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Taz Boy

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Posts posted by Taz Boy

  1. Seriously, did the Sioux hockey bus run over Nick's dog several years ago after a road-trip to Mariucci? The guy writes a column every week it seems opposing the Sioux nickname.

    If Nick is so concerned with social activism in Minneapolis/St Paul, perhaps he can ask casinos why they have no problem picking up the elderly and the poor and giving them bus rides to casinos so they can spend their very last dimes.

    Well-meaning opponents of the Fighting Sioux nickname are no doubt in agony; pleading with Nick to get off their side.

    taz mystified that Coleman has this Strib gig

  2. I too, feel that it is time to drop the Sioux name. The list of who won't play us will only get longer. How long before NDSU uses the name as an excuse to go along with the snub the Sioux gave NDSU during their transition. I can well imagine trying to get into any conference with this hanging over UND's head as well. I say change it and get it over with. Even with the lawsuit, UND could well win the suit and still lose the war.

    This defeatist attitude is not becoming of a Fighting Sioux. Give in? Acquiesce? Why not? After all, it's what the opposition wants. Seems popular these days. I can't imagine the day I get so tired of being called a racist that I end up agreeing; if only just to get along. Must we really place that much importance on a pre-season basketball game, or a chance at a "moral victory" in football?

    Rest assured, the vast majority of thinking humans are supporting UND. The policies of these institutions are vague, fragile, and full of convenient loopholes. Like global warming, it's all about the money. And when someone does the not-so-challenging computation showing $$ are to be had with a Sioux-Gopher contest in mid-season, it will happen.

    Fight on Sioux! Fight on.

  3. I once shot two beers in a row and then went outside and had a spit-up. Tummy was sore after that, but I sipped another Old Mil just to show my cool. Worse yet, I had stink mouth and no Dentyne and this was really hurting my chances with this cutie back at the party. I think I went home alone and watched an old movie with my Mom, who stayed up late. It was OK, cause I didn't get into trouble like these two hockey players kinda did.

    Does this mean last weekend doesn't count?

  4. How would Sioux fans react if the Sioux were playing another school in a sport and the other schools AD or Administrator acted the way Buning did. This question is not intended to be a flame fest but to see how Sioux fans would HONESTLY respond.

    I would yawn so forcefully that NOAA would be required to give it a hurricane name and category.

    taz credits Dennis Miller

  5. Sorry but I can't blame the Gopher players for diving. I don't like it, but seriously, WCHA officials don't know what diving is unless it can be accompanied by an offsetting penalty. If a team wants desperately to win and knows that the officials won't call diving unless it is the world's most obvious dive (meaning he falls to the ice with no opposing player even near him and the official knows it) they're going to dive.

    To be fair, I've seen Sioux players do it. They don't do it often, but they've done it in the past. With the state of officiating, I think they should do it more. Sad that I'm advocating cheap play but if we're always goign to be penalized because of it, we might as well "get in on the action."

    Have to disagree here. This falling down crap is bad for college hockey, and does nothing for the post-collegiate careers of the players doing it. I was surprised at how little it takes to knock a Gopher to the ice. And, the hitting going on last night was nothing compared to the bone-crushing shots in the NHL. Difference is, the pros don't fall down. They skate through it. This is why I think Oshie will do well at the next level; he keeps his feet moving, skating through, around, or over the opposition. Even if you buried TJ up to his neck in the ice, his feet would still be moving and he would be checking players with his head. The Zamboni itself would no doubt require extensive repairs to the blade and auger if it had the misfortune of attempting to ice over the Oshie-head.


  6. There was one other one that I remember from about 1976-77 or so. Dave Geving of the Sioux flipped one down into the Colorado College zone from right about the red line to get a line change. The puck landed in front of Eddie Mio, CC's outstanding goalie. It bounced a couple of times and went in over his glove. IIRC the Sioux won 3-2.

    Wasn't there a miserable long-ball goal by Mankato in the REA with Kollar in net? I believe this was Dec 1st, 2001, when UND suffered a sweep at the hands of the Mavs (Saturday night 0-6). I think this was the night the alums gave Dean Blais a fishing boat. Should have taken it back after that game and just given him dead fish instead :glare:.

    I do recall some of the veteran Mavs players giving Kollar an extra pat on the back during handshakes because it was such a horrible series for him. Sure, it's perhaps easy for Mankato to be gracious on a night like that, but I always remember that action by those players and how they respected Kollar.

    taz digs Goofer sweep

  7. Let me start by saying I am a huge gopher hockey fan. This rule is complete joke and shows what a fraud Maturi and the rest of the idiots running that school really are. Maturi is nothing more then a glorified cheerleader, with the only difference being the real cheerleaders have more nuts. My (and many other UMN fans) favorite rivalry in sports is UND vs UMN and this clown messes that up for the masses to kiss up to someone and look PC. I hope you keep your name and mascot to keep sticking it to these PC sissy's like Maturi. I for one will be sending little joe a email as soon as I get off this site. :lol:

    Such strong backbone words can only come from a closet Sioux fan. Sure, you cheer for the Maroon and Gold now, but your spirit resides elsewhere. Come. Come towards the light. There is peace and serenity in the light. All are welcome...


  8. And *who* is the beneficiary of your alleged fight? Alums who can thump Sioux logos on our overpriced jerseys and sweatshirts? Sure, we can beat the NC$$ in court, and public opinion, and do what? We may have a judgment that probably will not extend beyond GF County. We can rightfully point out the hypocrisy of the NC$$, and schools have decided to not schedule UND because of the name/logo, and keep ourselves warm with insults against pencil-neck PC losers.

    However, is the school better served because more natural rivals like Wisco, Iowa or Minnesota refuse to schedule our teams? Will we feel better, or draw enough fans, playing Northern Illinois or Central Florida? Will we draw the fans and other support necessary to support these programs? Are you more proud of UND as an institution, or the name/logo?

    I've always expressed support for the name/logo, so long as the school and its students were not adversely affected by it. Well, it seems like the holes are starting to appear on the dikes. A smooth, finanically viable move to D1 takes precedence over the name/logo IMO.

    As far as "weak knees" ... I'll be in St. Louis for the Frozen Four if you really want to finish this discussion.

    ScottM, tell your St. Cloud State Women's Studies professor to quit posting under your name.

    Seriously, a stale UMN policy gets publicly restated, complete with backpedalling and excuses, and we start to eat our own? Is it that easy? The premier center for higher learning in North Dakota is accused of institutionalized racism and you're worried about missing a game against a crappy D-1 program?

    Let the she-schools position themselves with empty policies driven by NCAA pressure. It's a stunt. It won't work. UMN has caught a glimpse of the football juggernaut that is North Dakota. A shot across the bow by the lowly Bison lads is only a preamble to the future of midwest D-I, and the era of the Fighting Sioux.


  9. UND and the State of North Dakota cannot worry about what UMN or UW think at this point. The issue is with the NCAA executive committee and their overreaching policy. This is THE battle. Follow-on spats with individual member schools takes a back seat in my opinion. The Dartmouth episode was clearly damaging to the NCAA's case; so they had to enlist some help. Where better than the folks at Gooferville?

    North Dakota needs to prove that the NCAA is wrong. This is beyond the name and who can play who and with what uniforms and at what arena/field... The lawsuit must go on, it must be taken into court or settled favorably beforehand.

    If by chance North Dakota wins, then they can make the nickname decision based on economics and competitive opportunity in their Div I transition. But, the decision will be theirs, and will ultimately be in the interest of the school. Giving in now only implies agreement that the campus in Grand Forks is indeed "hostile and abusive." Seriously, no one can feel good about that.

    Win the case, then decide what to do about the Minny's and the Wiscos and their absolutely narrow-minded policies. Perhaps dropping the name and just becoming "North Dakota". Then, enact policy that forbids playing teams with embarrasing rodent mascots.

    Go North Dakota. Go Sioux!


  10. This thread is a bunch of silliness. To try and bring things back to the topic at hand, I will quote from one of my latest spam email's insightful commentary...

    n macroeconomics and econometrics, there is a new appreciation of the role of individual heterogeneity which has provided new insights into economic aggregation.

    But some of the things he discovered were simply too weird for him to get his head around ?

    Afterwards, participants were asked to move two chairs together while the experimenter left the room to retrieve another participant for a get-acquainted conversation.

    a trackless waste inhabited by disembodied voices. s contemporaries, is now so complex that it requires explorers of its own ?

    New models of the theory of growth, based on non-linear and stochastic processes have emerged and are being tested against real data.

    a trackless waste inhabited by disembodied voices. s financial system, while it exists to support age-old concepts like trade, credit and gambling that would have been familiar to Marco Polo? Highly skilled workers in financial services, consulting, accountancy and London's other specialisms compete with rivals in firms around the world, and are richly rewarded for their efforts.

    However, there can be short-term damage from errors.

    In this sense, money can be a barrier to social intimacy.

    "...money can be a barrier to social intimacy."


    taz now in a moment of reflection, contemplating disembodiment

  11. Are you talking about his shootout? I was sitting 5th row on that end at the top of circle. I thought he would have shot, so I was surprised he did a move. I don't think he really deked though.

    I have to admit, that I wasn't sure how to react after that.

    The Wild couldn't hit the net tonight if it across the whole end of the ice.

    Yeah, it was a rather lame attempt which left the crowd a bit stunned, quiet. The Wild played well, but didn't really take it to the net hard. Spent too much time passing it around.

    Sioux need to get another one!

  12. Just made it home from Wild game. Lost in shoot-out.

    Read the thread and can't believe that many people drink Corona. It's the cheapest Mexican beer. They won't touch it in Mexico. Only tourists do. It became popular due to surfers having no money and drinking it. Just remember that any beer you have to put fruit in to drink is a fruit cocktail and not a beer.

    Honey Weiss doesn't count, because you say "no fruit."

    Hey Smoggy,

    I was at that game as well. What did you think of Rolston's attempt at the end? We were getting a kick out of the crowd's absolute lack of a response to that. Good effort by both teams, so it was entertaining.

    C'mon Sioux, get two points and get out of there. Eeeeesh.


  13. I'm sorry, but that blog hurts just to read. Too much information for Taz Boy.

    I lived in Mankato for over a year and I'm convinced that the vast majority of Mavericks do not hate UND or the fans. They don't hate anything. That would require some amount of passion, which they clearly do not possess. 3500/night for a series against the Sioux? What, buck-fifty taps at the 'Tross more exciting? Even those Kato-State folks who venture into the MWW center likely spend the third period planning out their drink orders for the evening. Does anyone really think that more than 5% of them actually look upon that goofy green guitar-playing monster on the scoreboard with adoration anywhere near the level of what a proud Sioux fan feels everytime he or she gazes upon Brien's masterpiece?

    So, LetsGoMavs, you can hate the Sioux or love the Sioux. It matters not to the Sioux.

  14. I thought it was an entertaining game overall, if a bit on the sloppy side. Sioux were amazing in the first but comatose again in the 2nd. Grieco I thought played well and kept that period from getting out of hand. Miller is impressive; and I sure do like watching Duncan.

    Strangely vacant in the Midwest Wireless arena tonight. Hope to see more Sioux faithful tomorrow. Don't let the construction keep you away from Mettlers!


  15. YaneA gave me real Taz Boy candy treats for Valentine's Day several years ago (Saturday night Sioux game at old REA). She is a sweetie.

    Of course, I have many women courting me on a daily basis so I'm never surprised by it. Why, just the other day I was having lunch with Keeley Hazell, and, as luck would have it, Brook Burke stopped by to return my favorite lounging robe and toothbrush.

    Yes, much love for the Taz.

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