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Posts posted by SFSIOUX#1

  1. Anyone got a good joke or anything to lighten the mood? I really am at a loss for words for the performance we are seeing tonight. I wonder if Hak could rent the ice after the game and have the players do a few Herbies.

  2. In my opinion, we just don't have a very good hockey team right now. To hell with all of our supposed super stars and 1st round draft picks, I would take a group of guys that played with a little heart.

  3. Unless the Sioux don't start playing a more disciplined style of hockey, they are going to have a tough time winning games playing short-handed. With that being said, the ref has to call it both ways - some of those calls were terrible (radke). I could have sworn that Fabian was tripped on the first penalty kill but maybe I was just seeing things. I hope Hak has a few choice words for the group to get them going.

  4. If they don't want people acting like drunken fools at hockey games then they shouldn't serve alcohol, period.

    With that thinking then if people drive drunk, we should re-establish prohibition. In addition, we should outlaw guns because guns kill people and so on and so on. Whatever happened to personal accountability for one's actions? ;)

  5. Looks like yet another GF zealot hung up on living in the past.

    I'm not saying Fargo South has a better history than Central or Red River, I'm predicting that they have a brighter future. What's wrong with that?

    In the context that you just stated, I would say nothing is wrong with that - you and I just tend to have a difference of opinion. I say we drop it and leave it as just that.

  6. Can't say I was surprised to read such an intelligent post from SFsioux, You lead out with Hey dumb-#$$, then follow by telling me not to call people names. I think it's safe to say that you owe everyone on here an apology, for subjecting us to your stupidity.

    But lets get back on track..... I'm really looking forward to the Red river VS. Grafton game, hopefully i can make it down. One of my employees sons plays on the team and the way he was talking he felt the game could go either way and that it would probably go down to the wire. I guess we will find out tommorow if he was right.

    It was a joke henceforth the smile at the end - and your calling me stupid...

    Who annointed you the thread police :D?? Like I said before, if you don't wish to read, then ignore it. Is this a concept that is too difficult for you to understand?

  7. It's time like this that we are lucky to have 2 very capable goalies. This will be a good chance for Lammy to show his abilities - hopefully our offense can help him out a bit and score more than a goal as like most occasions when he is in net.

  8. Comparing a high school hockey team with two state titles in the last 12 years to an NFL team that has never won a Super Bowl. Don't play dumb. You have been over the top with your disrespectful attitude towards hockey in Fargo. North has been a pretty mediocre program for the better part of the last 20 years, I'll give you that. But South has been right there with Central and Grafton since the mid '90s. The only team that can say they've been vastly superior to South in that time period is Red River.

    Go back and read that post as you were missing my point as I never mentioned anything about a football team other than the NE Patriots and was trying to make a point on predicting the future with no reference to FS hockey.

  9. I am agian having trouble understanding this.... DaveK comes on and says it looks like south is turning a corner..... Then some putz comes on and starts talking about the Grand forks peewee and bantam teams...... Dave comes back and says well they've gotten 2nd, 3rd and now are once agian a top team in the state..... Then another moron comes on and lists the past champions and groups the two grandforks teams into a catagory.... Then hockeyman25 enlightens us all with his last pathetic comment.

    Hey dumb-#$$ that is the beauty of this web-site - you don't have to read what you don't want to. Let's not resort to calling people putzs and morons. :lol:

  10. You're not a poor sport because we disagree, you're a poor sport because you consistently belittle the Fargo kids who play hockey and then when South steps up to the plate and proves they have the best team you make excuses and refuse to give them the credit they deserve.

    Please show me where I have ever belittled the Fargo hockey program. All I have said is that past history indicates that GF has been more successful....nothing more nothing less. Please show me where I have been disrespectful towards the Fargo program.

    Last year Red River proved they were the #1 team as they won the state championship. This year, right now Fargo South appears to be in the driver's seat to win that championship but that is not a forgone certainty as they need to play the state tourney.

    It seems you want us to annoint FS as the premier team now and into the future and that just ain't going to happen. Maybe when you have rattled a few titles off then you will be able to make your argument but at this point in time, you argument is very weak.

  11. My son plays for a B team that to be completely unbiased is not extremely talented. The A teams in Fargo, on the other hand, are vastly superior to any of the other A teams I have seen them play against. I have no personal bias involved as my son is not on one of the A teams. Just calling it as I see it.

    Excellent post. I believe they combine the two schools to inflate and distort the numbers. I'll admit Red River has been very impressive since 1987, but Central on the other hand has only three state titles since 1994. Considering that South has two during that same time period and one of Central's three was a fluke 3-2 win over South that featured two goals in the last minute... I think it's more than just a bit inaccurate to portray Central as being vastly superior to South in recent memory. South, Central, and Grafton have all been very even for a very long time. Red River has been consistently better than all of them, but I see South as the up-and-coming program that could very possibly go on a run like the one Red River has enjoyed over the last 20 years and Central for the previous 20. Of course, we all know how mean and bitter the GF zealots will get if that does in fact happen. The GF high school hockey zealots are a lot like the NDSU football zealots. They think that just because they were great in the past, they're entitled to it for life and they'll whine like babies if and when somebody takes it away from them.

    DaveK, you speak out of both sides of your mouth. In one post you are comparing FARGO schools to all other schools and in the next breath you are say we need to compare FS to RR or CHS? Let me know the rules of the game as to what we can compare and not compare....

    And by the way, my definition of a poor sport is when someone whines and makes excuses when things don't go there way. Have you looked in the mirror lately?

  12. Examples? Sure... for starters, almost every post made by you and "BringDeanBack" over the past couple of years on this topic. In addition to that, just go to any varsity game involving either Central or Red River and pay attention to the kids in the student sections. Granted, every school is going to have their share of kids who behave poorly. But Central and Red River consistently have a much higher percentage of kids making asses out of themselves among the student section than any other school in the state. Can you remember either of those schools ever winning the sportsmanship award at a state hockey tournament ever? I can't. Because of their great tradition of winning teams, the fans have become spoiled brats. They simply don't respect their opponents. When they win they love to run around the rink gloating, but when they lose they get defensive and hostile... challenging students from the other school to fistfights. Surely you've seen it if you've been going to high school hockey games for as long as I have (since the early '80s).

    Just because you and I don't agree makes me a poor sport??? Give me a break.

  13. Of course they're not 65 year old grandpas. Thats just a ridiculous notion. They are FRESHMEN in college, and I don't care how good of shape they are in physically, they will be feeling it mentally.

    It's stupid to run these guys into the ground. School starts again this week, they are mentally and physically taxed FRESHMEN. Give them a break!!

    I say ask them, but I know they'll undeniably be feeling it. These are crucial games, and I know UND can't afford any more bad games.

    I'm just saying, Oshie was injured and didn't return in a MEDAL game. Even if it is minor, why risk it??

    I think the team can get 2 wins this weekend, and I'll be up late listening. If they're ready and willing, play them, but I'm just saying I would give them Friday to rest. They've earned it.

    I think they can handle it - we are at a point in the season when we need WINS and putting those guys on the ice gives them a better chance to win except for Oshie who may still feel the effects of going into the boards. Those players can perhaps have a break next week during practices but right now they are needed to help the Sioux position themselves to make the NCAA tourney.

    Regardless of what I think, however, I guess will have the answer tonight when the teams step onto the ice. Hak will know what is best for his players and if they don't dress, I stand corrected.

  14. ESPECIALLY if Oshie is injured even slightly at that point, I would say don't dress him. These guys deserve their rest. They are really going to be spent, though they may have some adrenaline left. I wouldn't let Oshie play after he left the game. We can't afford to lose him to a more serious injury down the stretch!!!

    If any of the others (especially the defensemen) want to dress, I would consider that. However, it's ridiculous how much they played in the last week. Maybe they give them Friday off and let them play Saturday? We'll see.

    Are we talking about college kids who are in tremendous shape or Grandma and Grandpa at the nursing home? :lol:

  15. As far as youth teams in both cities, I ask everyone not to compare records. I am worried that we will have to start listening about someone's kid that plays on a Fargo Flyers mini mini mite team that always beats Grand Forks teams, not to mention any names.

    Now that is funny right there - I don't care who you are... :lol:

  16. Will the WJC players be in action this weekend with the Sioux? They are already "close" to Alaska, will they just fly up and join the team? I think it would be wise to rest them this weekend. Any word?

    Considering how the team looked without the WJC player's, I would think we need them dressed. At this point in the season we need WINS and I believe we have a better chance of winning by putting the "tired" WJC players on the ice as oppossed to the alternative.

  17. I realize the GF zealots like to cling desperately to their status as having had the best high school hockey teams in the state for the past 40 years, but it's quite obvious to anybody who is not blinded by their loyalty to Central and/or Red River that the torch is in the process of being passed to South.

    I think with GF's past record of winning championships that they have earned the right to brag about their championships as oppossed to your comment of calling them zealots. You on the other hand, want us to roll over and anoint Fargo hockey as being superior. That is going to take years of sucesss before you earn that status but I wish you good luck.

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