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Everything posted by BarnWinterSportsEngelstad

  1. Answer ? with a ? I'll play. Has Covid broke T's back?
  2. Bump ^^^ Great find, is the machine breaking down? T has to be under an enomous amount of stress.
  3. TODAY: T kept from public view but on twiter; grievances, election falsehoods, and shot arrows at Fox. Neither he nor his aides briefed reporters on the news of the day. Could of addressed issues of my earlier post you bring up. We are rassling with a global crisis as T is devored with the election as he's assaulting the integrity of out voting system. He is using the Fed Gov to try and stay on as P while ignoring his Presidencial duties. Has T handed the USA over to CoVid?
  4. You missed the point again like usual, never said the helicopter crash, huricane, stock market was his fault. I made the point of what is he doing as far as leading this country, instead of firing people.
  5. Just like our P is T is stewing over the election while mostly ignoring his duties. 6 American serviceman were killed in a helicopter crash. Tropical Storm Eta made Florida landfall with severe flooding. ~ 159,000 Americans infected with CoVId today. Stock market tumbling. Where's our leader, oh ya firing people.
  6. That's what your R Ariz. AG said. Read it for yourself. https://www.aol.com/article/news/2020/11/12/arizonas-gop-attorney-general-trump-likely-lost-state-no-evidence-of-fraud/24687540/
  7. Don't really see much here as compared to stuff T pulls. Who was first to claim P victory?
  8. HUFFPOST Arizona's GOP attorney general claims T likely lost state, no evidence of fraud. There were not any facts to back up claims of rampant voter fraud.
  9. Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. Slams Texas Lt. Gov. for $1 Million Voter Fraud Reward, Alleges Republican Fraud Attempt Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman mocked the infamous $1 million reward proposed by Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick on Tuesday by reporting an apparent attempt at voting fraud by a Republican in the Keystone State. "Hey, Governor Patrick- it's your counterpart in Pennsylvania. I'd like to collect your handsome reward for reporting voter fraud. I got a dude in Forty Fort, PA who tried to have his dead mom vote for Trump," Fetterman tweeted. "I'd like mine in Sheetz gift cards." The tweet came just hours after Patrick announced in a press release that he would pay up to $1 million from his campaign to incentivize people to come forward and report voter fraud across the country, despite no evidence that suggests widespread voter fraud occurred in the 2020 presidential election. Patrick said that he supports President Donald Trump's "efforts to identify voter fraud" but offered no legitimate evidence to back up his claims https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/pennsylvania-lt-gov-slams-texas-lt-gov-for-1-million-voter-fraud-reward-alleges-republican-fraud-attempt/ar-BB1aVqXG?ocid=msedgdhp
  10. This time I supported Biden just saying, but this maybe getting a little ahead of himself. Odds are in his favor, but there are recounts etc?
  11. If everything is working correctly, why would the Trumpers believe in T's claim of fraud, rigged, etc. Works both ways.
  12. Unless you may have wanted to cancel your first vote and vote again, in some states?
  13. So I take it when you drive: You follow who is ahead of you by less than 6' Don't use your glasses Speed down oneways the wrong way Leave brights on and never dim Don't buckle seat belts. Don't wash your car with soap etc. Most of local and state govenments have concerns about this virus and not letting it rip. GF considering $1500 mask fine? https://www.valleynewslive.com/2020/11/10/grand-forks-to-consider-mask-mandate-enforceable-by-law/ A warning Tuesday night from Grand Forks health officials. As COVID-19 cases skyrocket, they’re taking action. A mask mandate enforceable by law is expected soon in the county.
  14. By the time we come out of hiding, the election (and recounts) should be over? No can to kick.
  15. Kind of like your last paragraph. Questions I would have, do we do this audit in recounts or do we need some voting problems found first, who calls what states go through this process? Who decides if votes are legal, while being non-political?
  16. Bingo = cheat/steal? Tell me some more, and try not be a Ruddy.
  17. This will be terrible news to many on here. Something needs to be done, T just walked away from this thing. Looking for a good ending, which isn't even in sight. I wish the choices were easy.
  18. Hearing some noise T will start his own far right TV program. T has a real bad FOX tast in his mouth right now - even anger just above that, could he steal some of their hosts, even form his own netowrk. Never admit he lost and go on a rampage with stolen rigged fake etc.? for years? Crying into each morning's hours. Giuliani on every other day repeating false happenings - while claiming he has the bombshell goods at his office. Sound exciting?
  19. True cultiest with blinders on. Never mentioned "all the things" Sore loser. Try using some soap.
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