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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Scheel the NCHC ROY? Simple question....
  2. Loved officiating too. Was a year away from doing some local club hockey lines. The worst part was parents coming up to me after the games questioning the rules and me having to explain that USA hockey makes the rules and we abide by them. After a while I just got the officiating rule book AP USA hockey created and would pull up the rule so they could see it.
  3. In Soviet Russia you don't get chances, chances get you.
  4. Just watched the highlights from the game. Nice to see them actually bury chances. This team has missed more great looks than @MafiaMan has missed his entire broom ball career.
  5. 17th in the pairwise you say? How this group can wax Western at Lawson yet get swept by Canisius......
  6. I didn't have high hopes for him coming in either, but his Freshman year probably got my hopes up on him a wee bit. Thought that getting 6 his rookie year could have meant 10 as a Soph and up from there going forward.
  7. Will never forget my week at hockey camp with him.....my....God..... I turned out okay though.
  8. If he said that then his job in the school system is likely in jeopardy pending review.
  9. When Chase doesn't come back who wants that Red River job? Paranica was almost lynched after Minot and Bismarck beat them in the title game consecutive years. Chase a class guy every time I talked/coached/played against teams he coached. Wish him well.
  10. This is the hard truth. I coached high school....parents terrible.... Quit coaching and teaching and got into officiating to help our youth program.....parents terrible..... The last game I ever reffed was a 12U girls game that turned into a travesty when two girls hit each other head on with both their heads down going for a loose puck. God I hope I don't turn into one of those parents....
  11. Maybe a better estimate would have been 10-15. After scoring 6 as a Freshman (cough....7....BU Fargo regional) and being unhealthy much of last year I figured being three years into college hockey his game would improve. You're right, 15-20 was likely shooting way to high up in the stars for him.
  12. 3-1, because they left out the EN. They never show those.
  13. I was super excited about Bowen after his Freshman year. Then the injury bug got him last year and he just hasn't been the same player. I thought 15-20 goals this year was possible for him. Now it's likely he may not get to 10 total points by the end of the year. A good question a buddy of mine asked the other day was: If Poolman leaves, who is the captain next year? Your guess is better than mine.
  14. JBD and Kierstad should be in the top four for scoring right?
  15. So no Randklev and no Gaber. I still think that Johnson, Yon, and Keane sit based on who is coming in until the injury bug hits.
  16. With the guys coming in there are a few guys put on notice: We lose: Rhett, Jones, JJ, Shaw, Bob Maybe lose: Poolman, Mismash. Goalies: Scheel, Feeney, Thome Top 6 D without Poolman: JBD, Kiersted, Tychonik, Bast, Bast, Frisch. Likely suits: Peski, Reiger. Although I see Peski dressing as extra skater. Top 12 forwards without Mismash: Bowen, Hain, Adams, Senden, Hoff, Smith, Gooch, Weatherby, Blaisdell, Pinto, Rizzo, Caufield. Likely suits: Johnson, Yon, Keane, Randklev, Gaber. If Mismash returns do you have Caufield play a year in the USHL, or based on this year do you still bring in Caufield and someone gets their walking papers? I'll hang up and listen....
  17. A lot to look forward too....although 87 was a good time against Sparty in Detroit.
  18. Until young Bison (err....former) Robbins gives names then it's all a big he said she said. Mama bear says it's up to him. My guess is the kid gets off campus with degree in hand before he says anything. My bet is that we never know and Mr. Robbins at some point could be a Jamestown Jimmie.
  19. God I've missed your input.....
  20. I can't believe that's an actual line.....and it says more about our struggles offensively that they were the only group to put a puck in the net.
  21. NCHC is in a terrible spot with their official reviews.....they need to have a crew in the main office like the NHL that handles all reviews because it's a tragedy right now. Denver vs. CC a few weeks ago at Magness Luko scores one intentionally redirected off his glove and in the net. Doesn't get reviewed.....Mismash gets his knee blown up.....doesn't get reviewed..... Has a review at Magness ever went the way of UND? At least the league office gets to apologize to us again. So we really get two points out of this weekend!!!
  22. Hah.....you mean 1-6-1. Tonight officially goes into the books as a tie. So no chance that whole 7 loss thing happens.
  23. Thoughts from watching the highlights: -Boy did the Hawks get jobbed on the no goal. Contacted player into goalie....yikes.....thigh on thigh though I bet.... -Scheel tremendous. Somebody get the kid a pass to Gamma Phi. -Game on Rhett's stick at the end.....tough play, but killed the logo. -Terrible plays defensively lead to highlight real goals. Bast plays the body and we lose the extra point in the shootout instead of NHL all star game. Did the what if calculator, we likely are back in Denver in March. Hope the weather is nice.
  24. Agreed. How are they 6th in the pairwise? If UND had anything that resembled a goal scorer Denver could have been swept at home.
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