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Everything posted by Prison_Mike

  1. Sean Peyton is wearing George Costanza’s lady glasses.
  2. The real question is how will the Vikings s*** the bed this year...
  3. Omaha did a good job exploiting our laziness early and took advantage of it.
  4. I agree, it was a bad call by the refs but I don’t feel sorry for the Gophers. We you dive and embellish constantly and try to minipulate refs into making calls, when something like this happens, it’s called karma.
  5. I’m surprised he was able to PULL himself up...
  6. Maybe Tim Tibow can join in on that grievance too.
  7. Didn't watch a single down of NFL football today for the first time ever. Was planning on going the the Vikings game next Sunday but won't be doing that now. Never thought I would see a sports commissioner dumber than Gary Bettman. Congratulation Goodell...
  8. Montana State should be embarrassed they only have a 15 point lead that this point...
  9. So...that is what I was saying. He shouldn't go anywhere but the U of M next year...
  10. Not physically ready to compete against NHL defensemen.
  11. If Mittelstadt can't do a single pull-up, I don't think he's going anywhere but Minnesota.
  12. Well, Fluery should start packing his s*** up.
  13. Will you be watching the game tonight in SD or HD TV?
  14. Wow, how big of a piece of s*** is Crosby...
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