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More Bison in trouble


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I agree with you but its funny how when that UND athlete is in trouble BV and bison fans will pile on and it will be ok. When the shoe is on the other foot than you call into question UND fans intelligence.

I question anyones intelligence when they make comments that cannot be backed up by sources that can be checked. My comments were directed at two people on this board not the entire UND fanbase.

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Like I wrote before. This was no secret around campus. To their credit, the clean players have stopped protecting the dirty ones-although this also indicates serious divisions among players (there's normally a strict code of silence, it shows how bad it's gotten)

DI-I hope you keep a more open mind next time. It's fine to want more proof before coming to a conclusion, that's reasonable. However, your arguments in protection of the program went far beyond that. Moreover, Bohl's program has had enough problems that they no longer deserve the benefit of the doubt from devoted fans like you.

Ok now that there is more information regarding the story FROM THE FARGO FORUM

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Ok now that there is more information regarding the story FROM THE FARGO FORUM

So you made it sound like there were going to be more football players. There were no more football players and Bohl took swift action. They have been dealt with and yes it is an embarassement but contrary to what you would like to have people believe there is no huge divide amongst the football team other than between the team and the two already mentioned players who were kicked off the team. I guess your sources were wrong about more players to be exposed. What have you to say about your sources now?

So they were suspended for spring ball, that

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They are no longer on the roster and Bohl is having a press conference this afternoon. My guess is to announce they are officially done.

Thanks for the clarification. To be fair, if a UND player gets two felonies I would expect Coach Mussman to kick him off also. One can be dealt with through suspension, hope they learn their lesson, etc. but two is a problem.

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He obviously can't say anything until whatever legalities need to take place have taken place. You know you are still innocent in this country until proven guilty. Of course that wouldn't make it any fun for message board fodder for people like star2city would it? I thought they taught law up at UND but apparently not. Oh and I'm still waiting for anyone to produce the links to the media coverage of the story that back up some of the slanderous liable comments that have been flying fast and furious on this site. So far no one has offered except for "my sources told me" or " I know someone who's in the know" or my favorite "facebook" and "twitter" as sources. Cue the jeapordy music while I wait for the links to the news media reports to back up your great sources.

well i guess the jeopardy music is done playing!

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Ok now that there is more information regarding the story FROM THE FARGO FORUM

So you made it sound like there were going to be more football players. There were no more football players and Bohl took swift action. They have been dealt with and yes it is an embarassement but contrary to what you would like to have people believe there is no huge divide amongst the football team other than between the team and the two already mentioned players who were kicked off the team. I guess your sources were wrong about more players to be exposed. What have you to say about your sources now?

My original post:

A source told me that was Best Buy's call. They wouldn't press charges if the items were just returned

Here's your next post:

Yeah because we all know that Facebook and Twitter are the first place everyone goes for "a reliable source" god you people have no idea how pathetic you make yourself look. Make up !@#$ and embellish a news story with things that are not in the story. Cite sources that either remain a secret which we all know must be honest and reliable or use facebook and twitter as a "reliable source" Allege that the Fargo police are corrupt and run a good ol boys network with NDSU. Can't wait to see what you come up with next. You guys posting this crap really enjoy your internet and keyboard anonymity along with your sources. But keep posting it sure makes you guys look good (Not).

My response:

You are setting yourself up for disappointment. I have first hand knowledge there are players involved in this. I won't divulge names because they may not be charged at BB's discretion, and for their sake I hope they just apologize, admit their foolishness, and return the stuff. However, that does not mean that you won't see a handful more players disciplined for 'violating team rules". Believe or don't believe it, that's up to you, but be careful how forcefully you argue against athlete involvement. I'd advise against placing any monetary wagers on this as well

Judging by your very emotional response, you read more into my post than was there. I was clear from the beginning(read for yourself) there may not be more players charged if they returned the stolen goods. The speculation I made was as to whether Bohl would discipline other players himself, independent of the legal process, aka violating team rules. Again, believe it or don't, but there are more Bison players that had goods in their possession, that they did not purchase at Best Buy, and were allowed to return those goods without being charged.

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My original post:

Here's your next post:

My response:

Judging by your very emotional response, you read more into my post than was there. I was clear from the beginning(read for yourself) there may not be more players charged if they returned the stolen goods. The speculation I made was as to whether Bohl would discipline other players himself, independent of the legal process, aka violating team rules. Again, believe it or don't, but there are more Bison players that had goods in their possession, that they did not purchase at Best Buy, and were allowed to return those goods without being charged.

You just can't admit to being wrong on this can you? You make some mighty big assumptions that incriminate players without providing proof. I'll believe what I read in the paper before I believe some obscure poster on a message board who likes to throw out accusations that are unfounded. You really missed your calling. You should have been a reporter you seem to have the scoop on all other media on this story.

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You just can't admit to being wrong on this can you? You make some mighty big assumptions that incriminate players without providing proof. I'll believe what I read in the paper before I believe some obscure poster on a message board who likes to throw out accusations that are unfounded. You really missed your calling. You should have been a reporter you seem to have the scoop on all other media on this story.

Wrong? Check the dates Ehlin. You read it here long before you read it in the paper that those suspended players were suspended because of their involvement in the best buy case. You attacked the messenger then, and you are doing it now.

Stages of grief: Denial, now anger.

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Wrong? Check the dates Ehlin. You read it here long before you read it in the paper that those suspended players were suspended because of their involvement in the best buy case. You attacked the messenger then, and you are doing it now.

Stages of grief: Denial, now anger.

This thread is titled "More Bison in trouble" and the two players who were suspended by Bohl are the same players who's names came out today. AFter the story hit the media and it was well known who Bohl already identified and kicked off the team YOU made comments regarding there being more to the story. Insinuations that "More Bison players" were going to be exposed. You continue to make assinine statements isninuating more Bison players were involved yet you and only you seem to have this story. No other media has mentioned players being allowed to return items to the store. By the way for your information I happen to be friends with the Store manager of Best Buy in Fargo. I talked to Kent and asked him in person about the story. He said others were involved but nothing about NDSU players or anyone being allowed to return items to the store. If you want to meet me over at Best Buy there Scoop I'll introduce you to Kent and we can discuss this then. Otherwise you can continue on all you want about your allegations it only makes you look stupid.

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By the way for your information I happen to be friends with the Store manager of Best Buy in Fargo. I talked to Kent and asked him in person about the story. He said others were involved but nothing about NDSU players or anyone being allowed to return items to the store. If you want to meet me over at Best Buy there Scoop I'll introduce you to Kent and we can discuss this then. Otherwise you can continue on all you want about your allegations it only makes you look stupid.

Yeah, I'm sure the Best Buy manager would be happy to share with you and all of us the details of a criminal investigation. :(:silly:

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Yeah, I'm sure the Best Buy manager would be happy to share with you and all of us the details of a criminal investigation. :(:silly:

I worked with the man for over 6 years. I golf with him and ride motorcycle with him. He had no problem talking to me about it. I know my source and freely admit it. I said I'd introduce him to Scoop I didn't say he'd sit and discuss private matters with him. He did with me when I asked him and I can prove it. I have more to offer here by way of proof than some who likes to throw !@#$ and see how much might stick. What have you got to add to this? Nothing just as I thought.

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