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About dden3

  • Birthday February 27

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    Denver, Colorado

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  1. dden3

    UMD @ UND

    I thought Komzak had a good night.
  2. dden3

    UND @ Denver

    I was there Friday night and have been going to most of the Denver-UND games for 50 years. I thought there were far fewer fans than usual. I think it had to do with DU not making single game tickets available til later in the season. And they were way more expensive than usual in the aftermarket.
  3. dden3

    UMD @ UND

    Emory is a long way from being a shut down d-man
  4. dden3

    UND @ Denver

    No Doubt. Made me proud tonight.
  5. dden3

    UND @ Denver

    Exactly. What development does anybody see in this D corps?
  6. dden3

    UND @ Denver

    I was at the game last night sitting behind DU goalie for two periods. DU was all over us and there didn't seem to be anything we were capable of doing about it. DU fan next to me said DU backup goalie is not good, so maybe we can muster up a goal Saturday night, but I don't think there is any chance of a win. This team is just not good. If a bunch of these guys leave, it would be a blessing. Bubba Schweigert was at the game looking very relaxed.
  7. dden3

    UND @ Denver

    Is 29 not playing tonight?
  8. dden3

    UND @ Denver

    Might need those meds adjusted!
  9. I don't know who the head coach of the UNLV club program is, but the managed to beat DU this year. And maybe Krissy likes him.
  10. dden3

    CC @ UND

    The fear of guys transferring out can't override the need to get rid of this entire coaching staff. The new coach has to be able to bring in his own guys. And the new coach doesn't have to be a UND alum.
  11. dden3

    CC @ UND

    No Croal. DUMB
  12. Exactly
  13. Either way he needs to be gone.
  14. The dart method is about all this coaching staff can do at this point. They have no idea how what to do.
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