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Posts posted by SFSIOUX#1

  1. The Fargo Flyers A teams at the Bantam, Pee Wee, and Squirt levels almost never lose. They regularly beat anybody and everybody (including Moorhead and Grand Forks teams). The only time I see Fargo teams get beat regularly by GF teams is at the B level. I realize the GF zealots like to cling desperately to their status as having had the best high school hockey teams in the state for the past 40 years, but it's quite obvious to anybody who is not blinded by their loyalty to Central and/or Red River that the torch is in the process of being passed to South. Do yourself a favor and go watch the Fargo Flyers A teams the next time they come to GF, and then you'll begin to understand.

    When I played in Bantams (too many years ago to even admit) Fargo Flyers were supposed to win the Bantam title and in fact did win and everybody said "watch out as Fargo is going to kick the crap out of the GF schools at the HS level". It never happened as a GF school won the title every year Flyer kids were in HS. Like I said DaveK...past history will tell you a lot - you just choose to ignore.

  2. ...or the success of the San Francisco 49ers?

    Sorry to break the news to you, but Central and Red River are to ND high school hockey what the 49ers and Cowboys are to the NFL. They used to be the best, but not anymore. The days of GF dominance are over for now, and they won't be coming back any time soon based on what I've seen of the kids that will be entering high school within the next 2 to 6 years. 2005-06 could very well be the first of a very long run of titles for South.

    Same song but different verse. You were saying the same thing a year ago and RR still ended up being the best team in the state. With that being said, I think it would be great for ND hockey that other teams were up to the level of GF as that will only make the programs within ND that much stronger.

  3. We've been through this before. Success in the past does not by any means gaurentee it in the future.

    Where in my post do do I say that I am guaranteeing anything in the future. What I am saying is that past history certainly is something that can help predict the future - look at history of the stock market, success of the New England Patriots, success or failures of political campaigns etc....

  4. I am a big UND fan but after watching him I really think he is only going to be a pretty good player, he won't do much in the league. I would compare him to about stafford's level, which is pretty good for college hockey. Both thos guys will be average NHL players if they can stick it out. I hate to be negative but everyone talks like he is the next savior of this hockey team. What is there record anyways? I liked the UND of old. true goal scorers. There have been other good freshman, does Parise ring a bell and he doesn't really do anything in the league. The boys at MInnesota are definetely going to win a national championship this year! Too many weopans. How could a recruiting program lose the two best hockey players to ever come out of this state. They showed it to us too.

    How is Oshie doing in the World Junior Tourney against the best players in the world for his age? :silly:

  5. If you go the the NCAA website there is a detailed explanation of why UND lost its appeal. Besides the 3 Sioux nations in North Dakota, There are also many more Sioux tribes in South Dakota that have official resolutions in place objecting to the nickname. The NCAA statement also states that the 5 United Tribes of North Dakota (which includes the 3 Sioux tribes in ND) issued a resolution in favor of changing the nickname.

    UND was not given permission in the 30's by anyone to use the "Sioux" name. I would question the information you have because "Fighting" was not added until much later. I havent found out exactly when yet, but it was not until after the elimination of the "Sammy Sioux" nickname/logo.

    As far as people commenting on permission. I heard that a group of elders came up at some point and gave their blessing/permission whatever, but it was not given by a tribal leadership/government entity. I looked at the Dakota Student newspapers from the fifties when it supposedly took place, but I couldn't find anything about it.

    I didn't find much info in the Herald archives, but if you go to the Special Collections in the Chester Fritz Library, there is lots to be found in the Dakota Student Microfiches. I did manage to print out the ones related to the changing of the nickname from Nodaks/Flickertails to Sioux if you are interested. It was September of 1930 that the name change took place, just in time for Homecoming to be portrayed as a Pow-Wow, the Homecoming King to become a "Chief", and the freshman to be referred to as Papooses...

    Your final questions answer is that this has been an ongoing issue at UND since the name was changed to "Sioux". However, most of the information related to actual protesters and people for changing the name begins about the same time that Native American Students first started attending the school, which was in the 60's I believe.

    good luck in your quest for factual information. If you manage to find some solid documentation of the "elder permission" thing, could you let me know? I would like to know what actually happened, by who and when. thanks.

    BLAH BLAH BLAH :silly:

  6. Oshie is fun to watch - not only does he have great skills but it seems he is giving 120% every time he is on the ice. It begs the question, how long do you think we will see Oshie in a Sioux jersey? I would like to think 3 years but that may be too optimistic.... ;)

  7. If they win the Central. will the players be out of jail in time for the first round??

    Does it really matter? As much as I would like to think they have a chance, I know better. By the way, I would take a player like Favre any day over a Dante, keep it in your pants, Culpepper.

  8. To any GF people who might suggest that South is classless to beat Wahpeton 26-0, I would like to remind you that Central beat West Fargo 20-0 back in the 1983-84 season. I realize that's six fewer goals, but still enough to suggest they were running the score up. It's just unfortunate that teams that far apart in talent are scheduled to play each other.

    You are digging back for that one a ways aren't you DaveK. Slow day at the salt mines? :silly:

    Basically, are you saying that it is Grand Fork's fault that South ran up the score against Whapeton? Good logic.

  9. GK , I have sat by the side lines reading your posts for several months now. I really take pity on your views or perhaps it is just the way you express those views. You and I, as well as everyone else on this board has the right to post their own opinions. You constantly cross that line as if you speak for everyone in the Sioux Nation. I admire your determination in fighting for a cause but I cannot begin to comprehend your negativeness and your one-sided view of every piece of information presented to you. Your cause, IN MY OPINION, would be far more just if you were to expend that energy on real life issues as to how to make YOUR PEOPLE's life better in a meaningful way - you obviously have the energy and passion to do that.

    One last thought. You put up for discussion the fact that you don't feel comfortable discussing with your child the antics of the MN Vikings. I, on the other hand, have a 5 year old boy that adores Fighting Sioux Hockey. As a result, I have spent a significant amount of time explaining to him the tradition of the Sioux Nation and I am not talking about the hockey tradition. As a result of those discussions, I guarantee you that he has the respect and understandng of your culture far more than he would have every had if the name was the University of North Dakota Flickertails.

  10. I'm a south hockey supporter, but this is just wrong. The Forum had the shots at 84 for the Bruins, and yes Weisgarber and Campbell both had points in the third period. I hope Wilson gets some serious heat for this. IMO, this situation is the coaches fault, not the players. Do you really expect a player not to shoot at a wide open net? It's the coaches responsibility to keep his best players off the ice in situations like this. Not just for Wahpeton's sake, but what if Weisgarber or Gault got hurt the third?

    Stupid move my Wilson and I hope he gets hammered by the media for it. :D

    IMHO a very classless move by the South program. I know other schools have "run-up" the score as well but that does not make it right. Is there a mercy rule in HS hockey?

  11. I have to admit that I am a novice user on this site meaning I really don't know the in's and out's of posting appropriately when it comes to replying to a topic. I see that PCM and others are able to post a portion of a quote but when I do it, I either quote the entire portion (can be annoying have to continue to scroll through the reply) or I mess it up and just see {quote) and then my attempt at posting. I was hoping some of you could help me out with how to do this or point me in the direction where I could find directions on this subject.

    Thanks in advance for your help!!! :D

  12. Vande certainly is not exactly lighting it up in Lincoln if you look at his stats. I do think in time he should be a pretty decent player however. I too am concerned with what will be a serious lack of size and physical play from our d next year. Smaby will be gone. Lee and Chorney do not play physical at all especially Lee. Jones plays physical but does not have the size to intimidate the opposition. Radke is not physical and Marto is very light on the strength side of things. Finley is huge but I have yet to see hardly any physical play you would expect from a guy that size. He is very young and I think his physical play will pick up once he completely adjusts to the college game. In an ideal world you would have a balance between physical d-men and puck carrying/finesse d-men. Last year we did not have the finesse d-man to move the puck and run the PP. Now it seems as if we are moving toward an all finesse d-corps with the excetion of Finley for the next few years. I will put my faith in the coaches hopefully they have this all planned out.

  13. Could you send me a box of those "samples?" :D

    To put a hockey twist on this:

    I think Widman's should have a stand like the Bavarian roasted nuts at the REA. I also think the Pepper should have one too.

    Can you think of anything better? A Grinder with a side of chippers and washed down with your favorite beverage all while watching some kick arse hockey?

    If they opened a Red Pepper stand in the Ralph, my life would essentially be complete! ;)

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