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Holy Cross Radio Highlights


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How OLD are you, 12? "One of the best nights of hockey in REA history?" Obsession is an illness, NOT a virtue! Your "best night of hockey" was an embarassing upset of the Gophers, something the Sioux had nothing to do with? MY "best night of hockey" is a Sioux win in an important game, or, better, a championship - but yours? ...... You need to get out more, dude!

I love how you show up here and in a week tell other members of the boards how and what to post.

It was one of the greatests nights of hockey at The Ralph. I will never forget the deafening roar of the crowd when the puck hit the back of the net. I'm glad I got to see it.

I also own a purple Holy Cross practice jersey, and I will wear it with pride. I don't care what anyone else thinks about it when I wear it. The 2005-2006 Holy Cross Crusaders were one hell of a hockey team, they earned my respect. If you have a problem with someone having pride in another program's success, do me a favor and go back to where you came from.

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I love how you show up here and in a week tell other members of the boards how and what to post.

It was one of the greatests nights of hockey at The Ralph. I will never forget the deafening roar of the crowd when the puck hit the back of the net. I'm glad I got to see it.

I also own a purple Holy Cross practice jersey, and I will wear it with pride. I don't care what anyone else thinks about it when I wear it. The 2005-2006 Holy Cross Crusaders were one hell of a hockey team, they earned my respect. If you have a problem with someone having pride in another program's success, do me a favor and go back to where you came from.

Hockey mom is the bomb and knows all. :lol:

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How OLD are you, 12? "One of the best nights of hockey in REA history?" Obsession is an illness, NOT a virtue! Your "best night of hockey" was an embarassing upset of the Gophers, something the Sioux had nothing to do with? MY "best night of hockey" is a Sioux win in an important game, or, better, a championship - but yours? ...... You need to get out more, dude!

WOW ! I cant' wait till Sioux-cia reads this post and finds out you called her a dude! :lol:

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I came onto this board today for the first time in about a month in order to follow the comments about the Air Force vs Goophers (sp intentional) game, and imagine my surprise to see the HC Radio Highlights thread at the top of the active list again.

After reading the comments, here's my take...

Thanks to the HC-MN and HC-UND games last year, I have made great friends in Grand Forks and around the state - most of whom I will never meet but whom I foresee talking to for many years. I wasn't even on the trip to the Ralph (I was in the studio back in Worcester hosting pregame/postgame and mixing that now-famous highlight clip) but am eternally grateful for the hospitality of Sioux fans.

The events of the weekend and the weeks that followed are forever etched into my memory, and as far as hockey goes, I consider myself a Sioux fan for life - second only to Holy Cross. I owe my current job with the Worcester Sharks (AHL) hockey team to the enthusiasm of Sioux fans who used their connections to spread the highlight clip nationwide, exposure which led to multiple interviews and a fantastic job for me.

It's the people, and the relationships amongst them, that have inspired the mutual continued interest between the Crusader and Sioux fan bases. Anyone who finds fault in this relationship has been jaded by the worst traits of athletic competition, and should probably seriously evaluate their self-proclaimed status as a "fan".

Go Sioux, Go HC, and Go Air Force!

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How OLD are you, 12? "One of the best nights of hockey in REA history?" Obsession is an illness, NOT a virtue! Your "best night of hockey" was an embarassing upset of the Gophers, something the Sioux had nothing to do with? MY "best night of hockey" is a Sioux win in an important game, or, better, a championship - but yours? ...... You need to get out more, dude!

This condescension toward Holy Cross, the "Little Sisters of the Poor" of college hockey is amusing, though! "Oh, please keep posting here about your team and players, because we CARE about you so much!!!" LOL


I hope the Sioux can charge through these 4 games, and hang a new banner at the Ralph - something positive that we can celebrate, instead of only being able to say, "Well, at least WE didn't lose to #15 seed!!!" THAT's what "offends" me - the Holy Cross thing was funny, for awhile, but this just makes us look like Gopher-wannabes, with nothing to counter their recent NC's (they've won 2 since our last), hanging onto some lame memory like this! Like a 12 year old!

The more you post the more I think you are a phoney, merely posing as a Sioux fan, for your own entertainment. You're a joke. You now have the same credibility as bucky, slappy, and that playswithhimself guy.

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No offense, Holy Cross, but while you gave us a good laugh at the Gophers, it's not like your little program can even pretend to be on the same plane as the Sioux and other perennial NCAA powerhouses!

Thanks for the fun, though! (You do have spiffy jerseys!)

Wow. That's one of the most arrogant things I've ever heard. You sound like a Yankee fan.

Besides, who the hell said HC was on the same level as UND and the other powerhouses? What do you want us to do, come kiss your feet because you choose to root for a good team. Get over yourself. Thank god you're in the vast minority of Sioux fans.

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C'mon guys, I expect this kind of obsession from NDSU fans towards UND. UND fans should not obsess over any opponent. I would like to think we're better than that.

With all due respect, Dave, you are the last person in the world who should be lecturing anybody about obsessive hatred. You are without a doubt the most NDSU-obsessed UND fan on this board. Stop being so hypocritcal.

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How OLD are you, 12? "One of the best nights of hockey in REA history?" Obsession is an illness, NOT a virtue! Your "best night of hockey" was an embarassing upset of the Gophers, something the Sioux had nothing to do with? MY "best night of hockey" is a Sioux win in an important game, or, better, a championship - but yours? ...... You need to get out more, dude!

This condescension toward Holy Cross, the "Little Sisters of the Poor" of college hockey is amusing, though! "Oh, please keep posting here about your team and players, because we CARE about you so much!!!" LOL


I hope the Sioux can charge through these 4 games, and hang a new banner at the Ralph - something positive that we can celebrate, instead of only being able to say, "Well, at least WE didn't lose to #15 seed!!!" THAT's what "offends" me - the Holy Cross thing was funny, for awhile, but this just makes us look like Gopher-wannabes, with nothing to counter their recent NC's (they've won 2 since our last), hanging onto some lame memory like this! Like a 12 year old!

I posted the updates because there were many Sioux fans who said that they became HC fans as well, so I figured those people might be interested. You're not, fine. Don't read about it. But you're offended by this?!?!?! My god, who's the 12 year old?

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I do hate NDSU, no doubt about it. But you don't see me proclaiming a Bison loss to be an all-time great moment over a Sioux victory.

And which Sioux fan here did that? If you're going to be a raving hypocrite, at least base your argument on something that actually happened rather than making things up. :lol:

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I posted the updates because there were many Sioux fans who said that they became HC fans as well, so I figured those people might be interested. You're not, fine. Don't read about it. But you're offended by this?!?!?! My god, who's the 12 year old?

Well put, Craig. I wonder if us Crusaders are also evil by association? I guess our fanship just isn't worth it to some.

And I totally agree, thank goodness that immaturity is in the extreme minority.

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Well put, Craig. I wonder if us Crusaders are also evil by association? I guess our fanship just isn't worth it to some.

And I totally agree, thank goodness that immaturity is in the extreme minority.

Haha.... Oh Craig and Chris... I love you guys!!

PS. I was listening to the highlight clip on my way to work, and I was so excited I cheered along with everything!! :lol:

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Haha.... Oh Craig and Chris... I love you guys!!

PS. I was listening to the highlight clip on my way to work, and I was so excited I cheered along with everything!! :D

Glad to hear the sounds & stylings of WCHC still permeate the Northern Plains on a regular basis :lol: !

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P.S. - For those of you who have the interest (I know for a fact there's at least a few), I've added in my signature a direct link to the audio highlights from HC's Women's Basketball League Championship.

Thanks to the IMs/texts from Sioux fans who followed the basketball season and offered their Congratulations!!!!

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P.S. - For those of you who have the interest (I know for a fact there's at least a few), I've added in my signature a direct link to the audio highlights from HC's Women's Basketball League Championship.

Thanks to the IMs/texts from Sioux fans who followed the basketball season and offered their Congratulations!!!!

Basketball? Hum I am not familier with that sport. :lol:

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Obsession is an illness, NOT a virtue!

Good grief, take the needle out of your arm Addict!!!

I'm a fan of more than one team. Granted I am an obsessed Fighting Sioux hockey fan as anyone on this board with a membership more than six months old will tell you. And, I know for a fact (because a Holy Cross player told me) my obsession is a virtue which will get me into heaven. I guess since your a 'one' team addict, chances are I won't see you there. For which I thank the good Lord and (the) Holy Cross!!!!

I'm not a 'dude' but I would bet that I'm more of a 'man' than you. Let me let you in a on little secret. Attacking a team like Holy Cross while hiding behind the anonymity of a sports forum doesn't make you a 'man'. It just shows the rest of the members what a little, uhm, dink you truly are.

Don't like reading about Holy Cross? Then get your fat a$$ out of this thread!

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The Sioux were not one of the two teams involved in that game, so for any Sioux fan to claim that as one of their greatest moments at the Ralph shows an obsessive and irrational hatred of Minnesota.

Good grief!! How many times does someone have to say it. The HC OT win over the Goofs was THE biggest upset in NC$$ hockey history!!! David slew Goliath!!! For hockey players ages 4 to 85 (how old is Purpur?) it says, 'If they can do that, I can also reach my goal (whatever it may be)." For me this win was more than a huge loss for the Goofs (which I admit I enjoyed immensely), it was a huge win for the little guys coming up the hockey pipeline.

I know you don't get it. And that's ok. Let me feel, think, and do what I want without you or the Addict attacking my view point.

I also know that there is no way in hell, that I hate the Goofs as much as you hate the Bison. But I also don't take kindly to Bison fans who attack you because you feel that way!

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Good grief, take the needle out of your arm Addict!!!

I'm a fan of more than one team. Granted I am an obsessed Fighting Sioux hockey fan as anyone on this board with a membership more than six months old will tell you. And, I know for a fact (because a Holy Cross player told me) my obsession is a virtue which will get me into heaven. I guess since your a 'one' team addict, chances are I won't see you there. For which I thank the good Lord and (the) Holy Cross!!!!

I'm not a 'dude' but I would bet that I'm more of a 'man' than you. Let me let you in a on little secret. Attacking a team like Holy Cross while hiding behind the anonymity of a sports forum doesn't make you a 'man'. It just shows the rest of the members what a little, uhm, dink you truly are.

Don't like reading about Holy Cross? Then get your fat a$$ out of this thread!

Congrats on your self-admitted hermaphroditism, lard-butt!

Wallow in your pen... that is, Gopher-envy, oh small-minded one! I'm sure a good shrink would have a field day with you, "dude!"

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