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World Junior Ticket Prices?


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I'm with you Diggler. My books almost cost $1000 for just this semester, I don't think I can afford WJT tickets when they're almost $500. It sucks. Now I'm thinking I might just see if I can volunteer for the tournament and hope to catch bits of hockey games. ???

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There are ALWAYS alternatives:

1) Split the tix with a friend or two ....

2) Buy the tix and sell enough of the ones you don't want to Canadians to pay for the other games ....

3) Gamble on scalping at the game (there's ALWAYS tickets available).

4) Marry someone with last name Parise, Crosby, or Murray.

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There are ALWAYS alternatives:

1) Split the tix with a friend or two ....

2) Buy the tix and sell enough of the ones you don't want to Canadians to pay for the other games ....

3) Gamble on scalping at the game (there's ALWAYS tickets available).

4) Marry someone with last name Parise, Crosby, or Murray.

I'll take door #4, Bob. ???

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Tickets are $455.00 for the games at the big REA and $197.50 at the little REA. You have to put $150.00 down for the big REA and have the balance paid in full by March 2004. All USA and Canada games except for one exhibition game for each team will be in GF.

If you pay in full up front you get a free World Junior jersey, but only one per ticket package, not per seat.

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