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Everything posted by YaneA
"90% of Hockey is Half Mental" --Tyler Hirsch
Here's a two-fer: "Pauko on Bina= Hack Job Hirsch on Empty Net = Whack Job"
"1492: Columbus Discovers New World 2005: Columbus Discovers North Dakota" "You don't have to be crazy to play for the Gophers (but it helps)" [unbind your panties; just kidding with that one]
$1,000!! Dakotaboy, you are livin' large. Al's bus trip is half that amount.
I just spoke to Al Pearson. While he thinks that he now has filled two buses leaving from Grand Forks, if you want to get on his waiting list, you can call him at 701-775-5565 (work) or 701-775-6859 (home). He doesn't know which hotel we'll be staying at in Columbus but wanted me to correct my previous post to say that the overnight stop-over is Peru, Illinois, not Peoria. He's still looking at pricing of less than $500, even when you include room. He won't know until tomorrow whether the route would take us through the Cities where additional passengers could be taken on. The bus would leave Grand Forks at 6 a.m. Wedmesday, Apr. 6. That's all I know except that, if history repeats itself, going with Al's Pals is going first class on an economy budget.
I don't know which hotel in Columbus the bus crew will stay at but it is Al's standard practice to make the reservations for everyone on the bus.
CHARTER FLIGHT INFO: The Herald reports two packages through the alumni center, price varying depending on hotel. The prices quoted are $699 at Holiday Inn-West or $834 at the apparently more upscale Crown Plaza-Downtown, the team's hotel. Those prices include airfare, room and ground transportation but not game tickets. Game tickets are $144 extra and, according to the Herald, must be purchased in packages of three. The flight leaves GFK on Wednesday, April 6 at 6 p.m. BUS TRIP INFO: I haven't heard back from Al Pearson since I posted yesterday but since the Alumni Center price for flight is sky-high, I believe the bus charter arranged by Al is still a go. The bus trip price is $200 for transportation, $140 (that's what he said) for tickets, rooms extra. The bus will leave GFK at 6 a.m. on Wednesday, Apr. 6, drive to Peoria, IL, and stop for the night then drive into Columbus the next day in time for the DU v. CC game. I have a contact number for Al so if you'd like to make the trip, on the cheap like me, send me a PM and I'll give you his number.
I would like to think that the gesture was sincere...I would also like to win the lottery and date movie stars...
Yes, I'll keep everyone updated on Pearson's bus trip plans.
Just talked to Al Pearson. What he is planning is to take two buses, leave Wednesday, Apr. 6 at 6 a.m., drive to Peoria, Illinois (get there about dinner time) and spend the night. Then, drive into Columbus in time for the afternoon game on Thursday. That price would be $200 for the bus, $140 for tickets, rooms extra. A plane charter is also being planned as mentioned in this thread but Al wouldn't abandon the bus idea unless the all-inclusive price (including rooms) for the charter flight is $500 or less and right now, he doesn't have a price for the charter package. He said he'd call me back later today.
siouxguyinstpaul-- When we went to Providence in '00 (I didn't make the '01 Albany trip), we left GF about midnight on a bus to MSP, then hopped a plane for Boston, where a bus was waiting to take us to our hotel & the games. I left a message for Al yesterday that I wanted on THE LIST and that he should call me as soon as he knows the plan. When I know something, I'll e-mail you.
I'm pretty sure Al Pearson is making arrangements for the trip. I expect to hear from him soon and will post the info here.
They I say, "Go for it, REA." Let's put the shoe on the other foot and the "whine" in the other glass.
Fedorov: Thanks for featuring me in your "question of the day" sig line two days running! I still read this board religiously (no, I don't mean only on Sundays), even though I haven't had much to say. Thanks for noticing my conspicuous absence. BTW, I like clicking in little circles, too, and think my opinion is the ONLY one that matters. I picked the Sioux in two because, a girl can dream, can't she? If it goes three, I still pick the Sioux but I'll be bummed that I'm gonna miss "Cold Case," my old school VCR being set to tape the game on ch. 23.
I have an extra ticket to tomorrow night's USHL prospects game. The seat is in sec. 109, row D. If you'd like it, send me a PM and make arrangements to pick it up from me.
At the risk of offending Poncho, Lefty, Sal and the whole Hee Haw Gang with which they surround themselves, I am now making available as single games tickets, all the January games, including the Gold Medal Game, for only $20/game. The Ralph's getting $28 for relegation games, $45 for quarters and semis and $50 each for bronze and gold game. If you want to go to the Gold Medal Game supercheap, here's your chance. email: ayers@law.UND.edu
Ponch-- I'll be sitting in beautiful sec. 114, row F, nearest the blue line for all tourney games. Please come by and say "Hi" because I can't believe that, in person, you are as obnoxious as you are when anonymous, as you are here.
At the risk of getting 2:00 for slashing [PRICES], I am now announcing that I'm selling the seat for all prelims as single games at $20 each. Ralph's prices are $28-40 and NOT even lower bowl. That's all Canada, all US prelims plus SUI-BLR and CZE-SUI. Sec. 114, row F, on the aisle nearest blue line. I am a very motivated seller so make me an offer for any of these games. I'll know after noon today whether the January games, including the medal round, are back in play (still waiting to hear from a guy in the Great White North but the deadline for him to act is Noon). I will offer the January games here first. e-mail: ayers@law.UND.edu
My question would be whether the 15,000 who attended the Canada-Finland exhibition will drive two hours south to see their beloved team in tournament play and if so, would one of them please buy their ticket from me?!
I should retitle this as the "Official Desparation Thread." Also think that if scalping tickets isn't illegal in New York, trying to unload tickets like this should be the first task on next season's "The Apprentice." As Project Manager, I would be SO fired; Carolyn would glare at me throughout the Boardroom because I've "shown her nothing." I had one nibble from Canada for the Jan 1-4 half of the package and still waiting to hear if the guy will take that set at $230, a steal. Now ready to sell one fine seat (sec. 114, row F, aisle, nearest blue line) for all Grand Forks prelims (10 games, including 4 Canada, 4 US) at $200 for the set. If interested, e-mail: ayers@law.UND.edu
250,000? That number has to be some marketing abstract, like a tournament equivalent of "manhours": it's probably the number of people on each day multiplied by the number of days the tournament runs. 11 days of nonexhibition tournament with say, 22,000 "attracted" to the tournament each day. The number makes sense if you figure that you fill REA for the first game each day, empty it out, then bring in a capacity crowd for the second game. You could count that as 22,000+ people for the day even if the people attending game one are back for game two.
Is it just my connection or have the Ralph and the World Jr. sites been hacked? That's pretty low.
rube--thanks ever so for the advice. I will be there--this is an extra ticket-- just for the hockey. I'm not a college GUY so 'tang, foreign or domestic, doesn't interest me. So true what happens when one assumes, eh?
C'mon, Sioux Hockey fans! The Sioux are out of action until Jan. 7th. It's cold, it's dark, the kids are getting on your nerves. You've got cabin fever or, worse, Seasonal Affective Disorder. I've got the cure. Boost your spirits and get your hockey fix by watching the future of the NHL at the World Junior Tournament. Give yourself the Christmas present you WISH you'd found under the tree. See all 21 games in the beautiful Ralph Engelstad Arena, at a fraction of single-game prices. $455--original face value of the package-- takes it all. One seat, lower bowl, corner: sec. 114, row F, aisle, nearest the blue line. Close enough to smell the sweat and catch the teeth when they fly. E-mail me at ayers@law.UND.edu
Redwing: dumb mascot maybe, but great name--Breezer--if I do say so myself.