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Kevin G

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Everything posted by Kevin G

  1. Anyone else having buffering issues on NCHC.tv?
  2. Yeah, it's too big. And it should be a horizontal ribbon.
  3. ^This. UND can beat any team in the country. And UND can lose to any team in the country (at least on Fridays).
  4. I love Kleven's game...when he's not taking dumb penalties. He's not a freshman anymore and he has to learn some discipline dangit.
  5. well no goals allowed in first two minutes. I'll call that a win.
  6. "Does the cough button work?" --CC announcer, two minutes ago
  7. This game is on the B1G 10 Network, if you're looking for something to watch b/f Sioux-CC. About 10 mins. left in third period.
  8. Thought #1: Move the NCHC under the umbrella of the Summit League? I've no idea if that would be good or bad. But it seems like we all just went through major realignment, like, yesterday. I have no appetite for more major rejiggering at the moment. Thought #2: The NCHC can surely find its next commissioner within the ranks of siouxsports.com. Who knows more about college hockey that internet opinion makers? Right? Plus there may be a few of us who would be willing to be paid in beer.
  9. I agree that most championship teams need a solid core of 3-4 year players. That being said, I think UND still needs more high-end scoring talent amongst its forwards.
  10. I heard that possession of at least one ounce of marijuana was required for entry into the arena. Can anyone confirm?
  11. A bit o' fun trivia about Colorado College and Colorado Springs: 1) Thomas Nelson Haskell founded Colorado College in 1874. Oddly, Haskell has ties to two other hockey schools: he graduated from Miami University (Ohio) and later taught at the University of Wisconsin. So CC was bound to become a mediocre hockey school (I kid...). 2) Bigfoot has been spotted (or "spotted") over 100 times around Colorado Springs in recent years. On a completely unrelated note, marijuana is legal there. 3) Nikola Tesla, the famous inventor, built a lab in Colorado Springs in 1899 because the area was known to have a lot of lightning strikes. The lab operated for less than a year and all of its equipment later auctioned off to satisfy Tesla's debts. 4) The elevation of Colorado Springs is 6,040 feet above sea level. Grand Forks is at 840 feet. So the boys will be playing almost exactly one mile higher this weekend. We'll see if anyone recently skipped leg day.
  12. It's like how Brad Radke was so bad in the first inning, the Twins' pitching coach would have him pitch a pretend "first" inning in the bullpen so he would start the game in the "second" inning. As I recall, it didn't work.
  13. If blown out, choose one of the following excuses: It was SCSU's Super Bowl. We were a little banged up. They had extra time to prepare. Starting goalie's girlfriend dumped him. We weren't used to the altitude.
  14. Okay historians, what's the worst loss in UND hockey history?
  15. I'm not seeing as much improvement as I was hoping...particularly with respect to chemistry.
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