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Posts posted by SFSIOUX#1

  1. Anything less than a sweep will be a huge dissapointment regardless of how they have played us in the past. The Sioux are at a point in the season where they need to win the games that they are expected to win. Too bad about Finley as he needs the ice time to develop his game. Is Toews playing this weekend?

  2. Matt Greene is a class act. Just a quick story to share with all of you - I was back in GF this summer for a high school reunion and my wife and I wound up at the Red Pepper at about 12:00 on a Friday night. As you can imagine the place was packed with no where to sit. After we had received our order, there was a couple sitting in a both that offered to share the both with us. As I was eating and talking to these two, it occurred to me that I had seen this guy before and it was none other than Matt Greene. I asked him if he was in fact Matt and he sheepishly acknowledged that he was. We talked about hockey, my wife tried to get him to tell her if he would be back and we talked about how my little boy named Jack loved the Sioux and how we travel from Sioux Falls SD for almost every home game. When they were walking out of the Pepper, Matt turned back to us and said "You tell your son that Matt Green says hello". He made one little kid really happy.

    In addition to that, throughout the entire conversation, you would never have expected that this guy was on the verge of signing a pro contract (a week later he signed) as he was a down to earth, really nice guy.

    Best of luck to Matt on his first NHL game!!!

  3. I like the fact that Hak is doing some good things with this team.

    I will be the first to admit that when Hak was selected, I was not very enthusiastic over the decision. Looking back I feel like an idiot because he did great things for the program last year and is doing more of the same this year.

  4. Clearly the BEST team was the team holding the trophy after the championship game - anything else is just sour grapes and excuses.

    I once played on a NDHS team that dominated the entire year only to lose in the tournament - not once have I ever said that the best team didn't win. There is a reason you play the game and you are only as good as your last W (or L as in Fargo South's case).

  5. Hopefully he will be able to get the help he needs in order to get his life in order. This will be a loss for the Gophers as he is a tremendous hockey player but it is just a game and if this is what it takes for him to get his life in order, that is much more important.

  6. Newsflash for you Mr. Cratter.  You've got 15 year old info.  Maybe it's still that way in G.F.  But, that's not the direction that the rest of the country is going.  Look up gentrification in a dictionary.  People don't want to commute anymore and spend all that time away from their families (not to mention gas prices), large spread out neighborhoods with no social interaction promote screwed up kids, people don't want to pay taxes on a bigass yards anymore when there's a beautiful park one block away.

    The weakness of downtown is largely a function of not enough of a population base.

    Sad but true.  Not rocket science BTW.


    How long does it take go get across the mega-city of GF, maybe 10-15 minutes tops. I will take a big house with a decent back yard any day of the week. I will spend maybe an extra $25 a month for that luxury in gas. And you speak of rocket science and messed up kids...

  7. If the NCAA was as dedicated to fixing problems like the Bina tragedy like they were about Bertuzzi (even though the suspension turned out to be somewhat of a joke), then Paukovich wouldn't be playing at least the first half of the season and Don Adam would be a spectator instead of an on ice anything with the WCHA


  8. I was really hoping to see some of those oppossed to the name address the questions that were posed in this thread. I guess "compromise" is not a viable option for those of you in the minority for changing the name.

    We live in a society that the minority thinks we need to cater to them and screw the majority. Compromise does not appear to be in the minorities vocabulary.

  9. 1. Free tuition to those Sioux NA students who are academically elgible to attend UND.

    2. Summer education programs for HS students who want/need help to become academically elgible to be accepted into UND.

    3. % of profits from the Sioux logo be used to support the programs listed. I disagree with giving the money to the different Sioux tribes without stipulation for it's use. 

    4.  Free tuition and a stipend for those NAs  who chose service careers that will address the problems such as chemical abuse, teenage pregnancy, pre-natal care, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Economic growth, etc. Stipulate that those educated in these areas have to work with the Sioux population a minimum of two or more? years or they will have to pay for the UND education they have received.


    I agree that proceeds should go towards some programing and did not mean to infer that members of the tirbe would get $$$'s.

  10. Although I am a proponent of keeping the name, this is a question that I have been thinking about ever since the NCAA descision was handed down. Here are a couple of thoughts:

    (1) UND could make an annual report to the Board of Higher Education along with a Tribal Leader or group of Leaders showing what UND has done to aid Native American's within the last year. This could include such things as assisiting in grant writing for a variety of programs, or perhaps helping provide educational opportunities to the reservations through the internet. It could be a variety of things but the bottom line would be a continued effort to enhance the lives of Native American's and the educational opportunities afforded to them.

    (2) I am going to get flammed for this but here goes - The various Native American Tribes within the state of ND get a portion of the proceeds for the sales of UND Sioux wear. I believe Florida State has an arrangement wherby a % of the proceeds go back to the Seminoles.

    (3) Have an Advisory Board of UND Students that include Native Americans and non-Native Americans to bridge the gap between our perceptions and the Native Americans perception of the various underlying issues.

    (4) Get rid of SIOUX DOG and everything else along those lines as that is just plain stupid to have concession products named in that manner.

    Just some thoughts...

  11. This is purily speculation but bear with me. Suppose 80+ years ago that the folks determining the names had the foresight to see that these names would be lableded as"offensive and abusive" and opted to make the descision to have a nickname such as "Cowboy" or "Rough Rider" or "Calvary" or "Viking" and we would have lived in a society that had no team names associated with the Native American culture. This causes me to ask one small question - Wouldn't people like GK be spouting off about the lack of respect shown towards their culture becuase we were not reconginizing them and in fact discriminating against them beccause there were no such names/mascots?

  12. Perhaps a dumb question but it makes me wonder if that with the huge recruiting class of 4 years ago and now this year, are we going to see huge freshman #'s every four years or is Hak going to be able to start balancing out the classes?

  13. Wow!  Lots of attention over the "nut job" comment.  Gees, that was my nice version. 

    Can't remember who it was who asked (And really don't care), but you were interested in my parenting skills.  I'm a parent twice over.  I even have a wife, a dog and a cat.  All are doing quite well, thanks.


    If you kids are ok, it is obviously your wife's influence. As much as I cheer against the Gophers, I would never wish ill-will on any of their players. The right thing to do is to hope for the best for Mr. Hirsch and not make any juvenile comments as to his well being. :sad:

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