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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Have another school near you host a regional in the town you play in. No way the NCAA makes you leave even though you aren't the host.
  2. Right in front of official....pick player up, and throw him head first into the boards. Same shift, guy blows over goalie on purpose (intent to injure?), stays in game. Hockey East officials may not be the worst anymore....
  3. I saw BU get rolled by Harvard at the Beanpot. Harvard played together, and for each other. If UND plays the way they played this past weekend they are fine, and will win the hockey game, hands down. Jost may play with a bit of a chip on his shoulder too.
  4. Left after the UMD-UND afternoon game last year and won't go back to that venue.....ever. Two years before there wasn't anyone within ten seats of us in our section and my old man (knee surgery, back surgery, broken neck in college which lead to arthritis) moves a few seats over to give himself more room and of course an usher comes over to check our tickets.....and scold him about not being in his seat assigned seat....
  5. Anybody else think the coaches have been directed to "speak kindly of their surroundings" when talking about the TC by the league. Ice is crap, ushers are dicks, arena is a dump, the music is straight out of Compton, food is terrible and triple what it should be, and the get the crowd into it entertainment from the host gal sucks. But other than that it's great. PS: Did you see the locker rooms the teams were crammed into? Come on....
  6. Can the league impose suspensions to players for postseason NCAA tournament? They won't if they can. At least when Paukovich broke Bina's neck Gwoz gave him an institutional game penalty. Sandeline gave Pionk a pat on the back.
  7. Tons of skill on that BU team. Should be a fun matchup. We are 0-5 against Duluth but I feel better about UND playing them than Denver if they are able to get to Saturday. Ohio will get a ton of fan support, but if UND wins their game Friday, Ohio State will have unbelievable rabid fan support like they've never had before.
  8. I'll say this....if Duluth gets through, they've earned it with the environment they'll be playing in.
  9. We don't get Todd Anderson? Ohh God no.....what will we do....no...terrible... I won't be able to sleep.....
  10. Count me as surprised.....but good for the committee. If UND plays Duluth again it's open season.
  11. I don't think I've ever seen a player drop his shoulder through a goalie like that. But if you gave me two choices for a Duluth player to pull a classless move like that choices would be: 1. Pionk 2. Pionk Dirty player, I've said it all year.
  12. Berry is all class all the time. He is very much respected in professional and the college ranks. Dane Jackson didn't come up to meet TH for the post game radio interview last night, probably a class move by him too because I can imagine he had a few things on his mind.
  13. Providence over Minny.....yup...could happen.... OSU over Duluth.....yup....could happen.... Norte Dame over Harvard....yup.....could happen..... Tech over Denver.....nope.....no way. Three out of four ain't bad!
  14. Fighting needs to come back to college hockey. Those against it say it's a safety reason, those for it rightfully claim it's a safety reason. Any other league and Pionk is getting ear holed after his crap. Guys that take stupid liberties need to pay the price.
  15. It's going to take something special for them to beat a focused Denver team. Denver is going to win the national championship IMHO, they remind me a lot of UND last year.
  16. They are the new Goldy in my life. They fit the mold.
  17. Providence will be in Providence. OSU makes sense in Ohio, and would actually raise attendance by 5.
  18. Two different experts have Denver in Fargo against Tech. I don't think Duluth goes to Fargo either. Someone in that room saw that garbage at TC tonight. If it was a great college hockey game Duluth is in Fargo. It was an embarrassment, they're not going to Fargo.
  19. If that's the case Ohio State will get the Holy Cross treatment.
  20. You always post what I'm going to post....
  21. It's better it didn't go to OT. No reason for another guy to get a run taken at him
  22. Nope, he won't. League officials in the building tonight, they could have helped Anderson give him a game DQ on the review. If he got tossed none of the crap happens afterwards....
  23. Regardless....Sioux faithful will make that arena shake in Fargo. For what the boys did this weekend they deserve it. #SIOUXFOREVER
  24. I can't imagine them sending Duluth to Fargo after what just happened. Call me crazy, but I can't see it.
  25. Our coaches didn't go on radio after the game. Probably for the best.....
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