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Everything posted by BarnWinterSportsEngelstad

  1. Cohen, who worked for Trump for years before turning on him in 2018, added that Trump was unlikely to attend the inauguration. “He cannot let the camera look at him and basically pull down the curtain and see the wizard that’s standing beside,” Cohen said. “That he’s a loser, and it’s killing him.” Since Trump can’t accept losing, he had to fabricate a conspiracy theory to explain it. “Donald Trump cannot accept the fact that he lost,” Cohen said at another point in the interview. “To him, it’s tantamount to calling him a loser, which is the worst thing in the world that you can actually call him.” As a result, Trump will fight the election’s results, even after leaving office, to damage the new administration. “He’s gonna start his own media company,” Cohen predicted, noting that Trump wanted to launch one in 2015. “Every day he’s gonna sow more chaos with more fake information disseminated out there in order to be a thorn in President-elect Biden’s thigh.” https://www.aol.com/article/news/2020/11/09/michael-cohen-predicts-when-and-how-loser-trump-leaves-the-white-house/24682458/
  2. By searching loser on Twitter, T is now the first result.
  3. Fact check: No evidence that 14,000 dead people cast ballots in Wayne County, Michigan Many voters on list are old, but still alive. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/fact-check-no-evidence-that-14-000-dead-people-cast-ballots-in-wayne-county-michigan/ar-BB1aOqtC?ocid=msedgdhp
  4. You do realize my point is not about CNN, this is about, it's OK if T encourages it. BBUUTT! McEnany & U were the ones on the superspreader team!!!! Pointing out the facts to those of you with blinders on, it was of no concern to McEnany before. Can conpletely understand why a newpaper would fire you. Washing hands helps.
  5. T is at a cross road in his life, being pulled in different directions by both family and friends.
  6. WH Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany called the celebrations after news spread of Biden's victory, "superspreader events".
  7. Many on here need to TAKE OFF the BLINDERS, T is losing it. Some R's understand. “Friendship doesn’t mean that you’re blind,” said former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a longtime friend of the president who said the window is closing for Trump to provide evidence of widespread voter fraud to justify his refusal to concede. “It was so important early on to say to the president, ‘If your basis for not conceding is that there was voter fraud, then show us,’” Christie told ABC’s “This Week.” “Because if you can’t show us, we can’t do this. We can’t back you blindly without evidence.” https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-digs-in-as-his-family-and-allies-spar-over-a-concession/ar-BB1aOzaM?ocid=msedgdhp
  8. How many $Billions was Mexico going to pay for the wall? You have your blinders on, ear plugs in? Have you listened to any of the T campaign speeches in the last two weeks prior to the election? Notice the lies?
  9. Possible, but not likely. Immediate concern is what damage T will do in the next 74 days.
  10. LOL, I don't post these capital letter short cuts too often, but you made me laugh. You do remember T lied like 50 times a day. This was not a lie by BIDEN.
  11. Don't get hung up on NOTHINGS. So you fudging on the cult claims the gong show of the virus is over. The election was Tuesday.
  12. BIDEN has Amerian values, good years ahead for our country.
  13. Great job!!! Once again. The cult believes the lies.
  14. Same trickery, fake news T did 4 years ago against Hillary. Giuliani also lied about the proof he had in his office when interviewed by Kennedy/FOX. This time the media didn't buy in and FOX didn't till the last week.
  15. You're Fired! © Chris Pizzello, Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP In this Jan. 16, 2015 file photo, Donald Trump, then-host of the television series "The Celebrity Apprentice," mugs for photographers in Pasadena, Calif.
  16. Yup, Philly sure made a poor decision in Wentz.
  17. Question I have, did you wear a mask and wash your hands?
  18. Lawyer up. I guess, most money spent doesn't necessairly mean victory.
  19. The ? of the day, will T call the election results FAKE NEWS?
  20. As Voting Ends, Battle Intensifies Over Which Ballots Will Count With the election coming to a close, the Trump and Biden campaigns, voting rights organizations and conservative groups are raising money and dispatching armies of lawyers for what could become a state-by-state, county-by-county legal battle over which ballots will ultimately be counted. The deployments — involving hundreds of lawyers on both sides — go well beyond what has become normal since the disputed outcome in 2000, and are the result of the open efforts of President Trump and the Republicans to disqualify votes on technicalities and baseless charges of fraud at the end of a campaign in which the voting system has been severely tested by the coronavirus pandemic. In the most aggressive moves to knock out registered votes in modern memory, Republicans have already sought to nullify ballots before they are counted in several states that could tip the balance of the Electoral College. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/as-voting-ends-battle-intensifies-over-which-ballots-will-count/ar-BB1aDdxz?ocid=msedgdhp
  21. This tread is still alive? Let the final day votes begin.
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