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Posts posted by scpa0305

  1. Always. The basketball teams used to get 3,000 to 4,000 or more on a pretty regular basis when they were good. Now they get 1,500 to 1,800 for almost all games. The hockey teams sold out the old arena when they were good. Half the building was empty at times when they weren't good. They have had sell out crowds for most of the past 10 years, but they have only had 1 bad year, and that was the 2nd year the building was open. Football averaged somewhere in the 8,000 to 10,000 when the teams were good in the old building, about half that or less some times during the bad stretch. And I already talked about football attendance in recent years where crowds averaged over 10,000 in the last years of DII and were close to 7,000 the last couple of years. I have probably been attending games longer than you have been alive and I have seen the crowds fluctuate a great deal.

    I don't doubt you on that.

  2. Attendance is down 3,000 per game for football during the transition. The team has had mixed success during that time, not all bad. There have been some decent opponents and some weak opponents. Prices for adults start at $15. These attendance numbers will continue to go down if the team loses most of its games. The numbers will go back up, plus more, with good opponents and if the team is successful. People will pay for good entertainment and if the team is winning. They won't go no matter what the price is if they don't think it's good entertainment or if the team is losing. If UND had a losing record like Alcorn State every year attendance will go down another 3,000+ per game. If the hockey team starts losing then attendance will also go down. Just look at hockey attendance in the early 1990s. The price isn't the factor. This is a fickle audience that won't support teams that aren't winning.

    Puuhhhlease! When has Sioux fans ever been fickle?!?

  3. O’Keefe said he worries about “the degree of divisiveness this has brought on UND, its alumni and friends,” including among faculty, families and former teammates. “Particularly in the past year and a half, the division has gone to nuclear levels.” From that article Sioux82 posted.

    This is very true....we're all Sioux (oh I meant UND fans :o)) and now we all hate each other. I have been posting on this site for roughly 2 months and have learned two things.....many of these posters don't know a heck of a lot about hockey other than Sioux hockey and if you vote No to measure 4 you might as well be mentally handicapped (sarcasm meant obviously to most of you childish posters). I find it funny how the same guys (you know who I'm talking about) blab all day about voting Yes (at no end), however, when a few of us try to note we support the No voters you all absolutely lose it. Many of you need to eat your own words.

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  4. People go to high school games because they go to the school, their kids go to the school or they know a kid playing in the game. And tickets to high school games are usually pretty cheap. College games are different. Most people don't know anyone that plays in the game. They go to support the program or the school; or because they are fans of the program or school. Most people don't go because of a nickname. They want the program and the teams to be successful at the highest level possible. Most people don't go to games if the teams are constantly losing. Attendance goes way down for teams that lose every year. That alone proves that people don't go to games for the nickname, because the nickname doesn't change from year to year like the winning record might. If UND had a regular losing record like Alcorn State then attendance would be a lot worse than it has been lately. People aren't going to pay $15 or more for a ticket to a game just so they can yell Go Sioux. And people aren't interested in paying those dollars to see UND play Mayville or Crookston. They want to see comparable schools. That is how the athletic department will lose major dollars if they are forced to keep the nickname.

    Come on man! $15? I bet the same people would still go.

  5. People on here keep bringing up articles and ideas that the Sioux need to go. My question to you is why. Most fans go to high school games not because their team plays the best in the state every week, but because they love their team in general. In the same idea don't you think we would be happier seeing the Sioux on the jerseys and cheering go Sioux more then what teams we play. I for one love calling out and the home of the Sioux at every event no mater where it is at with or with out Sioux sports present.Is money really that important?

    Watch out with that one buddy :)

  6. What keeps baffling me is that people are constantly coming on here and claiming, under what I can only label as "false hope", that the NCAA will magically decide to make the sanctions go away after a few years.

    Why in the f would they?!

    They have battled UND on this issue for years which still isn't settled and has caused them an enormous amount of headaches and manpower and money, do you really think they have a soft spot in their hearts for the Fighting Sioux school that has been a pain in their ass?

    They legally won, and people who have legally won DO NOT give back what they have won, especially if it means compromising their "integrity" on an issue...and yes I am using that term very loosely.

    Not scizophrenic, I think I may have false hope if what you all truly are saying is true. I don't think the sanctions will magically dissappear, however, I would like to think that the NCAA would be lenient with our school if they can see the native tribes are not offended (which they are obviously not). Maybe I am more pissed that we have to get rid of the logo and nickname for some bogus reason (like many of you also believe, however I just b!tch about it).

  7. For anyone in the Twin Cities area, the Lincoln Stars are having their invite camp this weekend at Ridder Arena. If they run it similar to Sioux Falls and Fargo, Luke Johnson and Paul LaDue should be there since it would include current players. I couldn't find a schedule anywhere online, but they usually run scrimmages and games all day. I'll probably be down there on either Saturday/Sunday or possibly both.

    Yeah I was thinking of checking it out.

  8. If there is even a chance the Big Sky could kick us out because of the issue, it is not worth it. If they kick us out, that's it. No league is going to want a team that was kicked out of their conference. NO ONE!!

    And Minnesota and Wisconsin willl not play us in any sport. And yes that includes hockey.

    Scare tactics....the NCAA was against the ropes....if vote goes no (or yes to the nickname) they will eventually be forced to pull the sanctions. However, their scare tactics has obviously scared everyone to the point of getting rid of the greatest logo and nickname in sports. Please do not listen to the coaches...look who pays them. I like Hak a lot...but I know he probably cares more about how he stands with his bosses than the nickname. The nickname is much more important to the fans and the people who have grown up in GF.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Most of the hockey I watched at the end of the year was playoff settting. I seen Portland play a regular season game 2 years ago and my thoughts were wow this team would destroy Fargo. CHL is a step above the USHL for sure. CHL vs NCAA would depend on the teams playing.

    Yes there is a pretty big difference with top end kids (blue chip prospects), however, there are also kids in the CHL that could never play college hockey (WCHA, HE, CCHA, etc). But overall you are correct, it would simply depend on the matchup. FYI, Portland is jacked up with prospects.

  10. At the same time could it also not be a good thing for college players? Back to poaching players though. What is the real difference between the CHL going for the same kids as two schools going for the same kids? Besides are not the schools poaching players from the CHL?

    There is no difference, however, the issue has been kids decommiting at the last second and going up to canada. If it were two CHL teams, once the contract is signed no other team can negotiate with that particular player. Actually once a kid is drafted no other team can talk to that kid. There must be some regulation in place where CHL GMs cannot negotiate with committed college players.

  11. Unfortunately we are beyond the point where tribal approval will get us anywhere with the NCAA. Yes, the Spirit Lake Tribe was late to the party granting us approval, but in the eyes of the NCAA, that doesn't matter. They have the signed settlement agreement that says we need both tribes approval. Is it worng...YES. Is the NCAA overeaching their power, Absolutely. But its their club and if we want to be in it, we have to follow by their rules. Its a crappy situation, but that is our only option for college sports.

    Yeah, I agree with you. Pretty sure the name will get voted out anyway.

  12. Of course its not fair. Spirit Lake Tribe voted to approve the name. But we are under sanctions because we didn't get approval from 2 tribes. Is it fair that Fla. St. only needed approval from 1 tribe, no. Is it fair that we are inecitably going to have to change our name while other schools with native american names get to keep theirs, no. But guess what, life's not fair. We keep the name, we live with the consequences. We retire it, we can move on. 5 years from now we will all see that this was the right thing to do. Sometimes you have to get the chip off your shoulder and accept the inevitable. You will be much better off.

    I agree with much of what you said....except that because FSU will still be the Seminoles.

  13. :huh:

    Where have I gone "grammar police" on you? I said don't feed the troll (you) earlier. I also pointed out scpa contradicted himself. That wasn't grammar, that was simply a factual problem with his statement.

    When did I contradict myself? I probably did, but just can't find it. Long story short, many of you guys want to keep the nickname because you would rather play SDSU than Jamestown, which now makes sense to me (although it is still below D-1 A which is all the same to me, however I agree when we have the chance to play the D-1 A teams and get rick-rolled it is still fun to watch for the first couple quarters (no sarcasm meant)). I simply think if this law does pass, the NCAA (after some time and arguements) will eventually let us off the hook. As for getting those games against liberal schools with money (UM, WIS, etc) probably won't happen. If the Seminoles can have their name so can we, I know we did it ass backwards, but at the end of the day there is no difference. They have approval, so do we...end of story. At a higher moral level, we have people of native decent fighting to keep the name....just doesn't make sense to me. They obviosuly do not find it offensive.

  14. Trust me when I say..EVERYBODY or at least 99.999% of everyone here wants the name and logo to stay. If there was a way to keep it and be off of sanctions I and everyone else would love to see that, but the reality is the NCAA already said they don't care about ND state law, and their policy still stands. That trip Al Carlson and others took to Indianapolis to meet with the NCAA was supposed to convince the NCAA to change their mind because of the state law. It didn't!! So now that UND's football team becomes playoff eligible this fall they could win their conference and still have to play all their playoff games on the road. They (UND) would be the home team but would be at NDSU, or at UNI, or at App State. Total disadvantage for our teams. The hockey team saw those sanctions when the NCAA said you guys show up in the tournament with any Sioux name or logo....you will have to forfeit. Was the NCAA bluffing? If they were then why did the UND team, band, etc. change uniforms. The sanctions are real and the only other team on sanctions is Alcorn State. They don't want to give up their Braves nickname. Just look at their team...towards the bottom of everything. Their glory days of McNair and Driver are gone because of sanctions. Those 2 NFL Superstars were drafted before the policy took place now the "Braves" are at the bottom of the SWAC. They go on the road as the A's not the Braves for any playoff game they are in. UND will have to do the same. Fighting Sioux at home and North Dakota "no nicknamers" on the road. Plus more teams are not scheduling UND just this year South Dakota State was added to the list. Which should alarm people because this isn't a major DI team this is a team in UND's backyard. What is next...NDSU, USD? What if certain conferences ban OOC play against UND like the Summit, or MVFC? The consequences are too great to take chances on this. Make it easy and vote YES on Measure 4 to retire the name.

    Yeah, sounds crazy. I bet were going to be changing our state names next. Anyway, what is the benefit to SDSU of playing us? You actually think it has something to do with our nickname? If so how? I can see UM and Wis because their schools are so liberal.

  15. I believe May 31 or June 1st the position closed. Then hr needs to run all their checks depending on who makes the vetting process a list of candidates are given to the hiring person. This could take a week or two for the process to run its course. You are probably looking at later this week or probably next week. Now when Hak decides to tell everyone is anyone's guess.

    k thanks

  16. We are not making up these horror stories. The sanctions are real. no home playoff games, schools not playing with us....those are not just stories, that is real life!

    I hear you on that front...those regionals in GF were awesome.

  17. OK....sorry guys my rant obviously offended some of you...and yes I am not expert on this subject. I simply want to keep the nickname and I don't believe the NCAA will be able to (nor would they want to) absolutely take everything away from us. Again, at the end of the day it is not like we are the only one's with this kind of nickname. By a small (very small) chance all the horror stories you guys keep making up are true...I say punt the nickname. Jeez, my last post sure rattled this thread a tad.

  18. Posuer? Is that all you got?

    Anytime you need a laugh you give me a call!

    Where was I?

    2003-2004 Al Fallujah, Iraq

    2005 Sharana, Afghanistan

    2005-2006 Western Baghdad, Iraq

    Thank You to all of you that sent me private emails. You are all class acts.

    If you can't say it in public, Only a coward would say it all.

    Don't listen to any of these guys on this site....they are all trying to fill everyone's heads with garbage. They are simply pusing (to no end) to get rid of the nickname and are bashing everyone and their mothers for saying otherwise. They are scared because the would rather play Southeastern south dakota school of mines rather than jamestown even though that has not officially been proven yet. Whatever division the football team plays in will be just fine...either way it isn't D-I A football, everything below, well, is just below. You can still go out and hope your team wins. As for it affecting the hockey team...it won't...we simply will not be playing againt the Gophs or Badgers. They'll come calling when they need their stadiums filled.

    • Upvote 2
  19. Who's bashing the CHL? I've seen mostly positive comments. Again, you can't seem to tolerate any criticism of the CHL.

    Most people are bashing the CHL for their practices in stealing away players that have already decided to go to college. You are really tone deaf if you expect Sioux hockey fans to stroke the CHL and thank them, as they continue poaching ours and other school's players.

    btw, the CHL plays too many games and because the older players aren't challenged enough, they need more time in the AHL than NCAA players, IMO. So I think the NCAA is better for most NHL prospects.

    Yeah I get the hatred towards the CHL for the poaching...I get that. I agree something needs to be done about that.

    Regarding your second comment....I guess I'm barking up the wrong tree here. Sioux board...not hockey board.

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