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Posts posted by SFSIOUX#1

  1. So the refs can decide the outcome of the game in the 1st period with all of the calls and not in the overtime.  COWARDS


    I guess it's ok to clutch, grab, tackle in OT but in periods 1-3 when a Sioux d-man is a bit too agressive you make the call regardless. What a bunch of crap.

    By the way, I agree with all that state early in the year under new direction. No room for banwagoners...

  2. Forgive me if this has been stated already....

    That would be UND being outscored 9-0 in the last 4 periods of play. 

    Totally BOGUS hockey foe the Sioux!


    What has happend to our great d-fense core? It all starts by playing smart and staying out of the box. Secondly, you would think a core of defensemen that we have could break the puck out of their end. Third, the forwards need to get their motors running and MOVE. Other than that things look great....

  3. Can someone please tell me what in the world is going on??!?!! Are we seriously playing that badly?


    According to some people on this board, it is all Coach Hak's fault.

  4. I for one enjoy PCM and the insight he gives us on Sioux hockey.

    I find it pathetic that on this board peolpe love to berate other participants when the purpose of the board is to talk Sioux hockey amongst fellow Sioux fans. For those folks that live for such b.s., I wish you would take it elsewhere.

  5. I think the flood in Grand Forks shows the quality of the folks that live up there. Hard to find a place that can boast the hockey program, football program, girls b-ball program, the Ralph, the Alerus, the Pepper, the Palmer Course, Whitey's, and so on...

    So from a person who lives in a bigger city, I am envious of those people who call Grand Forks home.

  6. I agree that he was, but I don't agree that he will be. With his size and skill, IF he puts in the requisite time this summer and shakes the distractions, I believe he can have a great senior season and surprise his opponents as well as the Sioux fans.

    What distractions?

  7. Go read some threads on POI that talk about Vanek. Basically, to sum them up, some (not all) are saying that he needs to take his game somewhere else because he is not a two way player, plays when he wants to play etc...

    I agree he is a tremendous hockey player with a huge upside but the fact of the matter remains he plays when he wants to play. That is what I meant as a "cancer " to the team. Perhaps college hockey is not challenging enough for him and he needs to go to the next level.

    It ain't all about the end result in winning a national title - you need to be a great team and you need to have some luck along the way to win the national title.

    To win the WCHA you need to have a great team over the season when the "luck" factor is far less. To say the ZP's career was less fulfilling than Vanek's is a joke.

  8. I am not here to defend Vanek, but if I were a Gopher fan (ack) I would fondly remember Vanek's tenure with MN. He hoisted that team onto his shoulders in 2002-03 and brought them a national title. IMO, he was the single most important reason that team won the title (honorable mention to Potulny, Weber and PMart). Let's see ... two years, one national title, one year where he seemed to play below his sky-high potential. I would take that on my team.

    I would take a Parise type of player any day of the week over a Vanek type.

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