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signs of spring


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Assuming a picture of him can be found causethe only place I can find them is in a pdf.

(Jon Pittis picture)

The Plane! The Plane!

and of course:

(Pittis Picture) Villechaize1.jpg

Seperated at Birth?

This pdf has some pretty good info in it. I'm sure we could find lots of stuff to make fun of in it. http://www.athletics.mtu.edu/MHO/MHOArchiv...y%20(11-32).pdf ???

John Scott's thing to change about college hockey: allow fighting. WHo would've guessed.

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Diggler--While I think all your "Separated at Birth" comparisons are pure genius, security has a problem with them. But, you can continue to post them here and keep us all in stitches.

What a bunch of goofs. What is wrong with them? I thought they were pretty clean. ???

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The only part of the sign policy they arguably violate is the "derogatory" prong. But that's both a stretch and a guess. The Scott Owens-Ron Jeremy one was second-guessed at the front door with me the first night but allowed in and alowed in with the warning to display it sparingly the next night when NorthStar lugged it through security. What, are they too "personal"?

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Diggler: Here's how we save the Pittis-Tattoo Separated at Birth idea, especially since we don't have a photo of Pittis, anyway.

I'll just draw an empty rectangle and print in the middle of it "Photo Not Available." When side by side with Tattoo's picture, don't you think most people will get it?

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Diggler: Thanks for posting the link for the pdf on the Huskies players. The "insight from..." sections are pretty funny.

Many of the Huskies would change the game of hockey by eliminating face masks. Thus...

"If Face Masks Were Outlawed,

These Guys Would be Even Uglier"

Chris Conner says his favorite magazine is "Maxim" Should he find his way to the box...

"Reads Maxim for the articles"

Each player had to list 3 words that describe him. Surely, we could tweak those a bit...

Adapted this from the Predheads...


Population: [pic of starting Huskies goalie]"

It's getting late...post more ideas or tell me which signs to make.

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"Shine Up

The Cup!"



NorthStar: I used something like this on one of the hats:

"Welcome to the Jones Zone

A Hard Hit Area"

"[pic of leader in Hobey fan balloting Chris Conner]

I Smell Vote Fraud!"

I'll take a look through my recycling bin and see if I can find some signs from past series that can be used again. I know I still have the "I Got 2:00 for Hooking; Mom Got 5 Years" and "Couldn't Carry Zach's Jock (or fill it)" both of which I charmed security into allowing in earlier in the season. I'm pretty sure I saw the "Crappie/Crappy" sign around, too, unless we want to save that just for the Gophers.

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