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Fargo Sioux

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Everything posted by Fargo Sioux

  1. Am I missing something? I can't find an article anywhere with quotes about the UNC game from Jones. Curious as to what the HC has to say about a 25-0 run.
  2. My point was that all runs come to an end.
  3. Montana...App State...Georgia Southern. What most fans of NDSU fail to realize is that we have seen this movie before, it was called the early 1990's. Reason most NDSU fans don't remember is either 1) they were too young or 2) they weren't NDSU fans in the 90's. Sounds like Bohl is cherry picking some NDSU recruits already...only going to get worse now with Bubba & Staff (i.e. Schmitty) in charge, wait until (if) a verbal or two would change their mind before signing date.
  4. Congrats to Bubba and so excited for Sioux football 2014 and beyond. Can't wait to see the staff he puts in place. Living in the land of arrogance, I can already feel a little shift...a little "well, everyone will want to come to NDSU regardless" attitude...is the same thing that dug their grave in the early 90's. Right now, anyone and everyone goes to NDSU regardless. That will change with Bubba and his staff (especially if Schmitty is DC). I hope everyone in Fargo and all their "new fans" enjoy this last week of fun...
  5. 740 just broke in saying announcement today...
  6. Mike McFeely ‏@MikeMcFeelyKFGO1m Whaddya waiting for, UND? Name a football coach already ... Safe to say we are past the laughing stock phase...
  7. Faison better give him an extra year or two on the contract/offer as well, considering the new HC was already going to be behind the 8-ball...just making it worse with every passing day, let alone week!
  8. Off topic... Anyone remember the post where guy talked about Cal Poly coach screaming at UND student section about "you still have to live here" or something like that? My money is 2009 and this guy was the coach. http://m.bleacherreport.com/articles/1900081-colorado-state-suspends-coach-greg-lupfer-after-comments-during-new-mexico-bowl
  9. Starting to worry that maybe the "after Christmas" I heard thru the pipeline is actually going to be the case. Unbelievable. Just me, but this debacle wipes away any brownie points Faison had for hiring a volleyball coach...plus a few more of his "good deeds" listed in previous posts.
  10. Probably pulling a Costanza.
  11. @SiouxFootball: Kalen Deboer's interview ended today. Fully expect next head coach to know soon. Like tonight. When it will be released, nobody knows.
  12. But you would have hired a HC by now!
  13. Last minute Christmas shopping?
  14. Are both Bubba and DeBoer still on campus or in GF?
  15. I'm not blaming the Herald. I'm blaming Faison. So 9 were interviewed, 2 had face to face interviews. Why couldn't all of that happened sooner?
  16. For me, it appears that Faison didn't do one thing in an effort to expedite the process. It felt as if he went step by step...but didn't even look at step 2 until step 1 was completed ("OK, the deadline has passed for applicants...now what?"). I think it is also pretty evident that he didn't know or didn't have a game plan in place when it came to dealing with the football team post Mussman. Personally, I think this "process" they had to follow is a scape goat for everything. Read an article today again in Herald pretty much blaming the entire length of time of this hiring on the process. Give me a break! Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't I read somewhere that this "process" also had a provision in there that candidates were given a point total and if Faison interviewed anyone if there was a candidate with a higher point total they too had to be interviewed? Bubba and DeBoer were the only 2 to interview from what we have been told correct? So, the national draw...NFL experience...NCAA HC experience...etc, etc. point system put Bubba and DeBoer as the Top 2? I said it in an earlier post, the only way I would have played along with this delay would have been if Faison landed a super hero type hire at the 13th hour. Hiring someone that anyone on this board could have hired on Dec. 11th doesn't exactly cut it for me in terms of what I want our AD doing. ...maybe after the 54 point outburst last night by Philly Faison was calling Tibesar again this morning...
  17. @SiouxFootball: Based on what we have heard, would be shocked if Bubba Schweigert was not named the next HC of UND Football. Interviewed this weekend.
  18. Noticed the Kleiman story had him recruiting yesterday...meanwhile silence from Faison.
  19. Check out the new donut shop
  20. DeBoer interview today?
  21. Don't let facts get in the way of your argument...
  22. @WDAZsports: Josh Kotelnicki named new football coach at UMary.
  23. Couple of you Bubba haters are becoming laughable. I get it if you don't want him to be the next HC at UND. I also get it if you want "new blood" for the next HC at UND. But the fact that you dismiss and throw anything Bubba did anywhere under the bus as not applicable is a complete joke. Bubba had amazing success at UND both as a position coach and as the DC. Bubba had success at UMD, even if you don't want to accept it. Coach of the year in 2005. Was the NCC different compared to 1997? Sure. But in 2005 Bubba beat Mankato, UNO, USD and St. Cloud State. Lost twice to UND, second time in the playoffs 12-23 and then UND lost the next week at Grand Valley State. If Bubba gets blamed for not having to play UNC, NDSU and SDSU...does that mean UND's records in those years are discarded too? Now, his entire time at SIU is considered a failure because of rumors/speculation that the entire staff might get axed after next year? As mentioned before, SIU was one dumb scheduling mistake away from being in the playoffs this year...and they had a team that could have made a little noise IMO. If there has been one knock on the staff at SIU, from what I hear, is that they might not always land the "inner city" type of kids (have you looked on a map where Carbondale is located?)...and sometimes the "midwestern boys" are getting blamed for not being able to do it. Guess where the "midwestern boys" are good at recruiting? Snap a finger and I'd take every single staff member at SIU in kelly green right now! This is Bubba's dream job, make it happen Faison...UND messed this up in 2008 by not opening the position externally, don't mess it up again!
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