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Everything posted by Esoteric

  1. This seems to happen to much. Someone has to coach final two minutes attack and defend mentality. The other team in their zone are going to be more focused on getting to the puck first, getting people in front, looking for rebounds, and hitting the face of the goal.
  2. The refs want to be fair but the red and white jerseys blends in with ice and they think the ice caused the foul.
  3. Well so far the announcers have NOT talked about their superboys great speed and that once again they will dominate hockey.
  4. How the lads played last night was a great comfort for the rest of the year. They are building quickly into a unified team with outstanding passing and receiving capabilities. They seem to have great spatial orientation with both their fellow players and the location on the ice to receive direct passes or passes off of the boards. The shots are going to become goals and they are not afraid to play around the net.
  5. This post is really nice to have for watching the game. Thank you for the post.
  6. UND played a game that they could have won.
  7. Anyone else getting sick of listening to BU announcers constantly talking about speed of BU.
  8. I wondered if that was Northland College. I have been on the campus a number of times.
  9. You would not notice it by the announcers. But UND is also capable moving the puck with speed into the attacking zone.
  10. While waiting for the game was able to watch Cooper Moore play against Dartmouth.
  11. Thank you. Hope it works out for him but not this weekend.
  12. I was not expecting all the benefits and extras. I am happy I did not cancel.
  13. Jack Harvey from Stacy MN is on the Terriers. Anyone hear much about this 20 year old. Will he get significant ice time.
  14. A game for all 120 (plus) minutes.
  15. Carson should still be in the mix.
  16. One question. Did I dream the last 10 minutes of the game?
  17. Got to grab and score on the garbage left in front of the goal.
  18. They should have Monique Lamoureux-Morando on the coaching staff.
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