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Everything posted by Nodak78

  1. Phoenix man has special treatment and survives. https://www.azfamily.com/news/continuing_coverage/coronavirus_coverage/phoenix-man-one-of-the-first-in-the-world-to-survive-covid-19-after-rare/article_2dc8c80c-7df8-11ea-932c-23301ce533a1.html?fbclid=IwAR2FpkXyc5xfk_2sCrInQ3aFBfz2QRjqCOxjle03h3BWdF3vGWJspDCIqiQ
  2. Have you ever noticed every politician. Wants the citizens to do things smart. Lol
  3. ND extended shelter in place until April 30th.
  4. I'll be damn. Covid affects socio-economic conditions rather than health. News flash.
  5. I think I will get mine tomorrow.
  6. Can we get our tax subsidies back. Lol
  7. https://www.barrons.com/news/a-ceos-coronavirus-regrets-i-could-have-done-so-much-more-51586443997 Austria, Denmark and Norway opening. Washing hands social distance of 3.3 feet. Another article. https://www.rt.com/news/485733-austria-denmark-italy-lockdown-ends/
  8. Keep himon hold I'm enjoying a glass of Merlot
  9. I saw IHME increased MN from 442 to 656. To date MN has 70. IHME probably needed to stick with 442.
  10. IHME updated their projections. For ND the death totals through August 4 was lower from 369 to 32. the model was garbage. We may end up with about 32 but not convinced yet.
  11. I'm in my upper 60's. grew up in small town ND. So the summer before I start 1st grade My mother takes me to our town doctor. A tall 6' 3" hunched over and about 70 years old at the time. He share a building with the town dentist. One lobby open area with about 6 to 8 chairs and usually filled with older men catching up on gossip with the Doc. My mother and I waiting in the lobby with the Men while Doc is attending to someone in his office. Soon he appears and asking my mother what does she want. My son needs a physical for school. Doc looks at me and asks me to stand up. I look up at this towering Man with a gruff voice smoking a cigar. He says hop on one foot so I do. He says hop on the other foot. I do now he checks my heart rate and listens to my lungs. Next he says pull your pants down. Mind you we are in the lobby, I look at my mother never cracked a smile so I look at the other Men no expression. Damn I better pull down my pants. So I start to unbuckle and zip my jeans and start to pull them down. In a loud quick voice the Doc says what is the matter you pulling down your pants in front of everyone. Pull your pants up. So now I'm embarrassed and quickly pull my pants up. Of course I never had the pants down just getting ready to. Next he says I thought I told you to pull down your pants. Now I'm totally confused and still no expression from anyone in the room except for Doc who seems to be impatient with me. So I repeat the process and start to pull down my pants again. Again he scolds me to pull up my pants. Finally remarks I'm a pretty good boy and the Men chuckles and my mother smiles. Doc takes us in the office and completes the form for school. Small town Doc's. On a side note he always gave us a nickel to squeeze while he gave us a shot. If we didn't cry we could keep it. Quick a bedside manner. He always had a cigar.
  12. I was checking 3 different sites. And it was both tests and deaths for the whole state. NYC is a plateau or just initial decline. You are in the middle of it. Keep up the good fight.
  13. Based on the increasing new cases in Cass County. The Gov. Needs to keep Cass quarantined through Nov.
  14. So true. I would guess IHME will need another change in their model today or next couple of days. Most states have reached the apex or close to reaching the apex. 60k deaths is an over reach.
  15. Germany benefited by the buffer countries of Austria and Switzerland. Italy is a bit of an anomaly. High density in Northern Italy and very old population. I since I lived in Italy for 3+ years I checked how it affected San Marino a small republic in middle and eastern portion of Italy. Quite a difference in cases and deaths.
  16. Thanks. I have always been concerned with the side effects. You are right get healthy while you can.
  17. No I believe in personal accountability. At my age I enough not to believe what the gov't promotes. My Doc was happy. 4 months earlier he Was pushing more meds. He and I don't see much eye to to eye. I did most of the research myself. My plan is to get under 6.0 and get off everything.
  18. I have been type 2 diabetic for about 4 years. Just taking pills metformin and Now Jardiance for about a year. On Medicare, blue cross and another plan for the drugs. So on a plan to reverse the type 2 since Thanksgiving. I started exercising just walking once and sometimes twice a day. Reduced my carbs big time. Lost 17 pounds in 3 months. Dropped my A1C from 7.0 to 6.4. In that timeframe. I was due for refills and the Jardiance was $550 for the next 3 months. I told the pharmacy. To keep them. Now just metformin until I drop another 15 to 20 with the exercise and killing the carbs. wonderful that the gov't food pyramid promoted bread, pasta, rice. Loved those carbs for years. But then the gov't knows best. Follow the money.
  19. Well let's agree the model is BS. That is what I have been saying from day one. Garbage in garbage out. One one projecting 60k also predicted 1 million not long ago.
  20. Keep that thought. Check the results May 1st, June 1st, and July 1st. You will see the model is BS. GIGO
  21. https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america/new-york The has changed already and confidence level in shaded area is huge. Or lack of confidence is more like CYA.
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