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One Man's WJC Experience


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It's done. I'm home. But what a week!

We flew in together, my wife and I. We stayed in the "guest room" of my folks' big house. The one with all the guns racked on the walls, and covered with Christmas garlands for decoration.

Hockey started the next day - Christmas. We ripped through presents in order to get to the arena on time. What a great game it was, too. USA beats Russia, and optimism rules the day.

The next few days were not as good for the US team, but still great for this fan. I met Dave Hakstol. He seems like a really solid guy. Willing to give a fan from out of town a minute to get acquainted, at least.

We saw Ice sculptures Downtown. We saw the painted forks at the Columbia Mall, including the ones my own mother did (2 of 'em). My oldest friend in this world joined me for a crazy trek out to an old 1880's church just outside of town for a sunset photo shoot. It was bitterly cold and we froze while taking the shots. It was the most beautiful thing in the world.

That same thought occured to me as I took a shot of my wife, draped in a USA jersey, semi-lit from behind as she looked out over that awesome arena, full of fans. Bliss.

The "Great One" had a seat in a suite just over my shoulder towards the end of the week. I got a shot of him in stealthly manner, without a flash and without even turning to face him. As the crazy Canadian fans chanted "Wayne...Wayne" in an attempt to get him to look their way, I glanced and saw him smirk, trying his best to ignore the onslaught.

We played foozeball within sight of the Stanley Cup. We heard that grand Mortier Ogan in the Club bar crank out a rendition of "Stand Up and Cheer".

As I left Grand Forks, solemnly wondering why every journey such as this has to end so quickly, I met the whole lot of referees who called the games. The same personable and intelligent men - one of whom I "Booo..ed" so loudly a few days before - who were now chatting cheerfully with me at the airport. I thought to myself, "What a small world. We're all in this thing together."

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Real cool post OETKB. Real cool. We really are all in this together, except, of course, for that large raft of smug Goophie fans, a few posters here excepted.

Grand Forks and surrounding countryside can be immensely beautiful in the wintertime. How about that stately old farmhouse off of I-29 just north of Hillsboro, lit up like all tomorrow during the Holidays?

Say, will those photos of your wife be available on the Internet somewhere sometime soon?

You be well, and thanks for the fine post.

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Did I mention that I SMOKED my oldest friend in the world at AIR HOCKEY at "THE Q" the same night we took the photo of the church. Oh, that was fun!

Kudos, Grand Forks, for pulling off a damn good tournament. Kudos, also, to all the volunteers that made it happen.

Lastly, congrats to the Ralph. All those drunken, obnoxious Canadians must have spent a bundle! Let's hope it helps future Sioux teams.

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Did I mention that I SMOKED my oldest friend in the world at AIR HOCKEY at "THE Q" the same night we took the photo of the church.  Oh, that was fun!

Kudos, Grand Forks, for pulling off a damn good tournament.  Kudos, also, to all the volunteers that made it happen. 

Lastly, congrats to the Ralph.  All those drunken, obnoxious Canadians must have spent a bundle!  Let's hope it helps future Sioux teams.


The best part of that bundle was that we didn't have to sell out our home fans to do it like Mankato did! :sad:

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Sounds like you had a great trip. I didn't see quite as much as you in the 3 days I was there but it was a nice experience for this FL girl. I absolutely loved seeing the snow covered prairie and hearing the crunch of the snow beneath my boots.

The Ralph is a fantastic arena. You are fortunate to have it.

For those who live in the area yet didn't take in the games, especially on the Monday when tickets were $5, well, shame on you. You missed out on some good hockey.

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