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Posts posted by SFSIOUX#1

  1. NDH, you know you'd take him on the UND squad any day.

    You ever going to stop by for a pre-game libation?



    We are now to the point of comparing the change in Gopher recruting strategy to the tearing down of the Berlin wall - only a gopher fan could make such a ridiculous comparison which begs me to wonder which comparision is next?:silly:? :lol:

    And yes this thread is gay but I had to responsd to our wonderful SOH.

  2. Sometime during the game a Sioux running back got hit out of bounds and it would have been a questionable call and one that was not made at the time. After complaing for a second on the non-call, I came to the conclusion that it was not flagrant and the Sioux player was fine. I concluded that I would hate to see a "bad call" shift momentum in favor of one of these great teams.

    Fast forward to the field goal - whether it was a penalty or not, it had no consequence on the play as the field goal was missed regardless of the leap by the Sioux player. It is too bad that such a call was made as I thought it had a huge bearing on the game. In fact, as others have mentioned, once that penalty was called, it was game over.

  3. Thanks again PCM.Always appreciate it.


    Thanks PCM - I look forward to this each Wednesday. Is it just me or are the shows a little more dull with Hak at the helm as oppossed to Blais? It seems to me you were never sure exactly what Blais was going to say but there would always some comment made that would add to the show.

  4. Just wondering if anyone has heard the extent of Massen's injury? For James sake I hope it was not as serious as it looked.

    I would have to admit that I was as critical of his play last year as anyone but he certainly has played some good games this year and I believe he is a valuable asset to the team.

  5. Phil is the man as far as i am concerned!! parise has played fine but i would love to use Phil back to back nights and let him go and get red hot..


    Can't argue with you points, however I don't think you can blame JPar for this loss. I think when you play a team like Alaska you should be able to score more than one goal.

  6. Keep cheering away - the day they kick someone like you out is the day I give notification that they can stick my season tickets as well as my contribution with a red hot poker. If it truly was a problem, the elderly couple should have had the decency of asking you to mellow out but going to a usher is a joke. I suppose it is that time of year when we get letters in our seats about how to act at a game..

  7. Hats off to UND and a great season. Not so much that they got beat by a better team but they did not take advantage of things when they needed to. Pitt looks like a very good team and I wish them the best of luck.

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