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Everything posted by Wreckincrew

  1. If it's up to me (and it really should be) I would like him to stay. If you want me to talk to him just PM me his cell # and I'll give him a call
  2. The real question is - How much does Jonathon Toews know about the future thermodynamics of cheese?
  3. Buffalo.....New Jersey.....Toronto....screw all that... GO WILD!!!
  4. Black, green, white, orange, purple, blue and pink diagonal stripes.....I don't care, I just want to retire my "7 time Champions" hat and start breaking in a new one with an "8" on it. Go Sioux!
  5. Using 21.35 MPH as an average speed in St. Paul that means Champps will entitle you to 1.08 minutes (64.8 seconds) more for beer drinking. Maybe you should pick them up at 10:42.50 to account for the 2.16 minutes of missing beer time (of course you'll have to eat 1.08 minutes sooner then planned to enable you to leave 1.08 minutes early for this plan to work as designed). One more thing, the restaurant/bar in the Holiday Inn should henceforth be referred to as "The Biffy". No, there is no particular reason, other then it is just the name we have used since the remodeling and that I believe
  6. I think Puffy was responding to a caller on whine line after a Vikes game that was ripping on Culpepper, but I'm not 100% sure, and I don't really care enough to go find out. Personally I like the Homer "Ummm, Can you repeat the part of the stuff where you said all about uuhhh, things...." They don't overuse that too much. Oh yeah, and the "Puffy" inserted at the proper time. And the Holy Cross radio highlight.
  7. Neutral!?!?!? How can those dirty BADgers be neutral? I don't care if Sconnie is up, down or sideways this year they are still the $%&!*# BADgers! BETTER DEAD THEN RED!!!!! BADgers! We don't need no stinkin' BADgers! And so those two gentlemen pictured a few posts back will understand what I am saying..............I'd rather kiss a Wookie.
  8. And you better bring plenty of money for that no matter who is playing!
  9. Ohhhhh, OK, now I understand. Maybe next time you should be clearer right away because occasionally non-Sioux fans venture onto this site and we all know they like things as simple as possible.
  10. That's great and all but tell us how you REALLY feel? BTW, I don't know what part of the body Juttings sleave is located but I do know that I don't wish to see anything that is/was up it.
  11. ?? They were outshot 11-2 and it looked worse then that. I can't believe the Rodents haven't scored, they played 2/3rds of the 1st in the MTU end.
  12. So, you think just because your wife is with there will be no trouble? Don't bet on it, a 6'4" 250# woman in St Cloud is considered the norm. They don't even get into the big-n-tall stores unless they are 300+!
  13. They are up 3 points on JBSU but with the sweep they lost the season tie-breaker 0-2-2 so they might need 2 ties, or a win, or JBSU loss to clinch. edit: Snake beat me to it.
  14. Here is a crazy idea. Before anyone gets suspended let's give a concept I like to call "innocent until proven guilty" a try. If a guilty plea and the associated facts do appear punishment over & above the judicial systems can always be given by Hak then. One more thing about Hak, can we really blame him for not speaking to the media the instant he learned about this? Let him gather some facts before he has to take a course of action. Even if he did say something the next morning it would have been the standard "I am still gathering info about the incident and will make a statement at the proper time" song & dance. What exactly does that accomplish, except to add a couple lines of meaningless non-information to the inital story.
  15. Hmmmmm.....Can anyone name another metro-area hockey fan base that follows that tourney attendance pattern?
  16. Norm Greed on the verge of bankruptcy despite near sellouts every night & in the middle of a sexual harassment suit. Yep, it's all Minnesotas fault.
  17. Could part of the Bucky goalie success be attributed to the defensive/conservative style that they play? Also, doesn't there seem to be a disproportionate amount of odd-man rushes being given up by the Sioux this season. In years past it seemed that there would be 4 or 5 per game by each team. This year the opponents are still getting their 4-5 but UND is averaging maybe half that. Let me add that I haven
  18. I sure am getting tired of seeing Sioux Goalies finishing games on the bench.
  19. I didn't like any of those three things.
  20. Any webcast info? I tried it but it is asking for a username & password. When do they usually allow people on?
  21. I love a defensive battle. On second thought, I still feel dirty from cheering on the yellow-green...ish team in the Bison - Rodent football game.....I think I'll skip it.
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