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Posts posted by cberkas

  1. We suck at Olympics. ???

    This year as a whole the USA didn't do well. Alpine, Snowboarding, Freestyle Skiing, and Speed Skating are events the USA is usually in medal contention.

    It will be interesting what happens in 2018 with the NHL. I think without NHL players the USA and Canada will be at a disadvantage compared to the European countries that will bring in players from the pro leagues like the KHL.

  2. No. It was 4 on 4. Canada took a penalty to make it 4 on 3 USA. Then USA took a penalty to make it 3 on 3. When USA took a second penalty, they wouldn't make it 3 on 2 so they added a player to each side making it 5 on 3 Canada.

    If there were 5 players with a goalie it would be too many men on the ice penalty, because OT is 4 on 4.

  3. The whole overtime situation confused me. 4 on 4 for 20 minutes? Weird. Potentially going to a 5-3 powerplay during the 4-4 overtime? I was at work and didn't get much for audio, but all that definitely has me scratching my head.

    They pulled the goalie

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