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Posts posted by YaneA

  1. A statement from Kupcehlla delivered to University employees:

    The Board of Regents of Marshall University has indicated that while a President has been selected, an announcement will not be made until later, pending final negotiations. The Board is negotiating with a candidate other than me, who will, no doubt soon be named. I do not expect to get, nor would I give, the position further consideration. * Charles E. Kupchella, President.

  2. redwing: The song is "Jolene" by Dolly Parton and you're right, it should never be played anywhere but a redneck bar. BTW, remind me never to use you as my "Phone-A-Friend" if the question is about country music when I'm in the Who Wants to be a Millionaire hotseat.

  3. Some have made the argument that standing by the students somehow "intimidates" the other team. I don't buy it. At best, standing conveys only the following: Those of us who are standing are so drawn into the game that actually SITTING ON THE EDGE of our seats is physically impossible.

    To some people, standing and swearing are both elements of disrespect for the rights of other fans to see the game and NOT hear the cursing. Other than exercising their "right" to do it, what exactly do the students get out of swearing or standing? What contribution does either activity make to the students' experience of watching hockey at the Ralph?

  4. Maybe I am less sensitive than most middle-aged people (PCM, you can be the arbiter), but I would rather sit among an enthusiastic student section (even with the swearing, and maybe with the standing, IF I were in the very front row) than with the dead-a$$e$ who I sit with now. The solution as I understand it attempts to address the standing question (presumably resolved because standing students will still be below standing drinkers in the lounge who are higher up in the arena) and the swearing question (the band will drown out the cursing). Even if it works as intended, it is more band-aid than brilliant solution. And PCM is right: the solution doesn't change bad student behavior at all, it just attempts to ameloriate its effect on the rest of the arena.

  5. I'd swear the first replay I saw on the jumbotron at the arena showed puck in the air, over the line, in the net, NOT in Maninno's glove, ergo GOAL. I spoke each element of that description outloud but my judgment did not induce the officials to make the same call I did. What was wrong with them?

  6. Is there an NCAA reg that prevents the Sioux from hosting an exhibition game with a college club team? If not, why couldn't the Sioux schedule such a game and kick some Bison butt? Maybe the game would ignite hockey fever down in Fargo, at least with the 'SU crowd

  7. You guys are missing the point. I know all of you have all these wonderful memories from South Dakota, or North Dakota, or wherever. I have plenty Bison-Sioux football memories myself that stick up there with some of my favorite Michigan memories. The pride and the passion is just the same, I understand that completely. But I was writing to a Michigan campus. I have to put things into national perspective there, because there's a national spotlight on that campus. Comparatively, it really doesn't compare (except for hockey). North Dakota does get reduced to a flyover state (as sad as it makes me), at least on the national sports radar. That's what I was trying to tell all my students. Appreciate what you've got now, and don't take it for granted. There aren't many campuses where you bump into Braylon Edwards and Michael Phelps from time to time. Don't think that all those athletes owe you something. Appreciate that fact that they're there.

    Now, I know, I've been afraid to mention it so far, but I have to mention the Engelstad comment. I absolutely realized how big of a philanthropist Engelstad was before I wrote that column. I grew up in the state obviously. I know all the great things he did and plenty of people look at him as nothing less than a hero...But, that doesn't mean that image is still out there. You can deny it all you want, and I realize that he got a bad rap for most of it, but most people that recognize that name outside the state remember him that way. That's not a false statement. I didn't call him a Nazi sympathizer, I just said he is remembered that way. I was careful how to word that one. I was talking to a friend of mine at Minnesota-Duluth and he says students still chant stuff like that at games, cause they know it's a sore spot. It doesn't mean either of us agree with it. And as far out as Michigan, people just think he's a straight-up Nazi sometimes. I tell them otherwise as much as I can, but that doesn't mean that the perception does not exist outside the state, and it's sad that it does.


    Remedial journalism 101, Josh: When reporters carefully choose their words, it should not be a tactic for obscuring the truth. Perhaps Ralph is remembered by some lesser informed individuals that way but you yourself admit that you know the truth about his philanthropy and his character. I think you had the duty to share with your readers that truth.

    Remedial psych 101: When a boy from a mere fly-over state goes to University of Michigan he may feel that he doesn't quite fit in there, that he isn't quite good enough to be there. So, the fastest way for him to convince himself and the Go Blue crowd that he is worthy of being one of them, is to renounce his "citizenship" in the fly-over state by bashing it.

    Man, I can't believe Dr. Phil has a TV show and I don't!

  8. Clip has been sent. Let me know if you don't receive it. Same also to Keikla, Mikejm, and Siouxnami. Get ready for thrills and chills. Hope it carries you at least part of the way through the summer. :silly:


    I wanna see it, too. Any way Jim D. could host it for all of our Gopher-bashing pleasure?

  9. And we'd fly in Rachel from The Platinum Fox in Columbus for a series or two each year... ;):lol::lol:


    Why not, MM? The Ralph previously brought in Hooters Girls. Me, I preferred the meet and greet with the guy from "While You Were Out" and the hockey players turned actors from "Miracle."

    Hey, look, dagies! I quoted! And it only took 3 tries to spell your name right!

  10. Yes, I still don't know how to post a quote!


    PCM said:

    "I know that I'm into this waaay too far. Last night, YaneA spotted me at Sioux Fan Appreciation Night and said hello.

    I know her real name. But what did I call her? Yane!

    I hope that she didn't hear that above all the noise because I felt really dumb the moment I said it."

    and YaneA replies:

    You must be one of those codgers who mumbles because his store-bought teeth don't fit right! Above the autograph line buzz, I heard the "hi" but not the "Yane." I wouldn't have been offended anyway.

  11. Wonderful time in Columbus; grueling 19-hour bus trip home. Sioux fans are the best and came from far and wide to cheer on the team. MafiaMan, you owe me a keychain!

    All over town, locals and fans from other teams came up to us and said they hope we'd win. Clearly, I think the Sioux were fan favorites.

    Thanks, boys, for a great run. We'll miss you, seniors.

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