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Everything posted by HockeyMom

  1. That's my kind of time out.
  2. HockeyMom

    What if?

    How long were the Lankin-Adams Bruins around. It was only a couple years, wasn't it? Man they threw together an amazing BB team in that time.
  3. I decided yesterday that if indeed there is a hell, it's just a gianormous Wal-Mart. Lots of UND people in Colorado. I was at Red Rocks last fall for a concert, and there was one person sitting on the steps so I broke into a conversation with him. He played football for the Sioux in the late 70's. His whole entourage was North Dakota/UND people. There were about 5 people in the front row wearing Sioux gear too It was fun. We also ran into a former Sioux football player in Cancun a couple years ago. I think the coolest thing is seeing a UND logo and knowing that you can just bust into a conversation with them....
  4. Don't push it.
  5. Y'all are on time-outs until you can stop calling names and start being nice.
  6. Excellent!
  7. What happened in there that it got closed?
  8. Lol, I know. But then spell it ghey.
  9. Do you have a problem with gay people?
  10. Unbelievable! I hope everyone in the SiouxSports family is ok. I sent out several text messages tonight to friends in the TC. Everyone is accounted for. May God be with everyone else.
  11. My family The University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux. My job. My friends. Playing softball and hockey. Laughing uncontrollably. A sunny day with the moonroof open and something by Sheryl Crow so loud that the speakers are about to blow out.
  12. We look everywhere for the promotional tickets-the ones that radio stations and businesses give away. It only costs $30 to get in for all three days. Most people win them, then realize that they aren't really free so they don't want to go. Which means an extra $120 for beer and food that we didn't have to spend on the tickets. Of course, you're in general admission, but for $10 a day-who cares? Beer, music, and friends. That's what life's all about isn't it? Well, if there was Fighting Sioux hockey, I think it might just be heaven. The beer and food is pretty spendy there......but that's why I have a sugar daddy.
  13. GO TO WE FEST THEN!!! We're leaving tomorrow if you need a ride. And Happy Birthday!
  14. What?! They annoy me.
  15. *adds to it* Women drivers. Women who think the can do a man's job. Women who think they should work. Women who don't wait hand and foot on a man.
  16. The avatar had no problem sitting through an entire game when she was four.
  17. Nothing bugs me more than people that make judgements about people based on things that they can't control.
  18. I love it when people put self-incriminating pics up on Facebook and get all pissed when someone finds them and hands out the link to everyone. Oh, off-topic sorry.
  19. I have a CD with 'Breaking the Law' on it. When I get pulled over, I'm gonna throw it in and crank it.
  20. As was the celebration in our living room.....and the smile on Chris' face when I told him that was my favorite Sioux goal ever.
  21. Hey! I'm glad you did those are good seats.
  22. I left work after 4 and there were still piles of ice, I was surprized that it didn't melt immediately. There was still water on the ground yesterday afternoon when I walked back from the bookstore.
  23. I demand glow sticks!!!!
  24. I prefer the term poop and pee.....and for the record, I am the oldest person alive with a Sioux Crew t.
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