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Posts posted by Dustin

  1. Still wake up with cold sweats from that one. Having watched it live with the full visuals even makes it more disturbing..................

    I can't ever remember a Sioux hockey game after which I was more shattered.
  2. Actually I'm surprised BC-Union is the early game...Espn usually cares very little about college hockey and even less if you are not named Boston College...but hey, I give them credit for putting the western teams into the prime time slot.

    If it had been BC and BU, or BC and Michigan, then ESPN probably would have put BC in the night cap. Union is the reason that game is first.
  3. The NCAA won't allow UND to go forever without a nickname, they are allowing it now due to the cooling off period that ends in 9 months and 4 days.

    I'm actually pretty sure that UND could go on indefinitely without a nickname, and the NCAA wouldn't care.
  4. I agree with your point on fan travel. Outside of it ever being hosted in the state of Montana or Greeley I don't know how many UND fans will ever attend a conference tournament.

    To the point of lower seeds having to overcome a lot to win the tourney, there are other low- to mid-major conferences questioning what they can do to make it easier for the regular season conference champ to advance to the tournament. WIth more conferences getting only one bid, those top teams are the ones that give the conference the better chance at the higher seed and the better chance at winning a game.

    Some year, I actually plan to make it to a Big Sky Tournament. I think we have great travel options, especially if you're going to make a vacation out of it. Most of the Big Sky college campuses are close to ski resorts, major metro areas, and National Parks. Can't say the same with the Summit.
  5. Through 2/27

    WSU 13-7 (clinched a share of the BSC title)

    UNC 10-7

    UND 10-7

    UM 9-7

    ----------------------------- ^^^still alive for a share of the BSC title (UND did go 0-2 vs WSU)

    EWU 9-8

    MSU 9-8

    Sac 9-8


    NAU 9-8

    PSU 8-9

    ISU 7-10

    SUU 0-17 (poor T-Birds)

    Weber State is 13-4.
  6. Good win last night. After partway through the first half, the game never really seemed in doubt, though we continue to have trouble stopping players in the post. Some good passing and team basketball last night, still some lapses on help defense. Not real sure of the 11 man rotation we went with last night, but tough to argue with the results I guess. Was surprised when I looked at rebounds that they only had one more than us (34-33) and we actually had 1 more offensive rebound than they did (10-11). Gave up some bad offensive rebounds, but unforutnately that is to be expected at this point.

    And Huff's reverse dunk was nuts.

    Play of the game - not only a great finish, but the basket came at a crucial time of the game, too.
  7. Sooooo..... What news?

    there's been 7 verbal commits since signing day, one of which was Chris Carter who was ooohed and ahhhed about. Just curious as to why all the chatter just all of a sudden stopped.
  8. If so than it looks to like the new coach will be either Pryor, Larsen or Wenger. I don't think you could go wrong with any of the three

    When I looked at the list of applicants, I had a mental lapse and forgot that Boulder was the flagship campus of CU, so I didn't look up Wenger at first. I looked at Wenger's resume, and I have to say that it is impressive. I also like the fact that he's from Illinois originally, so that is the upper midwest connection that I failed to realize earlier. Like jjensen said, If those three really are the finalists, the volleyball program should be in great hands no matter who gets hired.
  9. So, we've been told that the search is down to 3. Who do you think the 3 are? The former Ole Miss coach (Joe Getzin) had some good seasons: 3 NCAA tournament appearences, twice named SEC coach of the year. But his last three seasons were all losing records. Utah State assitant coach (Jeremy Lawson) has been around a winning program at USU, and also was a member of a National Championship BYU men's team in 2001. I don't know who the third choice would be, but upper midwest connections seem to be lacking on that list, which is too bad. Someone mentioned that Dan Brown was not one of the finalists, though I thought he served UND well during his time with Hardee.

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