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Posts posted by AJS

  1. What will be frustrating is they'll open up the playbook in the 2nd half and the offense will look a lot better, this might even be a close loss. We all saw it with Mussman, almost everyone sees it with Rudolph, sometimes you have to take a step back to actually be able to take a step forward. Rudolph gone would be a huge improvement to this program moving forward. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Sioux94 said:

    Silver lining.....thank goodness Harris was injured before the season started so that hopefully will have him next year.  Would have been a waste to have him playing this year.   Well might as well redshirt Larson now too.....we aren't going anywhere and doing anything this year. 

    X2! I don't think it's Bubba and staff (outside of Rudolph), we've seen what they can do. There were positions (ILB) that when you are playing guys that wouldn't make the 2 deep, you are in trouble. Larson is and will be a stud, don't think about pulling his shirt this year.  

  3. 1 minute ago, JohnboyND7 said:

    This season was big to build a following at und. 

    I agree, back to 0. I don't have the concerns of the football that UND will play moving forward in 2018, but for hype & following, they'll have to start over. 

  4. This season is OVER, I'd be in blow it up mode. I realize it's because of injuries, but stick with the OL of FR, FR, SO, JR, SO. Get guys valuable snaps that will return, with injuries this year, they have no shot. Don't think about pulling the RS of Larson.

    This program will look like they did during the Mussman years, but although the record will be the same, we know where they can be. I'll look for improvement from guys that will return, the future is still bright, just not this year. 

  5. BCHL Stats:

    Blaisdell '01 (F): 1-3-4 5GP (3rd on his team in scoring as the only '01, other forwards are '97-'99)

    Keane '97 (F): 0-3-3 3GP

    Tychonick '00 (D): 1-3-4 3GP

    Reid '01 (D): 0-2-2 3GP

    Bowen '02 (F): 0-0-0 1GP

    Scheel '99 (G): 2-0-0 1.20 GAA .961 SV%

    As early as it is, you couldn't really ask for better starts for the BCHL recruits. Blaisdell is definitely one to keep an eye on, had a great Development camp for Canada, solid start as an underager to his junior career, I believe he'd be a junior in HS. Reid with a late 01' DOB, is just going to turn 16, so I think that'd put him as a Sophomore.  


    • Upvote 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, SiouxBoys said:

    If you don't think that there has been a bit of an overreaction to last weekend, then we need to turn on that brain of yours.

    There's no doubt there was an overreaction, but what I took an exception to was your "bandwagon" comment. Was there anybody you can point to that said they were done with the program after the game? If not, what are you talking about? Difference between overreaction and frustration and quitting on the team.  

    • Upvote 2
  7. 1 minute ago, fightingsioux4life said:

    There are genuine concerns after last weekend. But there were some people last Saturday calling for regime change. That is going way too far, IMHO.

    I'd agree with that, but I don't think there was any of that in the predictions thread or do I think that's what the post I responded too was talking about.

    It's just extremely frustrating when you are trying to be objective, you get basically called out for not being a fan. Doesn't really matter, I truly hope they prove me wrong this week!


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  8. 5 minutes ago, SiouxBoys said:

    UND 31 

    MUS 10

    I'll also be holding the door open for all of you to jump back on the bandwagon.

    Yikes, lets turn on that brain of yours. There's genuine concerns after last weekend, even if there's not, if you predict that UND will lose, that means you're "off the bandwagon"?

    • Upvote 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, gundy1124 said:

    Until I see us properly use our weapons on offense and mix up controlling the ball and taking some shots, I don't believe it's a reality.  I think the USD game gives us 2 losses with injuries and exposure on how to attack us.  We will play hard but we are banged up while the Bobcats are coming off a bye week.  30-27 Cats.

    Totally forgot about Montana State coming off a bye week, I don't think anything fires me up as much as for the 2nd year in a row UND not having a bye until the last week of the year. How many times this year will UND play a team coming off a bye week? The most ludicrous thing that'll ever happen to the UND program.

  10. 6 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

    So is Noah Larson just red-shirting at this point?  Left off the injury report again.

    What's everyone's thoughts on this? I have mixed feelings, I've been in the camp that if he can't go against USD, then RS him. After that debacle though, I'm switching my thought process a little and my decision would rest on 2 things (1) If they beat Montana State this weekend and he would be 100% against Davis (2) Would Rodgers be able to return sometime this year.

    We are all aware how big of trouble they are at the ILB position, but if they can't beat Montana State, then I'd say it wouldn't be worth it to burn his RS, when they most likely aren't making the playoffs anyway.

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