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Everything posted by BarnWinterSportsEngelstad

  1. There's probably more to this story toooo. This thing was destined to fail. Tucker Carlson decided not to pile on anymore, without a sign of regret, not Tucker's style? There's so much going on right now. This celebration party (planned T Hotel - 1,000's supporters) move by T back to the WH for Tuesday night battle stradegy is interesting.
  2. New Federalx add in NY. Mixing in Politics. Don't send your confidentrial digital world breaking info with a box and paper carier, with FOX's name on the envelope - marked RUSH HUNTER's GOODS, Confidential, Keep away from Magnets, Keep Dry, Don't Freeze, all in Red a week before a P election. Your Package may never make it out of NY.
  3. Donald Trump Jr. claimed that COVID-19 deaths have dropped to "almost nothing" Thursday, a day that saw a record-breaking number of new cases in which almost 1,000 Americans died of the virus. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-jr-says-covid-deaths-are-almost-nothing-on-day-when-1-000-died/ar-BB1axEvI?ocid=msedgntp
  4. 3AM Tweet: Trump Ominously Declares Joe Biden Will Only Win White House if Supreme Court Fails to Stop It https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/3am-tweet-trump-ominously-declares-joe-biden-will-only-win-white-house-if-supreme-court-fails-to-stop-it/ar-BB1axuP6?ocid=msedgntp
  5. Could T be getting the War Room ready? Trump changes election night plans, cancels party at Trump International At a press conference Monday, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) said she was not aware at the time of party preparations at Trump International, which Washingtonian reported is sold out for election night. D.C.'s coronavirus regulations currently restrict events to a maximum capacity of 50 people, including all attendees and staff. A Trump spokesman declined to comment when contacted by the Times https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-changes-election-night-plans-cancels-party-at-trump-international-report/ar-BB1axzbo?ocid=msedgntp
  6. Last weekend before the election. Do we have any last minute antics to try derail the process? Maybe foreign govenments grab the news? Maybe Barr shows up in front of the press cameras to save America? After all they threw at us, this can't be a quit weekend?
  7. and I'll add Wash your Hands! I had to respond to this one. Is there a connection with mask haters and those that don't wash their hands?. Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) and North Carolina Senate Democrat candidate Cal Cunningham are tied, according to a poll released on Friday. 5 years ago Sen. Tillis was against requiring employees to wash their hands. Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) described his own history of opposing certain health and hygiene regulations, including those that require employees to wash their hands after using the bathroom. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/thom-tillis-washing-hands-toilet With stuff like this, wonder why some in the cult don't wash their hands or like masks?
  8. I went on the NDMV website and ordered vehicle license tags Sunday evening. I received them in the mail in GF on Wednesday.
  9. New York Post’s Biden smear just raises more questions about Rudy Giuliani Rudy Giuliani has been attempting to peddle dirt against Joe Biden since early 2019. https://www.mediamatters.org/rudy-giuliani/new-york-posts-biden-smear-just-raises-more-questions-about-rudy-giuliani
  10. I would agree it's very possible, in fact, even more after the 3rd. T is a sick man.
  11. Giuliani's smear was not an election bombshell, alleged surprise or not.
  12. Tucker Carlson gets Out Foxed by FOX with the empty box. FOX didn't want to continue the smear, or even want any part in this Giiuliani Fiasco from the start.
  13. And Giuliani left the goods in his office when he interviewed with Fox Business/Kennedy. Sure sounds like smear? I mean these guys are pros, right? Kennedy smoked him out. Time for T to fire another of the buddies.
  14. Fox sees the writing on the wall and are cutting the T / Giuliani smear. Maybe somebody from FOX had the package cut and emptied. Slow the smear - only few days left. FOX didn't want this poison from the start. Why wouldn't the source be bringing copies in triplicate to Tucker?
  15. Carlson said they found nothing, didn't we all know that? Kind of LOL - little play on words Bobulinski claimed just before the dabate, he has all the goods on these 3 phones? Biden has denied any wrong doing at debat, T family has C bank acc, turns to camera - lets talk your family needs. Cruse says Biden killed it. Fox Business Network host Kennedy wasn’t indulging in Giuliani's efforts to peddle his latest conspiracy theory, he claims goods in his office?
  16. 5 days of this left before election day. So is FOX news playing this along till the 3rd?
  17. Defense Department to Counsel Republican for Improperly Using Military Uniform in Campaign Ads https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/defense-department-to-counsel-republican-for-improperly-using-military-uniform-in-campaign-ads/ar-BB1atx0M?ocid=msedgdhp
  18. T's cult doesn't believe in masks, washing hands, staying 6' apart & yet claim Covid is around the corner and an accommplishment? Out today, T's disapproval in handling Covid 59%. Must be in last week of election? White House lists ending Covid-19 pandemic as an accomplishment despite cases spiking to record levels The White House included ending the coronavirus pandemic on a list of the Trump administration's science and technology accomplishments, despite nearly half a million Americans tested positive for Covid-19 in just the last week. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/white-house-lists-ending-covid-19-pandemic-as-an-accomplishment-despite-cases-spiking-to-record-levels/ar-BB1as9Cs?ocid=msedgdhp
  19. There could even be more of this stellar feller! Little balance is good for this thread. SS could be receiving $.10 on the dollar from advertising without the likes. Also eventually cash in pocket for Mods.
  20. Giuliani goes off on Fox Business host after she compares him to Christopher Steele Justine Coleman 2 hrs ago President Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani went off on a Fox Business host on Tuesday after she compared him to Christopher Steele. Giuliani demanded an apology from host Lisa Kennedy Montgomery, who goes by Kennedy, after she said he was "acting like Christopher Steele" by promoting documents and emails relating to Democratic nominee Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden. "Some can say that you're acting like Christopher Steele, that you were abstracting information," the "Kennedy" host said before being interrupted by Giuliani. "You got to be kidding me. I was acting like Christopher Steele?" Giuliani responded, referring to the former British spy and author of the "Steele dossier," which contained unproven rumors and alleged Trump's campaign was compromised by Russia. "You better apologize for that," he added. "I mean I've been a United States attorney, associate attorney general, mayor of New York City and a member of the bar for 50 years. I've never been accused of anything, and you're accusing me of being Christopher Steele." "What you're saying is an outrageous defamation of me, of my reputation," Giuliani responded, inviting Kennedy to come to his office to view the documents on Hunter Biden Wednesday and apologize on her show later that day. Kennedy answered she "will come see it." "I came on your show in good faith to give you evidence that is being withheld from the American people, and I get defamed," the attorney said. Giuliani then attempted to end the interview, saying, "This may be the last time we'll be on camera because I don't let people call me Christopher Steele." Several news outlets including The Washington Post have said they have not been able to verify the information on the laptop. Kennedy noted that Fox Business has not been able to verify "large swaths of the material" from the documents. The host ended the interview by saying, "You can't tell me you haven't loved this conversation," prompting Giuliani to respond, "I have not loved this conversation." "I find this conversation totally insulting," he said. "You don't accuse someone of being a criminal without any evidence, on speculation." Kennedy again denied accusing Giuliani of being a criminal. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/giuliani-goes-off-on-fox-business-host-after-she-compares-him-to-christopher-steele/ar-BB1ast9R?ocid=msedgdhp good video of the back and forth on this link. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8887335/Rudy-Giuliani-demands-apology-Fox-host-Kennedy-compared-Christopher-Steele.html
  21. With 46% each, new poll Data for Progress shows R South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham tied against his D challenger Jamie Harrison.
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