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Taz Boy

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Everything posted by Taz Boy

  1. Hey muffinhead, it's a real-time game thread discussion. Folks are just picking out highlights to post-- I think it makes for interesting reading. You don't. Perhaps the following newsgroup would be more to your liking: alt.sports.college-hockey.umgophers.fetish.kessel.dorm-room-decor.life-sized-poster.self-gratification.habitual
  2. Walking out of the Dane after that turdburger I felt the sickest, most nauseating feeling I've had without actual viral contamination. Did not see that coming, for sure, as that Sioux team was so heavily loaded. Even worse was watching the small contingent of BC fans parading around the building cheering and taunting the Sioux fans as they walked out with heads hung low. I remember before the game they handed out green signs with the word "Goal" on it and I commented that I thought they should have put an "s" at the end. I was wrong. Eeeeuuuuuuuggh. My therapy came approximately one year later when Scoren Goren picked the team up on his shoulders and delivered a 3rd period to remember against those very same Eagles. Now the following year, well.... taz needs more therapy in the form of banner #8 (to be delivered by Oshie)
  3. Wasn't that in '99? No matter. Most Sioux fans (especially the ones that were there) have permanently blocked that game from memory. taz
  4. Looked like a great game. I watched the 2nd quarter but had to take care of personal bidnaz after that. I was pulling for the underdog and was a little disappointed to see the score in the paper the next day. Still, a solid performance in a bowl game-- definitely a boost for your program. Good luck next year! taz
  5. My personal opinion.. Overall-- Boston University Lately-- Boston College Love Affair-- Maine
  6. I want the Sioux to win. It's fun when they win. taz
  7. You're welcome. Shall I start another thread on the issue of students standing during the games? taz
  8. Huh? I bet if Brooks himself rose from the grave to give a pre-game speech to the nervous youngsters in that locker room the result would have been much the same. Even then, I'd tell Herb to get the hell out of there and come join me for a beer so Hak can do his job. taz
  9. I did not want this thread to become a Potulny/Irmen smear fest. My apologies. It's great to see them have success at this level, even if it is with the Goofs. Both families must be very proud at the outstanding performance of these two this weekend. Their juices were flowing and they were able to get the best of it. Like Irmen said, it doesn't always go that way so you take it as it comes. I'm very cool with that. After reading the explanation in the Hurled re: Irmen taking heat in the box and then popping his jersey to the same rubes in the student section, this makes much more sense to me. This was exactly the explanation I was looking for with this thread. I still maintain that the interviews and articles constantly referring to these guys not being Sioux and all that is rather silly. They didn't get the love they wanted from Blais, and now they got their dream weekend in front of the home town. Let's hope it's over. They are Gophers. Period. By the way, I'm sure some of you are looking for equal criticism from me of Chorney, who apparently did a similar gesture last night... right. Let's be clear-- He is Sioux, and therefore perfect. taz not diggin the sweep
  10. I wouldn't mind having that borderline out-of-control type of play for the Sioux! I keep having to remind myself that these guys are relatively young, and not completely polished as sports "stars". Plus, I'm not looking for best behavior all the time, on or off ice. They're human; they get motivated, show emotion. Seems pretty normal. But, I get this impression that both those two are wearing a "Not Sioux" logo on their jersey. I just think that at some point a guy just has to let it go. Again, FSN reporting pushed it out of them. Quarters in, music out. As for recruiting, I can only imagine the variables that go into the selection of talent for a team. Likewise, the candidate has a lot to decide on as well. Just because your a home-town kid doesn't mean you fit with the team. I would have loved to have Grant Potulny's talent for the Sioux, but who know's if he would have excelled there like at UMN? Perhaps UMN was just a better fit for him? Same for Kessel, Parise. You make your choice and go. And once you do, leave it at that. Anyway, I must prepare for my trip to the Holy Land tomorrow to watch the Sioux gain a split. I will be riding with a Gopher, so I'm bringing headphones-- noise cancelling. taz
  11. Who in Grand Forks shot Potulny's dog? Someone door ding Irmen's car? The interview's with these two and the on-ice antics (Irmen) were a little over the top. I can understand getting fired up for the games, but do we need to hear about "it" constantly? I guess I'd put most of the blame on FSN for hyping it and ask the leading questions during the period interviews. Do they take some serious heat from the locals, or what? taz digs the impartial FSN post game coverage
  12. Can THIS even be possible??? Anybody else tired of the giggling little girls announcing this game on FSN?
  13. I think so. Both happen when you are working hard and moving the puck. Gophs just seem to be more aggressive right now. The game is getting a bit sloppy, which is probably do to the young guys being so hopped up. Kessel is on a mission. taz
  14. This has nothing to do with the officials. The Sioux are just getting outworked. I see little glimmers of hope, but no sustained effort. Gophs look very good right now, and are getting the bounces. Very dangerous combination right now. As for Irmen, that's what happens when a good NoDak boy goes bad. taz
  15. Green side up? (forgive me) taz
  16. I must say that I'm a bit disappointed to find that my recent post- which analyzed in great detail the statistics and intangibles of the Sioux hockey season thus far, and then extrapolated with a high degree of accuracy, the outcomes and particulars of upcoming contests- was lost in this unfortunate event. I will look to see if I saved a local copy on my machine... Nope. taz
  17. Diving is a penalty. Tripping is a penalty. Both are called. I don't see this as being an issue. If a guy is tripped and he immediately turns around and slashes the dude who tripped him, it would be called as well.
  18. I have no problem with this. You can get legitimately tripped or hooked, and during that infraction try to "milk it" for the refs by taking an obvious dive. The point is, you should be trying to skate through it rather than diving like a girly man. Sounds like some seriously sloppy play tonight bailed out by Jordan Parise. Even with this score, it's likely the Sioux will be getting an ear full tonight. taz
  19. Where does Taz Boy sign up? As you can see from my avatar, I'm non-white and obviously quite outraged. But, this outrage comes from the fact that I'm always voraciously hungry. Interestingly enough, I can devour things that are much bigger than my own body. It's weird, really. When I open my big mouth up, I can slip an airliner in there and it just disappears. Yet, I'm not satiated in the least. Quite frustrating, really. Which brings me back to being outraged. I say p!ss on you all for your hate and anger here!!!!!! taz
  20. I selected "America the Beautiful" and cranked it. taz digs the Sioux
  21. Did you include a large 4-color bar graph, 24pt font, and provide some abstract magnitude comparison- such as fitting the entire population of Grand Forks inside 18 jumbo jets- to summarize your point? And, as you well know, you can't just write the words "population" and "jumbo jet"; you have to have a graphic showing smiling Sioux fans stuffed inside little cartoon drawings of jumbo jets. This helps the average USA Today reader immensely. taz
  22. imagine how those might be... 3.25 oz soy-injected meat paste (mechanically separated) .8 oz grated processed pasteurized prepared cheese product 1.1 oz re-hydrated genetically enhanced iceberg lettuce substitute 2.6 oz MSG enhanced corn-meal with yellow number 5 .9 oz human hair, dust, oil, cleaning agent, and insect mash Bueno! taz
  23. Taz already in fantasy cartoon, but, still gets cable modem service. At no time did I personally attack or insult anyone here. Well, at least not in this thread, this evening, on even numbered posts, with black backgrounds... Anyone know where I can get some authentic home cooked Mexican squash with pork? taz digs Google and the Fighting Sioux
  24. Yikes! Sorry to disappoint you, Mr. GrahamKracker, but "su-fi" has nothing, absolutely NOTHING, to do with you, the Sioux name, hockey, North Dakota, or really any sort of discussion here. Google or A9 it ("su-fi" cook), but be careful! The language is rather naughty. taz
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