sioux goo
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Everything posted by sioux goo
Elaborate on that connection please? Just curious who is to blame then for the situation if there is blame to be passed out at all?
It is better to be the travel coordinator for a D 1 team rather than the head coach of a NAIA team...hhhmmmmm Things that make you go hhhmmmm
On the plus side, UND could have had this poor of a record!!!
I wonder if Dean Blais was the coach if these guys would have played this weekend?? Any takers that say they would not have played!!! My bet is they would not have played!!!
So every person who has exercised bad judgement and committed a crime should be set free?? How are these three kids still playing. The only way one of them wont play is if they go to jail for 10 days. So the court system will give a true punishment but the coach will not?? WTF!!!!!!!!
I wonder what it means when Mr. Martinson walks into the LTC's office tells him he is the D1 consultant and this is the first time the AD knew about it??? Does that mean there is a hole in the loop?? Or is the loop missing a few...
If Bohl gets offered the U of M job....he is gone....anyone who thinks the minnesota and ND kids these two schools are currently getting can be in the top half of the big ten are delirious!!!
I am guessing that 0% raise was the first clue that the end may be coming near....i definitely know the feeling!!! Shantel is as good as a person as you will ever find in a coach. She is a class act. I am not sure how good or how bad of a coach she is or is not......the only thing I would question is the timing of this dismissal...no doubt this will hurt future recruiting....it will be difficult for a recruit to committ not knowing who the head coach will be...also a concerning comment is stating that this is Dennis Miller's audition...two other asst coaches have tried this route also...both failing to obtain the position...this will only create more division amongst this current team and any coaching member still left at UND...if a change needed to happen...end of the season would have been better....not this early into the season....all that being said...it is a nice gesture for Shantel to stay on until the end of the year.....
Clayton..I believe you have made that comment my direction another time...and it was as funny this time as last time....and your right Sid Hartman and Bobby Knight who is the person that told him that comment...have not been around the block at all...Sid has seen more in life and athletics than you would ever hope to see same goes for the General...Mr. Bobby Knight!!!
Yes, one thing a famous coach told me many years ago was one of the worst things is to have is an athletic director who is around all the time before the game, after the game and constantly in contact with the players. Well, Maturi is that type -- he and his wife, Lois, even went to Orlando on Thanksgiving to watch the Gophers in their tournament -- and was in the locker room after the Clemson loss, and at that point, no doubt he decided it was time to make a move. Not sure if anyone saw the LTC on the sidelines...and then after the game when coach Lennon had his team huddled on the 50 yard line...there was good old LTC...right behind the players listening to what coach had to say....pretty sure...this is not his place....or doing push ups in the locker room....I bet I know who that coach was who told him that too...The General I am sure...the same guy the LTC would not take a phone call from when suggesting a coach??
Never say never...Dale had to take his kids out of Grand Forks once and out of Bistown also, sometimes its the life of a coach. I didnt know those two werent in the same bowling league, wow, I learned something today!! This day was not a waste! I wonder if the AD Dale had called was the old AD at Sac State?? When he was asking around about possible openings?? Interesting!!
Wow someone had mentioned this before I believe....I wonder what Dale's realtionship is with the AD??
What was amazing was they ran the same play the whole game!!! run the back pick....get pressure on the ball!!! the post player who set the back pick...give the other player some help...bump that girl coming off the pick...how can a college team get a lob pass over 3-5 players get 10 lay ups during a course of a game....its the only play they ran...then ran a step in post up play with # 44...who killed us as well...another north dakota girl 500 wins=adjustments!!
Maybe that Asst. coach who applied at UND may know a thing or two...Winona is obviously doing something right!!!!
I have seen him walking his child home after school....if he was in a camp....I am guessing he would be there...just a guess
To quote someone in a meeting....just because we have a agreement with REA...does not mean its a good agreement!!!! Needless to say...those words didnt sit well with the boss!!!...but they were true irregardless
So I guess the question is....why do the powers that be....let this to continue?? with the Ralph, Betty and the Alerus??? Some have assumed out sourcing is the wave of the future...I am not buying that...
I am not saying that it was all on raises for certain people...not at all...the real problem lies within the contract with REA....that is the problem....has been for the last 5 years..even though some people believe its the way of the future...sometimes the way of the past was ok....when the athletic dept had a 200,000 surplus...when we played hockey, hoops, football in our own buildings...paid no rent...received all the concessions...etc...as opposed to now.
As for writing anything that is not the truth....go to the Chester Frizt Library...4th Floor....collections...has all the salaries in there....all the raises....etc....there is your proof....open record As far as the budget....call 777-4111 Acounting Dept...Twamley...open record again...this information is given to any tax payer....because this is your tax money...as well as mine...if you want a name to ask for...pm me I will give you a contact person....more proof....wow...pudding
Wow....I hope this person was giving a warning from the moderator....far less things written have been given a warning....but perhaps all the buddy buddy with the moderator gives a person more liberties....no fire in the barn....lol....or the head in the sand....but when your bread is buttered from a place...i guess one chooses....last time I checked...this is a message board....and this is the USA...freedom...first amendment...people can write what they choose....either that or all those young men in Iraq are fighting for no reason at all!!!!!!!!
Star: With regards to the Women's hockey waivers...my answer would be no...that is not where the unexpected costs came, with RT's plan which was still in place this year...the hockey team would increase its scholarships..or waivers by 3 every year until they would be fully funded....so as far as a unexpected cost...it wasnt there, unlike the LTC being quoted in the Dakota Student that he wishes the Women's hockey team would have been fully funded immediately...not such a good idea in light of the problems happening now... On a similar note...I find it interesting that Shantel Rivard received a 0% raise...all indications from that would be...not supporting her...contrary to all the media reports.
Sorry for reporting some facts....I guess after checking with my connection in Twamley in the Accounting department...it is true...850...but I wont speak anymore facts...some people remind me of the parent who chooses not to admit their son is bad or doing something wrong...head in the sand I believe is the term...carry on!!!!!!
Along those same lines....when coach Hakstol went into the LTC's office to ask for more $$$$ for coach Berry....he was told it would not be possible....but its possible to give his staff raises as such....with this concept it will be difficult to keep coaches at UND....this is what happens when a outsider is brought in...but that is what Phil and Kuppy wanted....that way no marks on their hands....smooth move...ruffle the feathers and they arent the bad cop....brilliant!
So your suggesting that UND's shortfall in the budget will be aided by extra scholarships, travel, salaries etc...so having tradition in D2 translates what into D1??? I do not understand that connection??