged on their "physical play."

    "We're not a dirty team, we're a physical team," Burke said. "There's a big difference."



  3. I am going to start riding a mountain bike to work.

    "Mountain" bike in North Dakota? That's good stuff, right there.

    Yep, the Triton 5.4L is a thirsty one alright. I'm getting around 13mpg. It's all good, though, because when I ram into a Prius I don't really notice it much. By the way, why does this car have to look like it does? Seriously. At least Ford tried to make their's look like a useful vehicle (Escape). But, the Prius is just plain laughable. The Inconvenient Truth for Taz is that people are indeed buying these. Highway Department regulations require that a child's car seat actually be installed in the rear seat of the vehicle adjacent to the Prius.

    If burning petroleum products is bad for the environment, then leaving that filthy oil in the ground to fester certainly is worse. I say, burn the stuff until it's gone and let's get on to Mr. Fusion powered cars.


  4. It's almost to the point where only people who earn six figures per year can afford to buy gas. I was contemplating going to Def Leppard in Minot, but not at $3/gallon I won't.

    I just wanted folks to read this one again, in case they missed it. :D


  5. I agree. The Ducks are the dirtiest team in hockey, and they know how to get under the opposition's skin. Detroit didn't take the bait, and unfortunately didn't score 11 goals. The Wings have so much leadership, even Bertuzzi decided not to go after any Ducks - I was amazed at the focus they had, even with a four goal lead, as I was praying that someone would take Pronger out. The Wings know this is Anaheim's MO, and refuse to go in any direction not pointed towards the Stanley Cup. Also, the Redwings are very capable vs the 1-2-2, and will be well equipped to play Ottawa, if they win the series.

    I thought the Sabres were a bit too cutesy also, but mainly I felt they were trying to match-up too much and not playing their style that got them there. Stafford HAS to play this next game - they need as much offense as they can get. Usually, they wouldn't need to score first because of their high-octane offense, but they definitely have to get out the gate in a hurry. Loosen-up their collective sphincters on the PP, make smart passes, get some guys in front of the net and shoot the puck! Then try limiting the time on PK because Ottawa is the man on PP.

    If Toews leaves this year, at least we'll get the satisfaction of seeing him deke Pronger out of his jock once or twice. God, I hate that guy and I hate his flowy, shiny head of hair that he waves around whenever putting on his helmet. I hate that guy.

    Pronger should have been ejected as well, with the high flying elbows. No question those two knew who they were hitting. I absolutely agree with you that Detroit played outstanding, disciplined hockey. Even Bertuzzi! Pretty much letting the Ducks self destruct. It concerned me that the Wings could not put the puck in net during their sustained power plays. Other than that, they were solid.

    I'm disappointed in the Sabres (with the exception of Miller), but equally impressed with the Senators. Their game is on right now. Alfredsson is a machine out there. If the Ducks somehow manage to move on, I shall enjoy being a rabid Ottawa fan for the Cup.

  6. Would love to see Toews stay, but would be excited to watch him play and have success in the NHL next year. Either way, he's a special young man. Very happy to have this caliber of player as a lifelong Sioux. Knowing that his college experience was special is good enough for this alum.

    Good luck, Mr. Toews!

    taz digs it

  7. With the most PIMs in regular season and playoffs, the Ducks organization once again embarrasses themselves in a 5-0 rout at the hands of the Red Wings. That Nieder+Pronger hit was aweful, followed by another one on Chelios. In fact, that entire second period was loathsome.

    I'm sorry, but it's painful just to watch these monkeybutts. Certainly, they can dominate against Euro nancy-boys, such as the Wild and Vancouver. But their crap-ass play is of the sort that makes it difficult to explain the splendor and majesty of the NHL Cup Playoffs to a non-hockey fan. "Bunch of goons!" they say. Yeah, perhaps.

    Please, Red Wings, finish taking out the trash and move on to the finals with the Sens.


  8. "I had never seen the rink up there and it was amazing," said Fink, who visited campus last Thursday with his father, Steve. "I fell in love with the coaching staff there all three of them. I like how the campus was small and the training facilities are unbelievable.

    "I also have heard that North Dakota is the best place to go if you want to be a pro."

    Fink said he also considered Minnesota-Duluth and Minnesota. Growing up, he was a Gopher fan.

    "I was. . . . until I walked into that arena," he said. "I'm really excited to play there."

    Thanks Ralph... again!

  9. I think they should've hired a woman. They could've paid her less since they aren't as smart or wily.

    The bigger problem is that women are just too emotional. They fold under pressure; not having what it takes to be a winner.



  10. Ducks: Great Hockey Played by Sucker-Punch, Third-Man-In, After-The-Whistle Pansies Wearing the Worst Nickname in the History of Sports. May and Moen are an embarrassment to all that is NHL.

    Still, they play an excellent game. That Pronger is an iron man. Lemaire needs to get some grown men on his team, not just Boogey. Great Wild 5x3, shooting into Jiggy's breadbasket from the blue line. Awesome.


    taz now on to Devils

  11. I would just like to add that I am the classiest fan I know. If I come to know Sagard further, then perhaps I may find myself unworthy of being the classiest fan. And, certainly, Sagard's thread here exhibits excellence in the category of class. But, short of a full class review process, I'm forced to consider my own classiness as being superior to that of any other fan.


  12. Oh yeah, about the jersey pop, that's just honoring the M. I'd rather see our guys pay homage to the treasured M, than being a delf serving glory boy like you see in the NBA and NFL.

    You are not honoring the letter M if the letter M is offended by it. To be safe, I'd just avoid honoring the letter M from now on.

  13. I might have respected the play a llittle bit if he wouldn't have done the gay jersey pop.

    Wheeler had a heck of a tournament. No question. His goal celebrations are a bit more showy than I'd like to see. Still, he's pumped, in front of a huge crowd, playing well, and getting rewarded. Good for him.

    Nice championship game, with perhaps NoDak not playing as well in the first two periods. But, I thought they did well in the third. No hanging heads here. Just, rest up and get ready for the dance.


  14. Great power play, UAA. :D

    Yeah, that was a particular kind of badness. U of M should have throttled AA tonight. Good to see the Blondies will be making it to the WCHA revenue generating event. McLeod must be relieved as he||.


  15. I'm sure they are all in the underground bunker directly below center ice that houses the bomb that will go off the second UND announces a name change.

    It is also well known that if you play "Stand Up and Cheer" backwards, .85X speed, it sounds eerily similar to "Das Lied der Deutschen" if yelped out by the menacing German Shepherds from Wolfenstein 3D. How Ralph pulled that one off is just amazing.


  16. Would somebody please condense this down to 2-3 lines and repost it so that I have time to read it :D :D :D

    I can:

    1) Win or lose, the Sioux are the greatest team in all of college hockey

    2) Item #1 is indisputable

    3) Dippin Dots are the preferred treat for little Sioux fans everywhere

    taz says Go Sioux!!!!

  17. Ouch, that loss stung. Denver gets that puck luck against the Sioux again. I would like to see some demons exercised tonight and get a win against the Pio. And, as the youngsters say these days, that move by Oshie was sick!

    Don't stew, Sioux. It's not over yet. Tied for 11 in PWR, and playing well. A convincing win tonight and all will be right in the world.


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