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Sioux fans looking for Coaches Show reporters

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I see on USCHO they have a post advertising for game reporters. The more important question is, will there be generous souls who will again this year post recaps of the coache's shows for the rest of us hearing impaired?



I would love REA to do something about this along the lines of the game webcasts. I know I'd pay a few bucks to be able to listen to archived coaches' shows. Maybe another angle for Sioux Illustrated to work?

I see on USCHO they have a post advertising for game reporters. 

No need to apply at UND. I've volunteered to write the Sioux recaps on USCHO for another season. :D

The more important question is, will there be generous souls who will again this year post recaps of the coache's shows for the rest of us hearing impaired?

I will try to do this again in the upcoming season, but I can't guarantee that I'll always have time to listen in and type up notes. I hope that between forecheck and I and anyone else who cares to contribute, we can keep it covered.


Matt Greene was on this afternoon (prior to practice) with Mike Mac. & Greg L. (the McLyte show Mondays on 1310). Only caught a little bit of the conversation. Bunch of joking back and forth for example: if MG wasn't to play hockey he'd maybe like to be a lumberjack or a rodeo star -- he was on a horse for the first time this summer. Question as to what type of season it'll be. Lots of players put in time on conditioning (weight lifting, track) -- players come to UND for one reason -- to win.

After MG left there was talk about ironman -- they thought Matt Jones won, with Tyler Palmoscino a close second? MG had made a comment early in the interview, to which a couple callers called in about -- I missed the comment, so I won't try to relay what MG stated --- maybe someone out there was listening too and can give their thoughts on it. The discussion with one caller focused on sportsmanship -- fighting. Greg L. (prior to coming to UND to play football, did play hockey in his younger years in Canada) and he talked about that MG's rough treatment of players in front of the net is needed -- that's a d-man's job, stay this side of a penalty, but don't allow someone to set up camp. Then a debate about the place for fighting in hockey. All in all, pretty entertaining stuff. They mentioned that they might try to get MG on again on a Monday show.

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