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Posts posted by AJS

  1. 1 minute ago, F'n Hawks said:

    This game was lost because the defense couldn't find a way to get off the field, plain and simple. Offense looked good in first two possessions but was hurt in the first half with drops and poor clock management

    This!!! I think the offense could have picked if up, given the chance.

  2. 1 minute ago, Wilbur said:

    Not sure whether to blame lack of effort on guys being dog tired on defense, but boy are there a couple guys who will stick out in film tomorrow.....

    Don't hate me, but #9 isn't the future at QB.  Put some weight on the kid and make him a LB like NDSU did with Thornton. 

    Put in Zimmerman, if he's not ready, just play Studsrud and wait for the guys who will be eligible next year. 

    • Upvote 1
  3. Love it, embarrass them if I'm Montana State. This is the Mussman level pathetic defense, I never thought I'd ever see it again. Good news, I think think this is a year that if it rains it pours. Nothing will go right, every 50 / 50 coin flip will go the other way. They'll be lucky to win 4 games. It just is what it is. Although I believe this is a fluky type year, strike 1 & 2 for Bubba and staff. This can never happen again. 

  4. 37 minutes ago, Meat man 01 said:

    Once again it is hard to win with a d3  defense coach that doesn't know what the hell is happening I haven't seen such horrible defense and playing in years

    This one is on Schmidt, I don't care if you have high school seniors out there, they shouldn't give up every single 3rd down. 

  5. Just now, AJS said:

    Tabs leg strength is absolutely pathetic, just kick it out of bounce. 

    Hey, he can! So the question was is that a fluke or for some asinine reason they want him to do that high kick to the 10 yard line and hope for a holding call?

  6. 11 minutes ago, Sioux94 said:

    Well on the bright side, between last week and this week.....two games, I've only had to be pissed of for 4 quarters, because was no need to even care in the second half because the game was out of hand.  Hoping we can get back into this the second half but I'm not holding my breath. 

    Much easier when you look at is as a rebuilding year. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, dlsiouxfan said:

    True.  The coaching staff is 100% culpable with this.  This is Bubba's 4th season.  There is zero excuse for the lack of depth and for how this team is executing.  Injuries are part of the game and you need to have the depth to overcome them. 

    I wanted to touch on this a little, but after O'Brien went down and Poole did his thing, it was basically down to Rodgers and Larson (at ILB), I don't know how this wasn't addressed. 

  8. Just now, UND-1 said:

    This is the senior's team.  Look what is happening - what are they doing to fix it?  I question ALL leadership right now.

    I think there are certain position groups (ILB) that are so decimated by injuries that there's nothing to do. When you run a 3-4 and you are down to your 5th / 6th choice teams know they can just run up the middle at will. This wouldn't be happening if Rodgers / O'Brien / Larson (any 2 of the 3) were playing. Take your two best corners out as well and it's a bad situation. We all have to realize this was a 7-4 /9-2 team coming into this year that WOULD have been better than both. Sometimes injuries are too much to overcome. 

  9. I do feel bad for the seniors this year that helped build what is a strong program moving forward. This isn't the way they wanted it to end, I truly believe this was a perfect storm of injuries that will cause this to be a 6-5 / 5-6 team. This will end up a blip on a very successful FCS team moving forward. 

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