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Everything posted by The Sicatoka
I think you'll agree some names shouldn't be chosen to avoid (geographic) confusion. For example, Coyotes, Jackbunnies, Bisons , Gophers, Grizzlies, ... et al.
OXBOW! Your account's been hacked by ... someone.
Dakota is a tribe. EPIC FAIL. Side note: I laughed really hard at the words on the jerseys on the ice in REA last weekend ... North Dakota and Miami
There is another way onto the list. The NCAA and the State of North Dakota defined it contractually. That way is:
Did they have a process?
I hope you're right; but, ultimately, the buck stops with him and, as president of UND, the final decision is his.
I can agree with 1, 2, and 4. Item 3 might be strong ... "dislike" or "put up with".
The dead horse is named "North Star" -- L'etoile du Nord. You hit it. I merely pointed out why it's dead.
I believe (no Holiday Inn for me either however) the NCAA could put UND onto the "naughty" list and here's why: http://forum.siouxsports.com/topic/15780-new-nickname/?p=738769 That's directly from the settlement agreement. That's a binding contract that the NCAA would be enforcing.
A wise man told me once, "No pity for self-inflicted wounds." They knew going in they were stepping in front of a moving train. (Disclosure: I volunteered for the committee directly to Dr. Kelley. Yeah, I tried to stand on the tracks.)
My complaint is that nothing was done from 2005 to now (and we're not done yet). When the handwriting was on the wall, people who really do care about UND Athletics should've demanded an immediate replacement so as to control the process*. Now? Well, the process is a process-finding process for a process to process something, or maybe nothing**, ... run by folks that we aren't sure that have UND Athletics' best interests as the primary concern***. This should be done already for nearly a decade. Instead ... process a process-finding process for a process to process ... blah-blah-blah .. *Control what's yours to control. **George Carlin would've loved that! ***The survey had far too many questions worrying about "diverse interests" for my taste. They have their win. How about something for the rest of us. And there are too many non-UND alumni academics on the committee and not enough Kleinsassers and Goehrings and Eagle Staffs and Osbornes for my taste.
These hockey rules changes are getting out of hand
The Sicatoka replied to NoiseInsideMyHead's topic in Community
Comedy? Don't quit your day job. -
Never underestimate the power of academic footdraggers.
That's directly from the settlement agreement. I don't find a lot of room for interpretation in there. Here's why: New logo? Sure, the interlocked ND is the new primary logo. New nickname? Uh, folks are saying, "No nickname". However, no nickname is not a new nickname* and it's well after 8/15/2011. That's not meeting the agreement. Right there is grounds for the NCAA to make UND subject to the Policy if they decided to press. They haven't ... so far, probably in deference to the state law that was passed ("cooling off" until 1/1/15). Come New Years Day, when state law no longer precludes action by UND, all bets are off on what the NCAA may (or may not) do. *A nothing is not a new something.
The NCAA somehow got $60,000,000.00 out of Penn State when they had no, none, zero, standing to sanction Penn State for what was a criminal situation. As I've said already, the NCAA membership has given the NCAA Exec Comm broad ranging powers to quickly deal with key issues (as defined by the Exec Comm). If and when they get the whim they'll sanction and punish first, and figure out if they had standing to do so later. That's what the history says. And let me be clear: I don't trust the NCAA and especially its Executive Committee. There's no good reason to trust them. Don't ever put it past the NCAA to miss a chance to kick the little guy to look tough and meaningful to the media and the rest of the Association. Proof? They nailed Alaska last week and now Weber State this week for things that are a drop in the bucket compared to the scandel at North Carolina (which has had nothing come down on them yet).
The Martian Manhunter too.
And after the weekend in Bemidji you didn't think it could get worse. < sigh > Get well Lisa. Heal, then hockey.
AARP would come after us. And we can't be the "Green _______" because the Martians would be after us.
Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend would probably favor it.
Yes, and we were in tin foil hat territory in 2005. And we said then it'd have to go to an Association-wide vote. Instead, the NCAA Executive Committee got vast new powers handed to it by membership vote after all of this. Those powers, as you say, given to the Executive Committee are arbitrary and capricioius. If the Exec Comm decides it's a critical association-wide issue they can act. Look in the mirror and ask yourself: Do you trust the NCAA Exec Comm? Pretend it's 2005 all over again and ask yourself: Can they really force a school to do that? Nothing's changed with the NCAA and how they do business. They get a "mission" or cause celeb in their heads and they go after it ruthlessly. I'd rather keep clear of their radar by controlling what's our to control.
But still nothing on North Carolina ... http://www.businessinsider.com/unc-fake-class-scandal-details-2014-10
Why would the University of North Dakota want its teams named for the state motto of Minnesota?
Undoubtedly. However, a new official name provides UND cover against the scenario I lay out. Any claim of "allowing an environment that perpetuates" would fall on its face as UND would have done something within its power to prevent the name from perpetuating. Put another way, UND needs to control what is its to control. (Leaving a void leaves room for the NCAA to claim "lack of institutional control".)
The NCAA's stated purpose behind its policy is to not have a "hostile and abusive" environment at its championships. If UND has no other name, what will be heard at the end of the anthem at NCAA events that UND participates in? Or in UND cheers? Yeah? Yeah? Anyone? This is exactly where I can see the NCAA, and it's make it up as we go approach, coming in and saying that by not choosing a new name UND is creating and allowing an environment that perpetuates the old name and that is creating said "hostile and abusive" environment at NCAA events. We know what comes after that. Can't happen? How'd we get here? That "can't happen" either.